Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 388

312. Suihuo Technology wins and anti-matter weapons are launched

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lu Xingye's voice fell, a large area shrouded in gray fog appeared on the battlefield.

Those areas shrouded in gray fog, Lu Xingye knew without even thinking about it, must be the space teleportation technology of the gray fog civilization.

"not good."

Lu Xingye's heart thumped.

He immediately turned his head and spoke to Jarvis.

"Jarvis, can you still activate the teleportation technology to teleport the clones and robots above back to the spaceship?"

However, the answer Lu Xingye heard disappointed him.

"Excuse me."


"Our current technology is not enough to carry out large-scale teleportation. In other words, it means that the soldiers below cannot be teleported up."

After Lu Xingye heard this, he frowned.

This is so difficult.

These 1,000 liquid robots and clone soldiers were destroyed in this way.

But Lu Xingye also knew.

Even if he doesn't want to destroy these robots, he has been unable to do anything as a soldier, because the support from the Gray Mist Civilization is getting faster and faster.

"Get ready to activate the anti-matter cannon."

Lu Xingye showed his heart, gritted his teeth, and even had the courage to speak.

As the saying goes, kindness cannot lead an army.

The commander of the army cannot be merciful.

"Copy that," Jarvis, as an artificial intelligence, did not question Lu Xingye's words.

As his voice fell from the spacecraft, the main gun counterattack gun had begun to charge.

At the beginning of the design, Lu Xingye had already designed a lot of terrifying and lethal weapons on the spacecraft, so that he would have weapons to fight back when encountering aliens one day.

Originally, he thought that he would never use these highly lethal weapons in his life. After all, it was a peaceful era on his home planet.

There is no war to fight in times of peace.

Unexpectedly, before even leaving the home planet, this highly lethal weapon was already being used on the moon.

At this time, Lu Xingye quickly contacted Zhao Yinyun and Tony.

"Zhao Yinyun, Tony, have you brought any space fixtures?"

Tony hesitated before answering. "There are no space fixtures yet."

Zhao Yinyun's answer was similar to Tony's, the same answer was that there was no space fixture.

Lu Xingye became alert instantly.

Wouldn’t it be possible to restore civilization from the mother planet to the moon through space transmission technology? Then I will prop up the space fixtures on the moon and install space fixtures at regular intervals.

That's it.

How can a robot watching Gray Mist Civilization be teleported here?

As long as the gray fog civilization's robots can no longer teleport over.

Then the moon is safe.

Even if the dragon skeleton is temporarily lost now.

Lu Xingye could still afford this loss.

And Lu Xingye had a strong premonition in his heart.

There are many things like dragon skeletons on the moon, and there are even some ancient ruins.

So don't worry too much.


"Are there any extra space fixtures on our spaceship?" Lu Xingye turned his head and looked at Jarvis and asked.

Jarvis: "Not for now."

"No more! That would be troublesome."

Lu Xingye originally thought of using space fixtures to defend against a wave, but he didn't expect that there was no more.

At this time, Jarvis's faint voice came again.


"I have an alternative."

"This issue was taken into consideration at the beginning of the design of our spacecraft, so there is a large-scale 3D printer in our spacecraft."

"We can use 3D printers to print out space fixtures."

Lu Xingye's frown instantly relaxed.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and use the 3D printer to print out the space fixtures. The more, the better."

"Roger, Commander." Jarvis nodded slightly.

Then a high-power 3D printer started buzzing, and the sound of mechanical rotation kept coming.


The space fixtures were printed one by one.

"Well, not bad. Jarvis, the 3D printer you developed is quite good."

"Immediately transmit the space fixtures developed. Send them to Zhao Yinyun and Tony respectively."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

Since the discovery of space teleportation technology, Tony has undergone many upgrades of teleportation devices.

The current space transmission device.

Not only can you teleport a single person, but you can also teleport multiple people and items.

After passing the extension.

Particle transporters are getting more and more powerful.

The applicability is also becoming wider and wider.


While still exploring on the ground, Zhao Yinyun and Tony received the space fixture sent by Lu Xingye.

They opened the space fixtures immediately.

Secure this space.

Prevent the robots from Gray Fog Civilization from teleporting over.

at this time.

Zhao Yinyun and Tony felt relieved. After all, they didn't have to worry. When they got the results of their exploration, Gray Mist Civilization immediately teleported over to cause trouble.

"Report to Commander."

“The space fixtures are already in use.”

"Please proceed to the next step."

Lu Xingye said solemnly: "Continue to explore. Pay attention to defense. By the way, you don't have to approach my position. I am ready to launch anti-matter weapons at that position."

Tony immediately joked after hearing this. "Commander, didn't I just hear you say that your exploration team has made a major discovery? Why do you suddenly dare to activate house-made weapons now? Aren't you afraid of destroying all your major exploration results?"

At this time, Zhao Yinyun also raised her head and interrupted the video call.

"Yes, Commander, you should think twice. Once your counterattack weapons are activated, then all your exploration results will belong to you. All your explorations will have to start again. In this way, our exploration results will be Yaoyao's." Ahead."


Lu Xingye smacked his mouth when he heard this. : "Am I such a forward-thinking person? Now that aliens have been discovered, I will bombard them immediately. No matter how great the results of exploration are, in my eyes they are nothing compared to aliens. "

"The most important thing now is to kill the aliens."

"Besides, you think so."

"I started exploring from scratch. Will it be inferior to yours? Maybe my exploration results will come from behind and surpass you two in one fell swoop, which will make you two proud." Lu Xingye spoke softly to the video call between the two people on the video. He smiled softly, with a mysterious arc at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, there is a basis for what he said.

When he found the dragon skeleton, he was a little suspicious. Why was there only a dragon skeleton in this place? Could there be other things here?

Lu Xingye felt in his heart that there must be something else hidden here.

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