Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 392

At this time, Jarvis did not dare to talk anymore, and immediately expressed the worries in his heart.

"Commander is like this. I just observed the situation within a hundred miles around the lunar crater through drones and satellite images."

"Although satellite images and drones show that everything is normal, is there any danger around? But I still feel that something is wrong."

At this point, Jarvis suddenly paused, and he didn't know from whom this artificial intelligence learned to tell the truth.

"Tell me quickly, don't lie. If you do, I'll ask you to go back to the drawing board and remake it."

Lu Midnight spoke calmly.

Although this sentence is old-fashioned, it is very useful. As soon as Jarvis heard the four words "rebuild", the cat whose tail was stepped on immediately beeped and said what was in his heart.

"Commander, didn't I just use the satellite image drone to check? Everything else was normal, but when I detected the lunar crater, which is the big hole in front of you, I suddenly discovered something abnormal. There are no electromagnetic waves or any induction under the cave entrance."

"What do you mean?" Lu Xingye didn't understand what Jarvis wanted to express for a while.

"To put it simply."

"That is, the lunar crater or lunar hole in front of you is like a black hole, with nothing inside."

"No, to be more precise, it's not that there's nothing inside the moon cave, or that it's impossible to monitor inside the moon cave."

"Our current technology simply cannot detect the scene below the lunar hole."

"And according to my big data model, it is speculated that the moon hole can produce this kind of anomaly. Generally, there is a certain location on it."

After listening to Jarvis's words, Lu Xinyue's heart suddenly thumped.

Unknown existence?

What the hell is that?

Lu Xing had only heard of unknown existences in novels, but never in reality.

Who did this Jarvis learn from?

Has Little Weiss read online novels? If you don’t learn the good things, you will only learn the bad things.

This artificial intelligence is really getting more and more crooked as it grows.

"Jarvis. Tell me in human terms, what is an unknown existence?" Lu Xingye said with a face like that.

This Jarvis is really getting more and more outrageous. If he doesn't take advantage of others, the other party will try to trick him in various ways.

"Ah, I also learned it from novels."

"Unknown existence is unknown existence. How can I explain it to you?"

Jarvis looked at Lu Xingye's confident opening.

"I think your skin is really itchy?"

"Jarvis, do you have the nerve to say that you are a scientist yourself? Can a scientist use the data in the novel to build a data model? It is not correct for an unknown existence like you to quote words from the novel."

Weiss looked innocent after listening to Lu Xingye's words, but he still didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. He did sense that there was some unknown existence under the moon hole that was dangerous.

Lu Xingye also knew this in his heart, so he just complained and had no intention of really blaming Jarvis.

"Stop talking nonsense to me. If you talk nonsense again, I will throw you under the moon hole. Let you go and explore by yourself."

After hearing this, Jarvis's face instantly turned into a crying face, and he even imitated humans and squeezed a few tears out of his eyes.

"Commander, you must not be so cruel, right?"

"If you are so cruel, you will lose your dearest smart assistant."

Lu Xingye roared fiercely with a cold face. "Jarvis, shut up. From now on, you can't say anything except answering my questions."

This trick really works.

As Lu Xingye's voice fell, Jarvis became completely quiet.

At this time, Lu Xingye could finally explore the moon cave quietly.

According to his speculation just now, there must be something from ancient mythology under the moon cave.

There are dragon skeletons on the surface of the moon.

So now that the antimatter energy cannon has blasted away the moon's crust and buried it deep underground, will there be any miracles?

Is there a skeleton of Shennong under the earth's crust?

Lu Xingye was looking forward to it very much.


Lu Xingye controlled two drones to fly to the surface of the lunar crater. He planned to send these two drones to explore first.

If you find out that there is something underneath.

Then send an army to explore beneath the earth's crust.

Buzz buzz...

Swish, brush, brush...

As the drone's propellers sounded, the drone kept landing and flying towards the bottom of the moon hole.

But the bottom of the lunar cave is an oxygen-free environment.

Drones cannot fly in an oxygen-free environment.

So the drone only dropped to about 500 meters underground and stopped.

If it continues to fly downward, the drone may crash.

At this location, if you turn on a rectangular searchlight, you should be able to see what is at the bottom of the earth's crust, right?

In fact, Lu Xingye didn't know what to do. If there was a chance, he would like to fly the drone further down.

But conditions don’t allow it.

That can only be explored here.

As the giant searchlight on the drone lights up. Not only were Lu Xingye and Jarvis breathing together, they were looking expectantly at the scene above.

All the children of Kyushu on the mother planet are also watching the live broadcast.

Countless people in Jiuzhou also held their breath and looked at the live broadcast.

They felt the same as Lu Xingye.

They all hope that drones will find something strange at the bottom of the moon to once again prove the existence of theology.

"I'm so excited. Now the drone has descended 500 meters to the bottom of the moon. At this location, it has basically penetrated the earth's crust. Is there anything mysterious at the bottom of the moon?"

"I hope to find the remains of the dragon at the bottom of the moon. After all, there are bones of the dragon on the ground."

"Brothers, please come back and watch the live broadcast."

"Lu Xingye, the chairman of Suihuo Technology, is exploring the moon. There may be dragons on the moon. Let's hurry up and watch the live broadcast and witness history together."

317. Among the three teams, Lu Xingye discovered the remains of the dragon.

Countless people in Jiuzhou stayed in their rooms to watch the live broadcast. Their workers were neither students at work nor in class. All their attention was focused on the live broadcast on the moon.

The key is that Lu Xingye still doesn't know that Jarvis, the sixth child, broadcasts everything he does on the moon live.

If Lu Xingye heard that he was exploring the dragon ruins on the moon, Jarvis broadcast it live, so that viewers around the world could watch it.

I'm afraid Lu Xingye wanted to kill him, but Jarvis felt the same way.

Although he doesn't hate live broadcasts, the premise of not hating live broadcasts is that he knows that he is being live broadcasted by others, and then he can show his glorious side.

And now Jarvis is live broadcasting secretly, like everything about him is broadcast live, whether it is good or bad.

Can Lu Xingye not be angry like this?

However, Lu Xingye still doesn't know about the good things Jarvis has done, so it hasn't exploded yet, but the audience is already looking forward to it. If Lu Xingye knew that he was being broadcast live by Jarvis, he might really explode.

As time went by, the results of the drones sent by Lu Xingye to explore 500 meters underground came out. The pictures were uploaded from the moon back to the mother planet through the wireless network and spread out to the whole world. The whole world could observe Lu Xingye. The results of Starry Night's exploration.

That is now.

Only then did Tunhuo Technology have the confidence to disclose the secret of Shenlong to the world.

If tunnel fire technology was usually weak, they would never dare to reveal such a big secret.

Because it is easy to publish a secret, but it is too difficult to keep a secret.

This is what I saw in the live broadcast.

First, the drone is suspended 500 meters above the moon hole, and then the high-power searchlight on the drone is turned on.

The power of this searchlight exceeds 10,000.

Logically speaking, this searchlight can illuminate most of the city.

Therefore, once the searchlights are turned on, people will be able to see what is on the moon hole.

Because there is a certain signal signal between the moon and the parent star, even though the searchlight on the moon has been on for several minutes, the picture seen on the earth is still not bright.

However, countless fans of the live broadcast had no interaction with each other. They sat quietly in front of the screen and watched the live broadcast, quietly waiting for this moment to witness history.

After about 5 minutes, the fans in the live broadcast room finally saw the scene below the moon cave.

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