Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 379

Although he was on his home planet and had not reached the moon, Jarvis was acting as a remote support logistician. He can enjoy the real-time video of three teams simultaneously.

To put it simply.

That is, it has the conditions for remote live broadcast.

He only needs to connect what the three teams did on the moon to the live broadcast equipment and broadcast it to the whole world.

When Jarvis took out a few data cables to connect to the live broadcast equipment, he used the best network. After connecting the live broadcast content, he conducted it on the largest federal live broadcast platform in Kyushu and registered an account.

Although Jarvis has been responsible for live broadcasting before, he now does not want to use his previous live broadcast account for live broadcast.

He wants to create a new live broadcast account.

This way life is full of fun.

Jarvis established a live broadcast room on the live broadcast platform. The name of the live broadcast room is:

"A man is on the moon, looking for a dragon, what should he do?" 》

"Will there really be dragons on the moon?" 》

The first one is the main title, and the last one is the subtitle.

These two titles are two eye-catching titles that Jarvis came up with after learning from the big data screening system.

Because it was a newly registered account, and there was no professionalism or promotion, when he first started broadcasting, there was no one in the live broadcast room.

But Jarvis was not discouraged.

He wanted to see how long it would take to go from scratch to a live broadcast account with tens of millions of fans.

When Jarvis conducts a live broadcast, it is not a traditional live broadcast. The anchors have to appear in front of the camera in person to provide various explanations.

Jarvis is an artificial intelligence.

The live broadcast he does is naturally different.

He just used a piece of his smart code to live broadcast and created a handsome image on the Internet.

No, three handsome images were constructed.

One of them is a handsome handsome guy.

The other one is a greasy uncle.

The last one is a young girl with pure lust.

Each of these three virtual anchors is in charge of a live broadcast account.

The handsome guy is in charge of Lu Xingye's live broadcast account and is responsible for the commentary of Lu Xingye's exploration team. .

The greasy uncle is in charge of Tony's live broadcast account and is responsible for the commentary of Tony's exploration team.

Pure jade is a young girl who is in charge of Zhao Yinyun's live broadcast account and is responsible for the commentary of the school's Yinyun exploration team.

Because Jarvis is a powerful artificial intelligence.

So he split it up casually and created three smart programs to provide independent live broadcast commentary without any lag. And it makes people completely unable to tell that this is artificial intelligence live broadcast.

This is the great thing about Jarvis.

. . . . .

About 10 minutes passed.

About 10 people appeared in the live broadcast room of the pure-meat beauty anchor.

Sure enough, there is still a certain degree of attraction for beautiful women to live broadcast, and they have many more advantages than handsome men doing live broadcasts.

# : Sofa, I’m here to see the beauty.

# : Sofa, can beautiful women dance?

# : Today, I accidentally discovered a girl of pure desire.

# : I have to say that the beautiful anchor is really good-looking.

# : Just ask if you don’t understand. I just want to know what the beautiful anchor is doing now?

# : Can’t you read the title upstairs? The title of the live broadcast room completely explains what the live broadcast is about?

. . . . .

As the pop-up window in the live broadcast room fell, the audience shooters noticed the two titles in the live broadcast room. When they saw the contents of the two titles clearly, they were stunned, their eyes widened, and they were stunned. In disbelief.

"A man is on the moon, looking for a dragon, what should he do?" 》

"Will there really be dragons on the moon?" 》

. . . .

"Anchor, are you really on the moon? Actually, I'm on Mars. I just traveled to Mars. How about we have a conversation between the moon and Mars?"

"Sofa is actually the Jade Emperor. Now I have traveled to modern times in order to find my lost dragon."

"The anchor is so funny. He really dares to say anything. In order to gain attention, he dares to take any title. I was also drunk and didn't say anything. I reported it backhand."

302. Perfect avatar in June, the local uncle is full of gifts

This Jarvis virtual image, that is, the beautiful girl of pure desire, suddenly spoke.

That's the beautiful anchor.

The name of this beautiful anchor is June. She is a virtual image of Jarvis using smart code. She will now be responsible for the image of the anchor.

Originally, this pure and beautiful girl was responsible for broadcasting Zhao Yinyun's live broadcast, but then Jarvis had an idea and suddenly came up with a strange idea.

Zhao Yinyun leads the biochemical army.

Although the biochemical army is not weaker than the mechanical army, and even in some aspects, it is much stronger than some mechanical armies and super fragments composed of humans themselves, the biochemical army is generally not accepted by the mother. A topic that has always been criticized.

The development of biochemical technology is even prohibited in some organizations. After thinking again and again, Jarvis felt that this live broadcast could not continue because if the live broadcast of biochemical technology appeared in front of the audience, it would cause great controversy.

Biochemical technology is a double-edged sword.

If used well, it will be beneficial to the development of Blue Star. If used improperly, it will even be cursed by countless people and evolve into zombies and a Death Star.

So after careful consideration, Jarvis decided to transfer the live broadcast of this beautiful girl to Lu Xingye.

The avatar of the handsome guy who was originally responsible for Lu Xingye's live broadcast was directly removed by him.

Let's switch to this beautiful girl for the live broadcast.

The live broadcast screen suddenly flashed, and after a moment of snowflakes appearing, the live broadcast screen reappeared in front of everyone.

In this short moment, Jarvis had switched the live broadcast camera to Lu Xingye.

"Commander, Commander, please don't blame me for broadcasting on you,"

"With such a handsome face like yours, and the fact that I'm chasing such a beautiful girl like you, the ratings of the live broadcast must be very impressive."

"To put it simply, this is equivalent to a popular science program,"

"If Suihuo Technology wants to advance into the universe, it must promote these popular science programs and do its best to upgrade the transformational technology. Only in this way will the public be more receptive to the space program of social science and technology, so he conducted this live broadcast for 100 years. No benefit at all."

At the same time on the other side.

The beautiful anchor named June began to speak quietly.

"Hello everyone, I am a new anchor, June."

"You can call me June, you can call me Xiaoliu, or you can even call me 666."

As June greeted the public, the dozen or so people in the live broadcast room instantly became active.

There’s no particular reason, it’s just that June is so beautiful.

"I'm so beautiful. The host can still smile, and the smile is bright, with two small dimples showing on the side, which look like blossoming roses. This looks too delicate."

"What are the dimples of a beautiful anchor? Have you noticed that the beautiful anchor's skin is really awesome?"

"I took a closer look just now. The beautiful anchor's skin is as white as milk. It only looks white and tender. You can't even tell how comfortable it is when you touch it."

"How about this. My wife in June, I will give you a few carnivals, and you give me a handful. I would rather eat less Yangshou than accept this."

"What nonsense are you thinking upstairs? Is anchor June your wife? June belongs to everyone. He will never get married in his life. He is the goddess of all of us."

"Speaking of which, why are all of you paying attention to the image of the beautiful anchor? Do you only care about appearance? The most important thing for us is to watch the live broadcast content."

The wolf brothers in the live broadcast room looked at June's figure.

They all drooled.

There are even some wolf friends who can’t help but kiss the beautiful anchor. Although they were separated from the camera, June was so beautiful that it still caused a feeling of heat in their hearts.

Jarvis is to blame for this.

As a super tool man in Minesweeper, he basically has the portrait of a girl. Jarvis has a character that pursues perfection. He either does not make avatars, or if he makes avatars, he strives to be perfect.

June is the product of his pursuit of perfection.

To put it simply.

June brings together the best features, the most beautiful faces, and the most beautiful and smooth skin of women in the world.

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