Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 390

"it's time."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly to Jarvis.

Then he raised his hands high and struck upwards. He suddenly understood what was going on and instantly controlled the charged anti-matter energy cannon to fire.

Antimatter energy cannon, start firing now.



There was a sudden loud noise in the sky.

Then the endless darkness of space was instantly illuminated.

A beam of light appeared from space and shot toward the moon quickly.

The light is very vast.

It is all made up of positive ions and negative ions. Of course, after the artillery hits the object, it will have a smoke extinguishing effect.

It will instantly destroy everything in front of him.

According to the artificial intelligence big data model calculation, the charging during this period can allow the anti-matter energy cannon to completely penetrate the crust on the moon's surface.

To put it simply, it can penetrate the distance from the surface of the moon to 1 kilometer below.

Penetrates distances below 1 kilometer.

This is already very scary.

Moreover, the house is charged by an energy cannon, and the energy is less than 2%. To put it simply, if the anti-matter energy cannon is charged to 100%, the moon can be destroyed with one shot.

"Oh my god, what is that."

"Come and see in space."

"It was a beam of light falling from the sky."

This light speed not only illuminates the moon, but also illuminates the parent star far opposite the moon.

People no longer need to watch the situation on the moon through the live broadcast room, because as long as people walk out the door, they can see the beam of light, like the vast scorching sun hitting the moon instantly.

Countless Kyushu people feel extremely proud.

Jiuzhou’s life science and technology has mastered such a powerful weapon, who will dare to bully us in Jiuzhou in the future?

starting today.

Kyushu has officially stood up from the world, and no one dares to ignore this ancient oriental country anymore.

Because this ancient eastern country has the power to destroy stars.

No one on the mother planet is not afraid of Suihuo technology, and no one is not afraid of this ancient Eastern country.

Antimatter energy cannon.

This kind of thing is not something they can bear.

From then on, people knew that other forces had to look at Jiuzhou's face to do their work.

At least until no one of them has built the corresponding protective weapons and defensive measures, they will not dare to be as arrogant as before.

at the same time.

All the people of Kyushu stood up and walked out of their homes, onto the streets and onto the highways.

They stopped and looked up into the sky.

All the people in Kyushu are watching the beam of energy cannon in the sky.

In the eyes of others, this energy cannon is a terrifying killer weapon, but in the eyes of the children of Kyushu, this energy cannon can indeed give them a great sense of security and is an important weapon of the country.

"Is this the energy emitted by the anti-matter energy cannon?"

"It's so vast."

"I'm shocked for you."

"Being able to see such a powerful weapon in this life, I have no regrets in life."

"I didn't expect that I, Mr. Guo, would be able to see the most powerful weapon on the mother planet, the anti-matter weapon, today."

"I will enter China without regrets in this life, and I will be the descendant of the dragon in the next life."


Under the attention of countless people.

The anti-matter energy cannon hit the black robot meeting the civilization head-on.

Those robots turned into fly ash, not even slag was left.

Not that seeing this scene made my heart boil with excitement.

Shenzhen is violent, the blood is beating, and the hot blood is constantly flowing. Why do I often have tears in my eyes? Because I love this land deeply.

"Have the aliens finally been wiped out?"

"I have great love for Suihuo Technology, and I have great love for Commander Lu Xingye."

When the speed of light disappeared, countless people quickly ran home from the streets and back to the video equipment. They wanted to watch the live broadcast immediately and watch the tragic situation of aliens on the moon.

But to their regret.

when they return to the front of the screen.

A burst of snowflakes appeared in the live broadcast room.

There was nothing on the screen, the signal was cut off.

They did not expect to see the scene they wanted to see. Everyone speculated that perhaps the energy of the anti-matter energy cannon was too strong, causing the magnetic field on the moon to change, so remote signals could no longer be transmitted back for the time being.

But no one felt the slightest bit impatient.

Everyone is glued to a computer screen.

Workers no longer go to work, students no longer go to school, and migrant workers no longer work in the farmland according to the lunar calendar.

They just stood in front of the computer screen, wanting to see the miserable plight of the aliens.


They just want to see what Tunhuo Technology will look like after its victory.

Suihuo Technology is a national enterprise in Jiuzhou.

Now that our technology has defeated the aliens, it is a great honor for all the people of Kyushu.

About 10 minutes later.

Only then did the scene in the live broadcast room appear again.

The black robots that just replied to your arrogance disappeared, and those tens of thousands of robots instantly turned into ashes.

There is only a large crater left on the far side of the moon.

This big pit is like the sinkhole in ancient mythology.




Big and boundless.

Looking down from above, you can still faintly see the long black smoke coming from the deep pit.

Everything on the ground was scorched, nothing was left but this big pit.

"Hello, hello, is this the power of anti-matter weapons?"

"I saw this deep crater that looked like it was going to punch through the moon."

"It's just terrible."

"Seeing this scene, it made me think, can our home planet withstand a blow from such an anti-object weapon?"

"The idiot upstairs."

"Sihuo Technology is our national enterprise in Kyushu. It invented this terrifying weapon just to fight aliens and protect our home planet, not to attack our home planet."

"So the hypothesis above was not valid from the beginning."

Probably another moment passed.

Everyone instantly saw a mosaic of fuzzy distortion appearing on the ring next to the moon crater.

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