Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 384

When people spread word of mouth.

In June, the anchor's live broadcast room became more and more popular, and the platform did not even need to actively promote it.

His live broadcast room has gained a lot of popularity.

Thanks to word of mouth, the number of people online in the live broadcast room easily exceeded 10,000 at this time.

After the anchor reached a live broadcast room worth 10,000 yuan in June, he was basically on par with some big anchors. The staff at the backend of the live broadcast platform also discovered this intention. After some inspections, they found that June is a live broadcast with great potential. , and then with a wave of his hand, he was given massive promotional resources.

In an instant.

With the concerted efforts of the promotion platform and June anchors.

The traffic in the live broadcast room instantly received a qualitative improvement.

From a ten-thousand-year-old live broadcast room at the beginning, it instantly increased to 100,000 people, or even hundreds of thousands of people. ,

About half an hour later, June’s live broadcast room had reached a terrifying 500,000 people online in real time.

This terrifying live broadcast traffic.

It has even surpassed most anchors.

It is on par with some second- and third-tier traffic stars.

As a wild novice anchor, it can be said to be very remarkable to be able to do this. At the same time, the boss in the live broadcast room continued to post private messages last June, asking everyone to sign a contract with the live broadcast platform.

However, the goal of the anchor in June was not to obtain a high-dollar contract, so he ignored the boss of the live broadcast platform and continued to live broadcast in his own way.

Soon the live broadcast in June was on the hot search list of live broadcasts without any suspense.

And it ranks high in the 3rd position on the list.

If a new anchor can enter the top three in the live broadcast room traffic, this thing will suppress all the veteran anchors.

If you are an individual in June, you can just blow it for a year.

At the same time, the faint voice of the anchor June came from the other side.

"Hello fans, we can clearly see through the live broadcast that the chairman of Shuhe Technology has been dug up by Lu Industry and is suspected to be the skeleton of an ancient dragon from Kyushu."

"This discovery is remarkable."

"This discovery is no less than Copernicus's discovery of the New World."

"But what Commander Lu Xingye discovered is not something we can make public yet. When Lu Xingye comes back from the moon, we can start a biochemical laboratory. Analyze the stock price of the suspected Senlong. If it is really Shenlong’s words are so incredible.”

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense and let's watch the content of the live broadcast."

At this point, the anchor in June paused himself appropriately and designed a suspense so that all the brothers in the live broadcast room could stay in suspense and continue watching the live broadcast clearly.

at the same time.

Lu Xingye also stood on the moon kang and continued to dig. Although he brought a large number of industrial robots, the speed of digging this area was not slow. It can be said that it took about two or three hours to dig out a small hill.

But even after digging for an hour, the skeleton of the dragon has not been completely dug out.

The reason is that the skeleton of Shenlong is too large, and most of it is deep underground on the moon.

The area it needs to be dug up is very large.

And he still has to do his best to keep the moon's skeleton intact, so he can't dig too fast.

This resulted in him playing for more than an hour and still not digging out the dragon's skeleton.

But now the skeleton of the Shenlong has begun to appear. You can clearly see the head of the Shenlong, the two-clawed and five-clawed Shenlong in front, and most of the torso.

It's just that the dragon's tail and horns haven't been dug out yet.

All the fans in the live broadcast room gasped and watched Commander Lu Xingye slowly excavating the Shenlong skeleton.


Lu Xingye, who was standing on the moon and presiding over the excavation work, did not realize that he had been sold by Jarvis, the artificial intelligence.


That's right.

Lu Xingye did not ask Jarvis to live broadcast.

The live broadcast that Jarvis is currently conducting is entirely Jarvis's own act.

If Lu Xingye knew that he was being beaten live by Shi Shi, he would definitely not do such an unhandsome thing.

at the same time,

Lu Xingye felt very proud when he saw that the excavation was completed immediately. He felt that he was basically guaranteed to win the competition with the three teams.

Because he was the first to discover the Shenlong skeleton, and the two of them had not heard any news yet.

This is a huge benefit.

When she thought of this, Lu Xinyue quickly dialed the phone and at the same time made a video call with Zhao Yinyun and Tony.

308. Lu Xingye video connection, Tony and Zhao Yinyun, the two old men

"Hey, Commander, you called my number. What's the matter?"

"Hello, Commander."

After the phone rang twice, who knew that you and Zhao Yinyun answered the phone respectively. Although the two of them are independent captains, they still have very high respect for the hive's supreme commander.

"How is your exploration going? I think our competition is about to come to an end."

Lu Xingye smiled softly at the two of them.

But his eyes were fixed on the scene behind the two of them.

The scene behind Zhao Yinyun was a desolate Gobi desert.

Although it can be seen that Zhao Yinyun is also around a moon crater.

But no traces of excavation were seen.

There were no signs of large-scale construction, so Lu Xingye concluded that Zhao Yinyun had not made many big discoveries yet.

Or maybe the other party has already made a large-scale discovery, but he is not prepared to tell him.

Therefore, Zhao Yunyun deliberately moved to a different place before answering the phone to hide what was supposed to be in front of him.


Lu Xingye felt that Zhao Yinyun should not be such a sixth person, so he concluded that the other party must not have discovered anything. Even if there was any discovery, it would be a small discovery and not as big as his discovery.

Lu Xingye suddenly relaxed his guard a lot.

Then he turned his head and looked at Tony, the sixth man.

As for Tony, the old man, his background is even more mysterious.

Because there is a desert behind Tony and the sea in the background, it is very clear that before you answer the phone, you, the sixth man, have specially processed your background. The background displayed now must be virtual. Background, if you judge based on his background, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

Originally, Lu Xingye wanted to inspect the progress of the two parties' exploration through this Internet phone call.

I didn’t expect that these two people were both the sixth child.

As for one person, he found nothing.

One person changed the background of his video.

Lu Xingye suddenly felt that there was a big problem with both of them.

Originally, Lu Xingye just thought there was something wrong with Tony, because with his background changed like this, it was easy to see that there was something wrong.

But then he just thought about it.

Lu Xingye suddenly felt that there was something wrong with these two people. .

Tony, a loyal and honest scientist, knew how to change his background before answering his call.

As a biologist, Zhao Yinyun has a much more flexible mind than Tony.

Wouldn't Zhao Yinyun answer her call in another place?

In other words, a virtual background is also used.

No one can guarantee whether Zhao Yinyun has any problems.

so what!

Lu Xingye's heart sank, and he suddenly felt that he was happy too early.

Don't think that just by discovering a dragon skeleton, you have a good chance of winning.

Maybe Tony, the sixth child, and Zhao Yinyun, the sixth child, discovered more things than themselves, but they didn't tell them, so they hid them one by one.

When you let yourself feel proud.

If you think you are sure of victory, you will relax your vigilance.

And the two of them, the sixth child, were still exploring when they relaxed their vigilance.

Continuous involution.

Wait until the end.

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