Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 391

A vague humanoid outline slowly appeared.


To be precise, a group of vague outlines of life slowly appeared.

Everyone knows that this is the space transmission technology of Suihuo Technology.

"Are the soldiers of Suihuo Technology coming?"

Everyone is looking forward to it.

It was just as they expected.

It seemed like 10 seconds passed.

Lu Xingye and the liquid robots and super soldiers he led appeared in front of the camera. All robots and super soldiers were fully armed and watched with vigilance for 4 weeks.

They are here to clean up the mess.

Everyone was very excited when they saw this scene.

315. Lu Xingye is going to give Jarvis a better body.

The commander of Suihuo Technology is indeed fine.

They knew that Suihuo Technology would definitely win, and now it is just as they expected.

Suihuo Technology activated its anti-matter energy cannon and destroyed all the aliens with one shot.

This victory belongs to mankind.

At this time, June did not come out to explain.

Although June is an intelligent program, it also has independent thoughts.

Now that he saw this scene, he was also infected by the surrounding atmosphere. Like all the viewers, he stayed in front of the screen and watched Lu Xingye's live broadcast intently.

Now Lu Xingye has landed on the surface of the moon again.

Lu Xingye was surrounded by T1000 liquid metal robots.

The liquid metal robot was fully armed, holding corresponding equipment, surrounding Lu Xingye and looking ahead warily.

At the same time, a space-fixed team was also separated.

This space-fixed team was born specifically for defense, because the gray fog civilization has extremely powerful space teleportation, and its technology can teleport robots directly from the home star to the moon.

There was no good way to deal with this extremely mobile alien Lu Xingye. He had no choice but to bring down the space fixtures and move step by step on the moon.

Every time you explore a place or arrive at a place, let the space fixator fix the decoration into the space and insert it on the ground to fix this space to prevent aliens from using space teleportation technology to teleport robots over.

After Lu Xingye landed on the moon, the first thing he did was to fix the space. He inserted space fixing devices around the moon so that aliens within a radius of ten miles could not teleport in again.

"Jarvis, explore the surrounding situation and report back to see if there is any danger."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

As Lu Xingye's voice fell, Jarvis quickly sent out some exploration teams, that is, some small drones, to explore the surroundings.

After a while, the drone returned the exploration results,

Jarvis came to his conclusion moments after comparing the two with each other through satellite images recorded by the recent SkyEye satellite monitoring.

"Report to Commander."

"There is no danger after exploring the lunar craters."

"There's not a single heartbeating animal around the lunar crater, and we've placed electronic pulses around it. It's impossible for other robots to survive here."

After hearing Jarvis's voice, Lu Xingye suddenly felt relieved.

After all, he had just encountered the black robot of the gray fog civilization, and he was really scared.

A perfect divine dragon skeleton was originally discovered.

If he was transported back to his mother, it would be a very significant discovery, with certain plastic developments in both life science and theology.

But it was at this time that the Gray Mist Civilization attacked them.

Maybe you are also interested in the skeleton of Shenlong.

In the end, Lu Xingye was defeated, so he had no choice but to bear the pain and destroy the dragon's bones and the aliens together.

Jarvis hesitated for a moment, his mouth moved for a while, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it.

Lu Xingye raised his head and glanced at Jarvis. He noticed Jarvis' strange vision and asked quickly.

"What's wrong? Jarvis, have you discovered anything? Or do you have something to tell me?"

"Commander, you are so sharp-eyed, you can even guess what I am thinking."


"Jarvis, you are an artificial intelligence after all. Your imitation of human expressions is too stiff, or too deliberate. This will easily be noticed by others. If you imitate human expressions in the future, If it's smoother, maybe I won't be able to detect your impression."

Lu Xingye smiled.

Jarvis, the artificial intelligence, was trained by him. He knew the other party's living habits and some regular actions.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is his pillow person. How could he not discover Jarvis's daily life?

"You talk a lot of nonsense. Hurry up and say what you are thinking. No matter what you are thinking, you can tell me. I won't blame you. At worst, if you say something wrong, I will kill you, this robot." Reinvent it.”

"No. Commander, I am your most loyal intelligent assistant. You can't let me go back to the drawing board and reinvent myself. You still need me. I love you."

Maybe he heard Lu Xingye talking about going back and rebuilding.

Jarvis was furious in an instant. He was an artificial intelligence and had a hard time getting a body. If he were to be rebuilt, it would be equivalent to killing him.

Jarvis absolutely cannot accept this result.


"Yes, you are my dearest intelligent assistant, but I have already found a secretary, Zhu Xiaonong, so why do I need you? If you don't obey me, it's time to teach you to reinvent the wheel."

Lu Xingye pretended to be cold and spoke.

In fact, he had no intention of reinventing Jarvis. The reason why he said this just now was just to scare Jarvis.

For the artificial intelligence Jarvis, you have to give it a candied date occasionally, and you have to give him a sap occasionally, otherwise he won't be honest.

Jarvis's face instantly turned very ugly. He didn't know where he learned it from humans. His expression turned the entire bionic face into a black charcoal color, making him look very funny and cute.


At this time, Lu Xingye knew that Jarvis must be feeling very sad now, because he heard that his master wanted to rebuild it.

When he thought of this, Lu Xingye was embarrassed to be his teacher in Doujia, so he told the truth like this.

"Jarvis, we are family."

"I just told you that it took a lot of effort to rebuild it. You see, your body has been used for several years, and it uses the most backward technology in our hive."

"The technology of our hive has been updated for several generations now. After remaking you, we will create an even dumber body."

"Wouldn't it be better for me to serve you better?"

"Give me a new body?" Jarvis's eyes flashed, looking very surprised.

He never expected that Lu Xingye would be ready to change his body.

Jarvis was actually a little moved for a moment.


"You are my smart assistant."

"Now our hive technology has been updated for several generations. If your body still uses the old antique technology, I will take you out in the future. If people outside see me taking an old antique out, I will be very embarrassed. of."

"So, in order to save my face, I'll ask you to rebuild it and introduce you to a better body." Lu Xingye said calmly.

316. The remains of the divine dragon at the bottom of the moon

"Commander, thank you for your kindness. I will never forget your kindness."

Jarvis held Lu Xingye's sleeves with both hands, and opened his mouth with runny nose and tears.

"Get away from me."

"Stop telling me these sensational words, and where do you have teeth? Everything you have is made of bionic skin."

Lu Xingye smacked his lips.

Then Lu Xingye's faint voice came again.

"Stop talking nonsense to me, and quickly say what you wanted to say. If you don't say it again, be careful, I will really reinvent you."

"Really, you've been talking to me all day long."

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