Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 380

It is no exaggeration to say that no one in the world can resist the temptation of June.

If you want to ask Jarvis why he made June so beautiful.

I'm afraid the teacher will give you one sentence.

"Don't ask. Asking is my bad taste. You can't understand."

"Hello fans, I am your anchor June."

"Here I want to explain a problem to you. You cannot deduct your wife in the live broadcast room, you can only deduct 6666. Otherwise, I will ban you. There is also a set of dragon services."

June's delicate face spoke calmly, her voice was soothing, and it sounded very comfortable.

This voice appeared among the fans in the live broadcast room along with the live broadcast. They were suddenly intoxicated, as if they had met their first love.

Among them is a fan named Uncle Tu.

This is the man who said in the live broadcast room just now that he would lose 10 years of his life in order to touch a beautiful anchor.

He also called his wife just now.

Although Uncle Tu saw what June said, he didn't take it seriously.

The reason why the anchor is the anchor is because the anchor comes to have fun.

Why do anchors want to be anchors?

You may even betray your appearance and let millions of people watch your performance in front of the screen.

Nothing else.

Just because of the money.

Uncle Tu believes that any beautiful anchor who dresses up in front of the live broadcast camera is just for money.

To exaggerate, these gorgeously dressed female anchors are trying to lure Kaizi to recharge her money.

There is a saying that goes well.

"Any beautiful anchor has an inexplicable relationship with his number one."

Uncle Tu feels that if he becomes number one in the live broadcast room, he can ask for WeChat in June, and he might even find an opportunity to overthrow the other party.

Uncle Tu thought about it and suddenly became active.

Then he picked up his mobile phone to recharge. He was a rich second generation and didn't care about the most valuable money.

After recharging,

The reward gifts will be filled directly.

[Ding...Uncle Tu has given you a carnival reward]

[Ding...Uncle Tu has given you a carnival reward]

[Ding...Uncle Tu has given you a carnival reward]

[Ding...Uncle Tu has given you a carnival reward]

Countless gifts suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room to flood the screen.

But these rewards and gifts are all given by the same person, that is, the person whose ID is Uncle Tu.

Each carnival reward is equivalent to 10,000 yuan.

And now carnivals are constantly appearing on the screen. It seems that there are at least dozens of them. In just a moment, hundreds of thousands of rewards are given?


303. Lu Xingye’s mechanical army, Rabbit has entered the interstellar era.

"I wonder who this picture guy is. He actually posted dozens of carnival pictures in the live broadcast room."

"It's so fucking awesome."

"This is Uncle Tu, he is really your uncle. He can make money without blinking an eye."

All the voices in the live broadcast room rang out.

At this time, the faint voice of Uncle Tu came again, or to be more precise, it was not Uncle Tu's faint voice, but the special effect that appeared on the screen when Uncle Tu bought gifts.

Uncle Tu saw that the carnival campaign failed to arouse June's reaction, so he immediately changed his approach.

[Ding...Uncle Tu has given you a carnival reward]

[Honey, please check your private message email. I just sent you a private message. Please reply to me.]

[Ding...Uncle Tu has given you a carnival reward]

[Honey, please check your private message email. I just sent you a private message. Please reply to me.]

[Ding...Uncle Tu has given you a carnival reward]

[Honey, please check your private message email. I just sent you a private message. Please reply to me.]

Immediately afterwards,

Dozens of carnivals are coming again.

It's so inhumane.

"This uncle is really awesome. The gift he gave in the live broadcast room just now must be worth 1 million yuan."

"You see, this Master Tu truly loves and protects June well."

"If you don't accept it, you can kill millions like you did in June."

"Then I can't do that. I'm not as rich as Mr. Tu."

"But I don't think Jun Yue can last long under the offensive of Uncle Tu. He swiped 1 million in such a short moment, and then asked him to read the information in the private message. Who would refuse?"

"I guess the anchor in June must be looking at the time information now. Maybe Uncle Tu has stated in the private message that his contact information is the same, and the beautiful anchor contacts him to conduct offline transactions."

"This is really possible, don't say it."

"But I have a different view than you. Didn't the anchor just say it in June? You are not allowed to talk about your wife in the live broadcast room. If someone talks about your wife, they will be kicked out directly and blacklisted from the one-stop service. Now Uncle Tu Talking about his wife openly in the live broadcast room shows Sima Zhao's true intentions. I think the beautiful anchor will kick the uncle away."

"You were really joking upstairs."

"Upstairs, do you still think this is the age of innocence in the ivory tower school? This is society. Society is material, and everything is about money. Uncle Tu has spent more than 1 million gold coins to protect the anchor in June. Do you think the anchor will Block this kind of God of Wealth?"

"Obviously, that's not going to happen."

Then, while everyone was talking in the live broadcast room, something happened that most people could not imagine.

June anchor frowned and pursed his lips.

Although this is an angry look, his angry look has a unique charm and looks even more beautiful.

This is also the best-looking angry look that Jarvis found after comparing portraits of goddesses around the world. Therefore, no matter what kind of emotions June shows, it will always look good in the eyes of the public.

"You are disobedient."




The June anchor said it three times in a row, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if he was impatient.

Soon everyone discovered that the local uncle's ID number had been blocked by June.



"...The most difficult time was during the live broadcast in June, and the local uncle blocked him. He was not a local uncle, but a God of Wealth. He could earn 1 million for the broadcaster in one minute. How dare you call this kind of uncle a blacklist in June? Woolen cloth."

"Damn, this is unscientific."


"I really like it. June is everyone's goddess, not Uncle Tu. He belongs to one person. This kind of person should be blocked. I support the anchor to block him."

"Have you noticed that the anchor in June seems to be more beautiful when he is angry, which arouses my desire to conquer even more? What should I do?"

"I want it so bad!"

At this time, June's cold voice came again.

"It is forbidden to discuss some over-the-line issues in the live broadcast room."

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