Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 385

When you test the results of Shanxi's exploration of me, the results of their exploration will blind you in front of you.

Then Lu Xingye would lose miserably.


Lu Xingye felt that he could not allow this to happen.

Therefore, he must also speed up the progress of exploration, continue to engage in involution, and must defeat these two teams, otherwise where will the face of his commander be put?

"Commander, don't be anxious. Isn't our exploration not over yet? Although we haven't discovered anything yet, we all know who will have the last laugh, so it's not the last moment yet, so please don't be complacent." Tony smiled at Lu Xingye.

Originally, Lu Xingye wanted to know about Tony and Zhao Yinyun's exploration through this video call.

Unexpectedly, these two old men hid all their explorations.

Not only did he not get the other party's exploration status, but he also exposed his own exploration status.

This was a great disadvantage to Lu Xingye.

But now that the matter was over, Lu Xingye had nothing to say, so he had to hang up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He said, "You, the sixth person, forget about Zhao Yinyun. This sixth person is hiding too deeply. He actually used the real background to confuse himself."

Lu Xingye just thought about it, and then immediately realized that although Zhao Yinyun's background was true, it was not the address of the place he was currently exploring.

To put it simply.

It was Zhao Yingjun who had already transferred his address before answering the phone.

This move is really clever.

If Tony's virtual background hadn't inspired him, he might not have been able to discover the weirdness of Te Zhao Yinyun.

The more this happened, the more Lu Xing felt that Zhao Yinyun, the sixth child, had made a major discovery, but he just didn't want to tell him for the time being.

Zhao Yinyun is a biologist, and his education in biochemistry has been superb. Through comparison before departure, Lu Xingye knew that the exploration team led by Zhao Yinyun were all related to biochemically modified organisms.

It has a lot to do with biology itself.

Logically speaking, some enhanced creatures with a strong sense of smell must have greater sensitivity for exploring skeletons buried on the ground like Shenlong.

Now that even the mechanized army led by himself has discovered a dragon skeleton, it is absolutely impossible for the biological team led by Zhao Yinyun to discover nothing.

So there is only one truth, and that is to know that music has hidden the truth.

When he thought of this, Lu Xingye suddenly felt oppressed. He had to win this competition.

So he made a decision immediately.

Lu Xingye planned to divide his troops, leaving half of the team here to conduct technical excavations, while the other half spread out in all directions to continue exploration.

Only by dividing his troops into two groups to explore could he have any chance of winning.

However, if the troops are divided into two groups, there will be a bigger disadvantage, that is, his safety will be greatly reduced.

If Lu Xingye thought that his exploration on the moon was safe at first, he would definitely not think so now.

Whether it's the discovery of Shenlong or the broken sword stuck in Shenlong's skull, all this shows that the moon is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Therefore, he needs to be alert during the exploration process.

In fact, he made the decision to divide his troops into two groups to explore. This decision was very risky. If he was not careful, the boat would capsize in the gutter.

309. Saiyan Enterprise appears and snatches the Shenlong skeleton

But for the sake of victory, Lu Xingye decided to divide his troops.

Of course, there are also skills in dividing troops.

Lu Xingye did not divide the troops blindly, but put his own safety first, and then gradually divided the troops level by level.

First of all, he puts his own safety first, that is, leaving half of the super soldiers and the T-1000 super liquid robot by his side.

And most of the search robots were sent out by him.

Of course, each search robot is also equipped with a combat robot.

By assigning soldiers into groups in this way, he can maximize the utilization of each combat unit.

And you can protect your own safety to the greatest extent.

As these soldiers went out to explore, there was an uneasy feeling late at night, as if something bad would happen after these soldiers left.

But Lu Xingye raised his head again and looked at the moon and the spaceship in space.

Although his eyes could not see the spacecraft orbiting the moon, he knew it was above him.

Support is available at any time.

Moreover, the particle conveyor on the spaceship also locked several key figures with him as the core (Lu Xingye, Tony, Zhao Yinyun).

To put it another way, if something unexpected happened to them, the spaceship would teleport them back immediately.

After having this extra layer of protection, Lu Xingye felt a little more at ease.


The uneasiness in his heart still lingered, as if something bad was about to happen. Lu Xingye sent this uneasy premonition to Zhao Yinyun and Tony at the same time, asking each of them to be careful, as if the moon There was something about it that made him uneasy.

Although Tony and Zhao Yinyun were a little unimpressed, they both nodded and said they would take this matter seriously.

Because Lu Xingye can be their commander, there must be something special about him. Now that their commander has sent a warning, they must be more careful.

"Fuck, you're so awesome."

"Everyone, come and take a look. Commander Lu Xingye has really dug out the dragon skeleton on the moon."


"Is there really a dragon skeleton on the back of the moon? I feel a little unbelievable."

"I want to ask you upstairs, are you a fool? Now the camera in the live broadcast room has clearly told you that there is a dragon skeleton on the back of the moon. You still don't believe it."

"You are the idiot, your whole family is idiots."

Seeing that they were beginning to quarrel in the live broadcast room again, the female anchor June immediately activated the one-stop service to block and delete the two people.

"I said."

"You can only live broadcast quietly, and you cannot quarrel in the live broadcast room."

"Everyone who has a quarrel will be blocked and banned. One-stop service."

As he spoke, June's anchor suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room, with a slight puff of air on the delicate face on the screen.

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Looks incredibly cute.

"Those two people just now deserved it. No matter what the quarrel was, the host said you should watch the live broadcast quietly and not to quarrel."

"The anchor does a good job of blocking them."

"This is the kind of person I hate the most. One kind of person scolds me, and the other kind of person doesn't scold me. I have such a double standard."

"It's really annoying. Those two people just interfered with us watching the dragon being unearthed."

"Anchor, please stop blocking the screen. We want to watch the dragon being unearthed. Please give way."

After hearing the sound in the live broadcast room, June suddenly showed a knowing smile. She was very happy.

Although June is a smart city, it is also equivalent to an artificial intelligence independent of Jarvis. It has flesh and blood.

He can cry and laugh. He will smile when he encounters something happy, and he will cry when he encounters something sad.

June naturally knows her beauty, and she hates those old perverts who look at her with lewd eyes.

Fortunately... things are much better now.

When it first started broadcasting, all the eyes of those old pornographic fans were on him. Now those old pornographic fans basically focus on the live broadcast content.

This shows that her live broadcast is very successful.

So June is very happy.

June was having a very happy meal. The camera hid itself behind the screen and displayed the entire screen. To put it simply, the entire screen showed the footage of Lu Xingye on the moon.

Live broadcast in full screen.

When I just switched lenses.

In the live broadcast room, there was silence for half a second, and suddenly there was a burst of panic.

"What the hell is that?"

"Oh my God, what the hell happened? Call 110 quickly?"

"What is that? An alien creature?"

"Or are they native to the moon?"

"Isn't this too damn ugly?"

Looking along the screen of the live broadcast room, I saw an abnormality on the opposite side of the moon crater that Lu Xingye was digging.

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