Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 387

But Lu Xingye didn't dare to underestimate these robots at all.

This is a robot made by aliens. There must always be some technology that it does not understand. If this battle can be won, the technology in the hive will definitely usher in a qualitative leap.

Today not only is the divine dragon discovered, but the theology is affirmed.

And extraterrestrial civilizations were discovered.

Today is really a good harvest day.

Lu Xingye murmured.

Immediately he saw a scene that frightened him.

I saw these thousands of black robots instantly raising their hands and pointing the dark barrels in their direction.

Lu Xingye felt a little numb.

In the past, Suihuo Technology had always treated others in a crushing way.

Now in the gray fog civilization battle.

Gray Mist Civilization actually points thousands of guns at itself. How can this make people not afraid?

However, Lu Xingye discovered at a glance that these gray fog civilization robots were consciously avoiding the position of the Shenlong skeleton.

what happened?

They don't attack the Shenlong skeleton?

Or is their goal just to snatch the Shenlong skeleton?

Lu Xingye was very confused, but he also understood that it would not be an exaggeration to say that his current situation was extremely urgent.

311. Terrifying laser weapons, gray fog civilization attack

Lu Xingye took out his communicator and contacted Jarvis.

Jarvis also answered the commander's call immediately.

"Who cares what happened? Do you need help?"

Although Jarvis had seen clearly what was happening on the far side of the moon through the camera above, he was waiting for Lu Xingye's order because she was only an artificial intelligence and could not take the initiative to issue battle orders until there was a critical moment. of instructions.

He has to wait for instructions from the commander before he can proceed to the next step.

The core algorithm of his artificial intelligence includes this one, so it is impossible for him to violate his core algorithm.

At this time, a faint voice came.

"Jarvis, teleport me to the spaceship first. I feel it's too dangerous here."

"Then depending on the intensity of the situation, send an anti-matter weapon down below."

As soon as Lu Xingye finished speaking, a sense of distortion appeared around his body, a bit like a fuzzy mosaic. After about a moment, his figure disappeared directly, leaving behind some robot transplants and clone super soldiers.

When Lu Xingye appeared again, he had already returned to the main control room of the spaceship.

"Commander, what you just said is that the situation requires an anti-matter weapon from above. How does it depend on the situation? What criteria should I use to judge it?"

Jarvis asked doubtfully.

Antimatter weapons are the latest space-based weapons developed by Hive Labs.

It needs to be stored for a certain period of time before launch. If it is stored for a certain period of time, this anti-matter weapon can even directly destroy a star.

Using anti-matter weapons is really overkill to deal with these huge robots.


This is it.

Even if the anti-matter weapon is not charged, it can destroy everything above it with one shot.

Once the anti-matter weapon is activated, it will kill the enemy directly without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Whether it is your own robot or the enemy's robot below, they will all be destroyed by one shot of anti-matter weapons.


When Jarvis used anti-matter weapons, he had to get Lu Xingye's authorization.

Lu Xingye hesitated and spoke. "When the robots and super videos above can no longer withstand it and are about to be killed by the robots that restore civilization, you should decisively send an anti-matter weapon to them."

"I understand, Commander." Jarvis nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xingye stood on the console with Jarvis, watching the intelligent troops above exchanging fire between the two parties.

Whether it was Lu Xingye's intelligent troops or the Gray Mist Civilization's robot troops, they all consciously avoided the Shenlong's skeleton. It seemed that they were all here to compete for the Shenlong's skeleton.

However, the advantage of Lu Xingye's blood-sucking ability is that he has an energy shield to defend against attacks from the black robot.

At this time, all the fans in the live broadcast room hosted by June held their breath and watched the unbelievable scene in the live broadcast room.

What kind of weapon is this?

How can a laser be emitted?

Aren’t laser weapons the stuff of science fiction? Why is it appearing in reality now?

Oh my God! I'm very scared.

How could this alien civilization have science fiction weapons?

"Can Technology Commander Lu Xingye be able to withstand this? I remember that the laser weapons in science fiction novels are very powerful. They can kill a building with one shot."

"I think it's a bit confusing."

"This weapon is so powerful. As we all know, although Dohao Technology is a commercial company, it has also invented some weapons, but it can be predicted that the weapons he invented are definitely not as powerful as the alien weapons."

"Don't think so much of the aliens upstairs. Our social technology is also very impressive. You see, spaceships have been invented. In addition to spaceships, life science and technology has also invented spaceships. This kind of The spaceship can land 100,000 people in one go."

"So don't think that Shehuo Technology is at a disadvantage now, but Suihuo Technology still has a spaceship. The spaceship can continuously support the war above."

“It’s not necessarily Suihuo Technology that loses in the end.”

At this time, the live broadcast room was silent for a while, and then it suddenly became excited again after about two or three seconds.

Because they saw that whether it was a robot from Life Technology or a super soldier, an energy shield lit up around their bodies.

This energy protective sleeve is like the strongest shield in the world, blocking all incoming shells.

Even the aliens' laser weapons have no effect on Suihuo Technology's protective shield.

"Oh my god, what kind of technology is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

"Is this the energy shield in science fiction novels? Suihuo Technology actually seems to have realized the energy in science fiction novels, and it also has an energy shield in hand. This is really awesome, just like the Heifer from the North. I went to the south and gave birth to an old mother who was as awesome as an ox.”

"I saw the scene of Suihuo Technology fighting aliens. As a Kyushu native, I feel very proud in my heart."

"Don't be proud upstairs. You are too proud. Wait until Tunnel Fire Technology defeats the aliens, or even let the aliens capture one directly. You can be proud again. I think Suihuo Technology has this kind of strength."

But there is a difference between reality and fantasy, although people all hope that Suihuo technology can defeat alien civilizations.

But in fact, alien technology is not weak at all.

Although Tunnel Fire Technology has an energy shield, the Gray Fog Civilization also has an energy shield, so the strengths of the two parties were at odds for a while.

Attack each other.

The strength of both sides is really comparable.

In fact, Lu Xingye used the technology to restore civilization and analyzed that there was at least one thing in civilization that was better than his own.

That is the particle transport machine.

The historical transmitter invented by Hive can only transmit over short distances.

Look at the gray fog civilization.

Their particle teleportation machines appear to be capable of teleportation over long distances.

It can be teleported directly from the home planet to the moon.

This is something that tunnel fire technology cannot do today.


It seemed that Lu Xingye suddenly thought of something, and his brows instantly wrinkled.

"Jarvis, are there any space fixtures installed in our spaceship?"

"Report to Commander. The latest space fixation posture has been installed inside our spaceship, and the space fixation machine is always running. It is impossible for the enemies of the gray fog civilization to directly transmit robots into our spaceship. Please rest assured."

After hearing Jarvis's answer, Lu Xingye felt relieved.


My heart is still hanging.

Although the Gray Fog Civilization cannot transmit robots directly into the spacecraft, the Gray Fog Civilization can transmit robots directly to the surface of the moon.

In this way, the battle seems to be hanging in the balance.

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