Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 386

It was a gray fog.

Gray fog appeared about 300 meters away from Lu Xingye.

Gray fog appeared in the space ahead, becoming increasingly dense.

Lu Xingye looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly frowned. What he was worried about happened. There was an abnormality in front of him that he didn't know about.

The key is that he doesn't know what the abnormality is yet.

Lu Xingye thought about it slowly in his mind.

He tried to find out the manifestation of the natural phenomenon of gray fog on the moon, but he was disappointed. No matter how he thought about it, there was no such foggy weather scene on the moon.

To put it simply, the gray fog climate ahead is definitely not natural.

Not naturally formed?

That's what some kind of creature does.

The only ones who have the ability to fight against themselves on their mother's side are the Gray Mist Civilization or the Saiyan Enterprises controlled by the Gray Mist Civilization.

So the question is, will the gray fog civilization be on the other side?

If it were a gray fog civilization, Lu Xingye would be happy inside.

Even if it’s not the Gray Mist Civilization, it’s still a Saiyan Enterprise.

I'm going to have to try and see if I can capture an alien and bring it back to Hive Labs.

"Hey, hey, hey, everyone."

"I am the supreme commander. Please respond to the abnormal situation that has occurred now."

Tony heard this and said seriously: "Report to Commander, Tony has received it, please tell me if you have anything."

Zhao Yinyun: "Report to Commander, Zhao Yinyun has received it, please tell me if you have anything."

Jarvis, who was on standby on the spaceship, instantly sat up from his stool after hearing Lu Xingye's words, and looked at the surveillance screen seriously.

Although Jarvis is usually a little sweet-talking and quite active, for example, he likes to help others live broadcast secretly, he is still very reliable at critical moments.

Jarvis looked at it squarely and entered combat mode for a second.

"Report Commander, Jarvis is on standby."

310. Saiyan Enterprises attacked, thousands of guns pointed at themselves

"Since everyone is there, I will tell you directly that there is an abnormal situation at my exploration location. Longitude 611 degrees and latitude 288 degrees."

"The first manifestation of this abnormal situation is a gray fog. The gray fog is constantly shrouding the front. It looks like some kind of space teleportation spell. But now I have no way to detect the opponent's space fluctuations. Is there any way to prevent the opponent from teleporting over? .”

"I just have to take it one step at a time."

"You should also pay close attention to see if this kind of gray fog appears during the exploration process. If this kind of gray fog appears, you should pay special attention to it. This may be some kind of attack method of the gray fog civilization."

"Please be careful and pay attention."

After Lu Xingye briefly explained his situation, he began to make corresponding tactical arrangements.

"Tony, Zhao Yinyun."

Tony: "Arrived."

Zhao Yinyun: "Arrived."

"Now I will assign a tactical mission to you two. Please listen to me. First of all, the exploration competition between the three of us will continue. This time, we must do a good job in defense."

"Our three teams will slowly explore each other and get closer to each other at the same time. If we encounter danger, the three teams will help each other, watch each other, and kill each other."

Tony and Zhao Yinyun nodded to each other, and then replied loudly and boldly: "Received."

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye turned his head again and looked at Jarvis's video window.

"Jarvis, please follow your orders."

"As a logistics support staff member, you must be very alert on the spaceship and control the core operations of me, Tony, and Zhao Yinyun. If we are in any fatal danger, immediately teleport us back to the universe. spaceship"

"What's next!"

"You have to help me provide remote assistance."

"Control all our SkyEye satellites that are close to the moon and monitor everything that happens on the moon's surface."

"Then what!"

"You put 1,000 super soldiers on the spaceship and 1,000 T1000 liquid robots on standby. They can be transmitted from the spaceship at any time to help us support and defeat the gray fog civilization."

Jarvis nodded solemnly: ""Received. "

After distributing all these orders, Lu Xingye felt a little relieved.

This is not the best defense solution.

But he did his best.

The only regret was that he didn't have two spaceships, otherwise he could have looked to the Hive for help.

If there are two spaceships in the spaceship.

You can use one as a logistics spacecraft and fly back to the home planet to find support.

But just thinking about it, it seems that the current situation is not bad.

There is a spaceship eating outside, and three teams of people are close to each other and watching each other. This is already a very powerful defense lineup, and ordinary people cannot defeat them at all.

No matter how powerful the Saiyan civilization is.

Lu Xingye felt that there would be no problem for his group to escape.

Back to the live broadcast room footage.

Fans in June were stunned for a moment, looking at the screen in disbelief.

"Oh my god, I just heard what Commander Lu Xingye said. He said that space teleportation magic seems to have appeared on the back of the moon, and the person who possesses this technology is an alien civilization."

"What's the name of that gray alien? It's called Gray Fog Civilization."

"Oh my God!"

"How come Shenlong has just been discovered, and theology is about to be affirmed. How come an alien civilization has appeared at this time? This is really ridiculous."

"What's wrong with our world?"

"Why do you feel like all the different things in your heart have changed in one day?"

"This world is getting stranger and stranger. I seem to have never heard of humans discovering extraterrestrial civilizations. Is this the first time humans have met with extraterrestrial civilizations?"


"Looking at Lu Xingye's appearance, it is obvious that this is not his first contact with the review civilization. He seems to be quite familiar with the other party. What does that mean?"

Some fans asked in a low voice in the live broadcast room, but as soon as this topic was raised, it became a hot topic among 100,000 people.

They started discussions around the alien civilization Gray Mist Civilization.

"Assuming that alien civilization has existed on the earth a long time ago, Commander Lu Xingye has also discovered it a long time ago. To restore the existence of civilization, they have been silently guarding the mother planet and fighting against alien civilization."

"There's no such thing as quiet time. It's just that there's someone to bear the burden with you."

"Love Tunnel Fire Technology,"

"It's him who protects our Blue Star."

At this moment, something extraordinary seemed to appear on the live broadcast screen. Everyone couldn't help but stop speaking. Even the pop-up window disappeared, and everyone looked at the screen intently.

Hold your breath.

This is what the current live broadcast looks like.

As time passed, the gray fog that appeared in front of Lu Xingye gradually dissipated.

When the gray fog dissipated, people gradually saw the true face inside.

It was pretty much what Lu Xingye had guessed.

Those are the soldiers and horses sent by Gray Mist Civilization.

There were 10 long rows of black robots lined up on the rugged surface of the moon.

These robots are all small black robots. Each robot has a black aura surrounding its body and looks murderous.

how to say?

These gray fog civilization robots are different from the sci-fi robots produced by the mainland industry.

The robots introduced in Gray Mist Civilization are a bit like a product of the combination of technology and theology.

It has a certain sense of science fiction.

There is also a certain degree of metaphysics.

Looks like different styles.

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