Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 382

"Your guess is correct, it is the 4t900 liquid robot."

"During the live broadcast, please allow me to introduce to you a related function of t900."

"First of all, T900 is an advanced liquid robot developed and manufactured by Tony, a scientist in our suitable science and technology laboratory."

"This liquid robot is made of the world's most advanced liquid materials. It can be invulnerable and can also turn into water, the softest thing in the world."

"Liquid metal is extremely resilient."

"To put it simply, liquid robots are different from traditional robots in that they have healing properties,"

"Give me a simple example."

"Suppose this liquid robot is fatally attacked and its body is divided into several pieces. The brain, its energy core, and limbs are all destroyed."

"In this state of serious injury, do you think that T90 has lost its combat effectiveness or even died?"

When the June host said this, his voice moved slightly, and he gave up for a while, and then the faint business continued to come out.


"If you think that the T900 will be scrapped like this, you are wrong. You are absolutely wrong."

"I have just introduced you to a characteristic of the liquid robot, which is its ability to recover. It is made of the best liquid metal in the world."

"Even if you flatten, crush, or even crush the liquid robot in various ways, the T900 robot will not lose its combat effectiveness."

"The T900 liquid robot will not be destroyed like traditional robots. It is the main battle or disgusting. Its combat power is composed of a new liquid alloy. Even if it is destroyed, the main brain and core can be healed. It will take about a few seconds. It can be restored to its original state in an instant.”

"To put it simply."

"It is basically impossible to destroy the T900 liquid robot instantly with current technology. Unless you have such a weapon that can instantly destroy all the liquid metal of the T900 liquid robot. Only in this way can you kill Kill a liquid robot.”

"Otherwise everything you do will be in vain."

When the beauty anchor June said this, her voice paused again, and her mouth pursed slightly. Looks incredibly cute.


The voice spread throughout the live broadcast room again.

"In addition to its excellent recovery properties, the T900 liquid robot also has very strong combat effectiveness."

305. Major discovery on the far side of the moon

"The liquid metal of the T900 liquid robot can easily change its state and transform into a variety of attack weapons."

"For example:"

"When the T900 liquid robot is needed, the liquid metal in the T900 liquid robot's hands can be melted away, and deformed to assemble it into air cannons, ghost cannons, and some antimatter annihilators."

"Especially the air cannon, a weapon with unlimited firepower, no other weapon can rival it."

"In addition to being able to transform into weapons, the T900 liquid robot can also transform into some cars, some robotic arms, and some advanced tools."

When the voice of June's anchor said this, the live broadcast room instantly boiled. Countless people were excited watching the live broadcast, and they couldn't help themselves with excitement for a long time.

If what the beautiful anchor said is true.

That proves that the specific 900 liquid robot in front of you is not just a robot but also a Variety King Kong, or a Transformer.

7900 liquid robot can be customized according to your needs. Turn into cannons, rockets, airplanes, cars, and more.

What is this concept?

This is a transformation of weapons.

If people guessed correctly, if this kind of kicking lasts for a long time and the more robots come out of the world, then all traditional weapons in the world will undergo a series of changes.

In other words, there is only one name for weapons in this world, which is weapons made of liquid metal.

Except for weapons made of liquid metal, nothing else can be called a weapon.

Liquid Robot's liquid metal has this ability.

"Anchor, please be a human being!"

"Where can you find such an excellent and advanced robot as Life Technology? Tell me honestly, are you a staff member of Life Technology?"

Now some fans have begun to question the identity of June's beautiful anchor, but they themselves are not unreasonable. Such an excellent liquid robot must be something from the Tunhuo Technology Laboratory.

They couldn't think of anywhere else that could produce something as good as this.


Now only a picture of a T900 liquid metal robot appeared on the screen.

The other GT90 liquid metal robots were scattered, or blocked by Jarvis's technical means. The picture he played in front of all the viewers in the live broadcast room only contained one liquid robot.

So much so that everyone thought it was very difficult to make this kind of T90 liquid robot.

Even if the laboratory of Suihuo Technology can produce this kind of liquid robot.

That's something that's also in the laboratory concept.

There is simply no way to achieve mass production.

However, everyone's speculation is not unreasonable. If this kind of heaven-defying thing is given to him to play dozens or hundreds of sentences, then which chairman in the world can resist the attack of a basic music robot? .

Because everyone is afraid.

Therefore, no one hopes that Suihuo Technology can mass-produce such a terrifying killer weapon.

Therefore, they all subconsciously believe that this kind of thing is in the laboratory and cannot be mass-produced at all.

"I am a staff member in the technology industry. My identity is kept secret for the time being. You can make a bold guess."

June smiled softly at the people in the live broadcast room.


"The Suihuo technology is really yyds."

"I always thought that Suihuo Technology was an excellent national enterprise, but I didn't expect that it would secretly develop technology to this extent."

"If the anchor did not broadcast live, we would have thought that the technology of Suihuo Technology would still be at its original level, which is to introduce some categories of home robots and cleaning robots."

"What I never expected is that Suihuo Technology will be able to produce the T900 liquid robot in the Terminator. This is really outrageous."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it."

"Brothers in the live broadcast room, do you think there is such a thing? Maybe this kind of picture is synthesized, or the beautiful anchor is showing this kind of picture in a way that we don't know."

"Actually this picture is false."

"Suihuo Technology cannot produce the T900 liquid robot at all."

"This live broadcast is just to attract attention."

The topic of questioning fans in the live broadcast room has just emerged, and it was even criticized by another group of fans who insist on supporting Tunhuo Technology and some anti-counterfeiting fighters.

"It can't be fake."

"Suihuo Technology is my spiritual belief. Suihuo Technology is impossible to fake."

"I think you don't know how good Tunhuo Technology is. Can you give our national enterprise a little more trust in the department?"

"I consulted professional video analysts and some video editors, and they all said that this picture is absolutely real and was definitely shot by actual people. If you don't believe it, you can record the live video and send it to Relevant research organizations have conducted analyzes and it is absolutely true.”

These anti-counterfeiting fighters, or fans who support all technologies, are also very powerful. They not only analyzed whether the live broadcast content is true from various angles, but also provided various evidences.

He speaks so clearly that it's hard not to believe him.

In addition, they also explained the phone number of the relevant research and analysis host at the end.

If they feel they fell asleep during the live video, they can call at any time and this department will report it and they will conduct professional video analysis.

With this group of solid fans supporting Tunhuo Technology.

Those voices questioning Suihuo Technology quickly disappeared in the live broadcast room.

At this time, the faint voice of beautiful anchor June came over again.

"Hello everyone."

"I can use my personality to assure you that the content I live broadcast is real and not fake at all."

"Although I have not been on the moon personally, the staff of our Tunnel and Fire Department are already in place on the moon."

At this time, June's beautiful anchor wasn't trying to show off, she directly revealed the target of her live broadcast.

"Actually, I am our commander's exploration live broadcast."

"Our commander Lu Xingye is conducting a secret exploration on the moon."

"Oh my God!"

"What's this?"

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