Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 383

June, the beautiful anchor who was live broadcasting, suddenly pursed her lips almost like a cherry, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

Immediately, she turned the live broadcast camera around and moved it to the exploration robot on the front line of Suihuo Technology.

"This is……"

“What kind of skeleton is this???”


June's delicate face was stunned.

306. The skeleton of ancient creatures was found on the moon


The T900 in front made a loud bang along with the dangerous operation, and the high-strength explosives exploded to reveal the soil deep in the moon.

The soil separated from both sides, revealing something buried deep underground. It was the skeleton of a divine dragon.

This dragon skeleton has five claws.

Although there is only a skeleton left, the power exuding from it is as majestic as the abyss, and the death energy that surrounds the body is so oppressive that it makes it difficult to breathe.

This sudden appearance of a dead thing makes it impossible to ignore its power.

"Oh my god, why do I feel a sense of oppression coming from the depths of my heart when I see this skeleton? My heart can even be said to be trembling. It's hard to imagine how powerful this divine dragon bone was during its lifetime."

"Did you see it?"

"Although the divine dragon skeleton in front of me is already dead, he still exudes the aura of a strong man around him."

"As tens of millions of years have passed, the skeleton of this giant dragon has not decayed, but has become gleaming like life."

"How is this going?"

"Is this a materialistic world? Why does the skeleton of Shenlong appear in this world? Is it forged by humans? Or does the skeleton of Shennong originally exist in nature?"

"I have always believed in scientism, but now, this scene has had a strong impact on my three views. Is science necessarily correct? Is theology necessarily false?"

"If science is true, then theology has been rejected by me a long time ago. How could this huge and intimidating dragon skeleton appear in front of me?"

“If theology is true, where does that leave science?”

"If the theology is true, then scientific civilization has been denied in these decades, and people are bound to fall into a state of self-doubt."


The beauty anchor in June has indeed not paid attention to the excitement in the live broadcast room.

His mission is to live broadcast everything on the moon to everyone, regardless of whether everyone can accept it or not.

What he needs to do is to expand the influence of Tunnel Fire Technology as much as possible and let social technology implant a belief in everyone's hearts.

"Well, hello fans, now through the live broadcast footage, you can clearly see that our commander has made a major discovery on the moon, and found something suspected to be the skeleton of a dragon on the moon."

"The anchor, like you, is very interested in the dragon skeleton that appears on the screen. Let's watch the live broadcast together."

After speaking in June, the anchor hid his profile picture, allowing the entire moon image to fill the entire screen.

To put it simply, it means that the live broadcast screen appears completely in front of the live broadcast camera without being interfered by his portrait.

The scene in the live broadcast footage now looks like this.

Lu Xingye stood at a special location on the back side of the moon. This month, the special location was a large basin. There was a row of rockeries around the basin. Outside the rockery was a cliff. There were many multifunctional robots working in front of it.

Except for the T90 liquid robot that is guarding the surroundings.

All other multi-functional robots and lunar rovers have entered the lunar crater to excavate. Although the explosives have just blasted several gaps on the lunar surface, manual excavation is still required to fully expose the skeleton inside.

This lunar crater is more than 10 meters deep and 20 meters wide. It looks very large, just like the tomb of an ancient emperor.

Instead of a multi-purpose robot, a lunar rover went in and out, digging out the dirt inside.

The outermost ring is filled with liquid robots at the head and super soldiers supervising all around.

Lu Xingye stood at the front and watched, with a hint of concern in his eyes.

Although Tunnel Fire Technology has no rivals on the moon, he still has to prepare for some worst-case scenarios.

After all, the moon belongs to the realm of space, and it is also the first stop outside the mother planet. If some alien creatures are entrenched here, or watching with eager eyes, it will pose some fatal threat to him, and he will never allow this. things happen.

In fact, Lu Xingye also discovered a problem now, that is, the army he brought was mainly divided into three categories. The first category was a T900 robot responsible for fighting.

The second category is multi-functional soldiers and lunar rovers, responsible for multi-functional excavation, food and search work.

The third category of arms is super soldiers, also known as clones. Although clones have relatively high flexibility and strong combat effectiveness, they can also serve as exploration tools.

But it is undeniable that it has a huge disadvantage, that is, there are no flying units.

The hot ball is a space domain. There are no flying units in the space domain, which means there is no so-called air superiority. If you encounter an enemy in this position, it will be very fatal.

Originally, he only thought about the three-team competition, but did not consider the air superiority aspect, so now he has lost most of his initiative.

If they are attacked by flying units, they will be difficult to parry.


If Lu Xingye returned to the spaceship now to replace troops, or send some flying units down, then the fairness of the three teams between him, Tony, and Zhao Yinyun would be destroyed.

Their competition has no real meaning.

Now Lu Xingye finally found an interesting thing, but he didn't want to do it, so he had to risk the danger and continue to explore the moon with these three types of troops.

As the excavation proceeds, the complete skeleton of Shenlong will soon appear in front of everyone.

The first thing that comes up is.

Shennong's skull.

Cephalosaurus is 4.6 meters long and weighs about 430 kilograms. The skull is surprisingly thick and swollen, shaped like a roof, with a height of up to 25 centimeters, and the protruding part is solid.

The dragon's skull has a three-layer structure.

This first layer is the hard exoskeleton aspect, which makes the skull hard and difficult to damage by foreign objects.

The second layer is a rich blood vessel structure and some biological fibers, which can buffer external forces well and protect the brain well.

The third layer is the spongy body that disperses impact force. Its function is similar to that of the previous vascular structure, which is to protect the brain.

From the head down are the dragon's neck and limbs. There are five claws on the outside of the limbs.

This is a five-clawed divine dragon.

The most unbelievable thing is that the Tianling Cap of Shenlong's hard skull was actually penetrated by someone with violence.

A broken sword was roughly stuck on the dragon's skull.

Those broken swords were stained with rust.

It looks like a rusty kitchen knife.

But the Broken Sword can break open the dragon's skull, so it's obvious that the Broken Sword is also very extraordinary.

This section of the broken sword was inserted from the Tianling Cap of Shenlong's head and penetrated through Shenlong's entire skull. It looked extremely terrifying.

307. Unprecedented, live broadcast to the moon, live broadcast room exploded

"Oh my God, what on earth is this? The huge skeleton seems to be that of Jackie Chan, but why was Shenlong killed?"

"Dragon has been a very legendary creature in our mythology since ancient times."

"The dragon is a kind of divine beast, with the ability to destroy the heaven and the earth."

"When they saw the skeleton of the divine dragon, they immediately knew that what was said in historical legends was not necessarily false."

"Because the god has been dead for so long and was buried deep underground, there is still such high pressure when digging it out. This is definitely not something ordinary creatures can do."

"I am becoming more and more interested in the content of the anchor's live broadcast in June. Do you think we will be a group of people who witness historical miracles?"

"Hard to say."

"Judging from the current live broadcast, the commander of Suihuo Technology, Lu Xingye, must be on the far side of the moon."

"But this dragon skeleton needs to be further confirmed. If it is confirmed that this is really the skeleton of a dragon, maybe we will really witness history.

"The development of science has always been based on scientific truth and opposed theology. However, the discovery of the dragon skeleton may reaffirm whether theology has been denied."

Fans in the live broadcast room were very excited for a while.

Everyone looked at the screen intently, waiting with anticipation for this historical highlight moment to arrive.

They may have come in with the view of watching beautiful women just now, but now their mentality has changed. They no longer want to watch the beautiful anchor June. Instead, what they are more interested in is Lu Xingye, the chairman of Suhe Technology. What exactly was found on the far side of the moon?

The popularity in the live broadcast room is also getting higher and higher.

Although June is just a newcomer, the anchor was not very popular at the beginning.

The traffic in the live broadcast room depends entirely on people clicking in accidentally.

The live broadcast platform also did not promote June.

But as time goes by, and the live broadcast content of the anchor in June is very exciting, he is the only one on the entire network doing live broadcasts on the back of the moon. It can be said that there is no semicolon. People want to watch this kind of popular science live broadcast. Yes, you can only come to the live broadcast room in June.

that's all.

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