Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 381

"Please watch the live broadcast carefully."

“Otherwise banning will also block the one-stop service.”

As June's voice fell, sure enough, some red-light district topics in the live broadcast room were quickly blocked.

Some fans who challenged the rules mentioned in June were directly banned and blocked from the one-stop service.

After a few minutes of rectification in the live broadcast room in June.

The order in the live broadcast room finally returned to normal.

In fact, June Yue also knew in his heart that those who caused the most trouble in the live broadcast room just now were usually old pornographic critics.

For this old batch.

He usually doesn't show mercy and directly blacklists a one-stop service.

As for those who really come in and watch the live broadcast.

June is naturally very welcome.

"The June anchor's live broadcast room has finally quieted down, and you can start live broadcasting."

"By the way, what is the content of the live broadcast by the anchor in June? I am looking forward to the discovery of ancient creatures on the moon."

"I discovered the dragon on Mars."

"Stop pretending upstairs, let's quietly watch the next live broadcast of the beautiful anchor."


"I am really like Mars. When I talk to you, why don't any of you believe me?"

As this person's voice fell, there was a silence in the live broadcast room.

If everyone gathered together now, I'm afraid a stupid look would be thrown directly at this spectator's face.

But they didn't keep everyone waiting for long. At this time, June's faint voice came again.

"Hello everyone, the live broadcast has officially started now."

"Please look at the footage from the live broadcast room."

"This is the picture of our great commander exploring the moon."

Then the footage in the live broadcast room appeared in front of everyone.

The live broadcast room footage appears in front of everyone in the form of aerial photography.

At the front is a row of T900 liquid metal robots.

Behind them were a bunch of multi-functional first-hand vehicles and multi-functional robots, which looked very scary, like a mechanical disaster.

These 1,000 robots and multi-purpose vehicles are constantly walking and jumping on the moon.

"Isn't it synthetic at the back?"

"I am a professional, and I can guarantee with my personality that the live broadcast by the anchor in June was definitely shot on site and not computer-generated."

"Because the pictures are so real, every frame is in it. All the visuals are shot very well. If it were computer-generated, it would never be possible to achieve this level."

"You said the content broadcast by the anchor is true?"

"Isn't that right?"

Fans who were in the live broadcast room felt relieved after hearing the analysis by professional fans.

If the live broadcast footage is real.

Doesn’t that mean that the anchor is on the moon in June?

If the live broadcast footage is real.

So what are these d900 liquid robots in front of the camera?

Terminator? ? ?

? ? ?

304. Terminator T900, a big killer

Everyone in the live broadcast room was very shocked. They stared blankly at the live broadcast screen and were silent for several seconds before they slowly came to their senses.

It's like two nerves in the brain suddenly disconnected.

After a few seconds, the two nerves were reconnected, and the consciousness in the mind began to move again.

After these fans reacted, they all asked questions to the beautiful anchor June.

"Is the T900 liquid robot on the screen the liquid robot in The Terminator? The anchor can please explain."

"The Terminator T900 liquid robot appeared on the live broadcast screen. I suddenly felt that the beautiful anchor was instantly unsatisfactory. Wouldn't it be nice to have 7900 liquid robots like this?"

"Is everyone's focus on the T900, the liquid robot? Am I the only one who noticed the bumps on the ground in the live broadcast?"

"The ring on the ground is a bit like a rockery and uneven. This is a typical lunar surface!"

"Everyone, I have a bold idea. Because the beautiful anchor said she was live broadcasting on the moon, does that mean the anchor is really on the moon?"


When all the fans heard this, they suddenly took a breath of cold air and stared at the live broadcast with wide eyes, looking in disbelief.

After listening to what the fans said, anchor June Yuer smiled slightly and showed an amiable smile.


To describe this smile as affable is not quite accurate.

It should be described as a pure jade smile.

June’s smile is so beautiful that it blooms in the heart of life.

All the fans were instantly elated, looking ahead and quietly waiting for the anchor's next explanation.

They were not surprised. After a while, anchor June's faint voice came over, but June did not explain his live broadcast location again, but started talking about the T900 liquid robot in the live broadcast screen.

"Everyone's guess is correct. This is a T900 liquid robot. As for the number of appearances of this liquid robot? Please take a guess."

As soon as the June host's voice landed in the live broadcast room, countless pop-ups popped up.

After Lieutenant General Tu was kicked out of the live broadcast room just now, the order in the live broadcast room finally returned to normal.

People answered the questions seriously, and all those who were not serious or perverts were kicked out by him.

Including those big tycoons, the eldest brother was also kicked out by him.

What Jarvis needs is not people’s rewards, but a large amount of continued popularity.

Now that Tunhuo Technology has become the top company on the home planet, he is not short of money.

Even if he wants this world, he can get it instantly, but what Little Weiss needs is not these. What he needs is popularity. The more people there are, the better.

If the popularity grows.

In the future, the influence of Suihuo Technology will become greater and greater.

that's all.

Only Tunnel Fire Technology can become a transcendent black technology company similar to the protective umbrella in the movie.

That is, a detached force without any restrictions.

It is neither influenced nor restricted by anyone, but it can restrict anyone.

At this time, the pop-up windows in the live broadcast room are all similar, and they basically point to the same answer.

"Beautiful anchor, don't ask questions like this to get points. For this kind of open-book exam, even if you ask it 100 times, my answer will be Suihuo Technology."

"Other than Tunhuo Technology, which other company in the world can have such an excellent and advanced robot?"


"Such an excellent liquid robot can only be made by Suihuo Technology."

"Beauty anchor, is my guess correct? The liquid robot above is Suihuo Technology."

Listening to the pop-up window among fans in the live broadcast room, June smiled faintly.

Or rather Jarvis smiled faintly.

June Beauty Anchor is a set of intelligent programs of Jarvis, so what people say to June Anchor is actually what they say to Jarvis.

Jarvis is behind all this.

Jarvis was very happy when he heard the fans' answer and smiled with satisfaction.

Because this answer from fans proves that Tunhuo Technology’s influence on everyone is growing.

This is the beginning of a black technology cone.

"Thank you, fans"

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