Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 389

But he had no evidence that there was anything hidden underground, so he couldn't say.

313. The anti-matter energy cannon fired, and the fans in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Now the aliens just show up.

Lu Xingye took this opportunity to use anti-matter weapons to destroy the aliens and blast away the moon's crust to see if there was anything buried inside.

If there are dragon relics hidden inside.

So the outcome of the three team explorations is yet to be determined.

During their conversation.

The anti-matter weapon energy cannon has been charged, and just waiting for Lu Xingye's order, it will be able to blast the gray fog robot below into ashes.


Lu Xingye was in no hurry to give orders.

Because the Gray Mist Civilization is teleporting now, wait until they are all teleported, and then send them back to the west with one shot.

At this time, fans in the June live broadcast room saw Commander Lu Xingye disappear instantly, and there was a certain degree of panic in the live broadcast room.

Because Lu Xingye is the highest commander among the soldiers, and now that the highest commanders are gone, there are still some soldiers left on the battlefield, so there is no reason to panic.

In ancient times, if the emperor's chariot kissed him, the soldiers' combat effectiveness would be enhanced and their fighting spirit would be high.

With the emperor accompanying them, the soldiers worked harder to kill the enemy. They killed the enemy bravely one by one and shed their blood for the motherland.

But the opposite of this is the case.

If in ancient times the emperor fled first and left the soldiers behind, then a kind of despair would spread among the soldiers.

Although under the restrictions of military orders, soldiers will not immediately regard them as deserters, but they will definitely have a sense of despair and even a feeling of surrender in their hearts, so the combat effectiveness of such soldiers will not be very high.

Fans in the current live broadcast room think that the situation is the same as the situation in ancient times above.

Commander Lu Xingye had already escaped.

Some soldiers were left to die where they were.

"No way, even Suihuo Technology can't defeat aliens? What on earth is this gray fog civilization? It actually made our technological idol Lu Xingye escape."

"I think my idol Lu Xingye will never run away no matter what. His temporary disappearance is just a retreat."

"Where's the anchor?"

"Anchor, please come out and explain."

In the instant live broadcast, there were several fans, Aite June, the anchor, asking him to come out and talk about the content of the live broadcast.

June has not been postponed either.

Now is the critical point of the live broadcast, and it is something that fans cannot understand. The host in June felt that he had an obligation to explain this live broadcast phenomenon to his fans.

Otherwise, you will lose your fans very much.

"Hello, fans."

"I just heard that many fans don't understand why Commander Lu Xingye suddenly disappeared. Now I am here to explain it to everyone."

"Lu Xingye is the chairman of our Suihuo Technology, and his orders are supreme."


"The marching and fighting of modern technology is different from the marching and fighting of ancient times. In ancient times, if the emperor fled first, the soldiers might be depressed and lose the war."

"But that's not the case with modern warfare."

“The war of intelligence in the modern century is a war of artificial intelligence informatization.”

"It will not be affected by the emperor's aura."

"All robots on the ground are controlled by artificial intelligence. They will only rigidly execute fixed programs. They will not be affected by things like morale, so the departure of our commander Lu Xingye will not have any impact on the war. .”

“What’s next:??”

"Let me explain to you why the commander disappeared suddenly."

"Our commander Lu Xingye did not disappear suddenly, but was transported back to the spaceship in space by an instant transmission device."

"The emergence of gray fog civilization brings with it many technologies that far exceed those of our home planet."

"If Lu Xingye continues to stay on the battlefield, these robot soldiers cannot completely guarantee Lu Xingye's safety, so he needs to be teleported to a safe place to remotely command the battle."

"Lu Xingye is avoiding danger, not escaping because of the war. Can everyone understand this?"

June's beautiful anchor's faint voice spread throughout the live broadcast room.

That crisp and soft voice is very friendly, and it is the voice of a beautiful woman.


Fans in the live broadcast room accepted June's statement.

"I agree with Lu Xingye's approach."

"After all, Lu Xingye is a human being, not a robot."

"Lu Xingye is our technological idol. His life is much more important than that of robots."

"There is no need for him to stay with these robots on the battlefield until the last moment."

"It is great wisdom to evacuate the battlefield in advance and command the battle remotely."

Ignoring what was said in the live broadcast room, the faint voice of June's beautiful anchor came again.

"Dear fans."

"I just received a signal from the spacecraft. This message symbolizes that our Suihuo technology has powerful capabilities and can defeat aliens. Now I will synchronize this message to everyone."

"Is such that."

"I just received a message from the commander. The commander is preparing to activate the termination killer device, the anti-matter energy cannon, on the spaceship."

"At that time, you will be able to see a beam of light energy appearing in the deep space. This energy fell from the sky and directly bombarded the back of the moon, blasting these aliens into pieces."

The June beauty anchor's voice entertainment live broadcast room was filled with excitement. .

Originally they thought Tunnel Fire Technology was going to be defeated.

After all, the commanders ran away. I didn't expect that this kind of technology would hide such a powerful weapon, which could fire anti-matter energy cannons directly from the spacecraft.

This kind of big killer is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

"Damn it, can someone explain to me what an antimatter energy cannon is?"

"What is an antimatter energy cannon?"

At this time, there were actually fans in the live broadcast room, and they searched in the browser.

They paste the answers they get into the pop-up window in the live broadcast room.

Antimatter energy cannon:

[When the antimatter energy cannon is fired, it delivers a huge amount of antiparticles accumulated in the capacity of a high-intensity magnetic field to the enemy position at one time, using the annihilation reaction of antiparticles and positron particles to generate an extremely large amount of energy. 】

[The energy burst produced by this annihilation reaction will be tens of thousands of times more powerful than nuclear weapons. It is a very terrifying concept weapon. 】

In science fiction this antimatter energy cannon.

It is generally used to destroy spaceships and stars.

So the power is very terrifying.

When the fans in the live broadcast room saw the introduction of the anti-matter energy cannon, they were all as excited as monkeys, jumping up and down.

Such a weapon from science fiction.

Who can have it?

Only with Tunnel Fire Technology can you have it.

Tunhuo Technology is indeed a national enterprise in Jiuzhou, responsible for science and technology.

314. Have you ever seen energy cannons falling from the sky?

Just at this time.

Through observation, Lu Xingye discovered that a large amount of gray fog on the moon's surface had disappeared, replaced by black robots. There seemed to be tens of thousands of them in rows.

Densely packed.

Fortunately, Lu Xingye didn't have trypophobia, otherwise he would have been terrified when he saw so many robots standing on the back of the moon.

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