Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 393

It was an endless lunar hole. The space at the bottom was infinite and could not be seen at a glance.

Through the bright light of the searchlight, Lu Xingye could clearly see that there was no magma on the moon.

Or some dirt or useless stuff.

Inside the Moon Cave was something he had never seen before. It was so magnificent that it looked like a palace built in ancient times.

But this kind of palace is thousands of times more luxurious than the palaces built in ancient times.

Various magnificent buildings and various utensils are placed randomly on the ground, as if they are free of charge. There is even a small altar in the center of the underground palace, with the altar facing farther east. Looking around, I don’t know what I’m looking at.

Although people didn't know what the palace in front of them was made of, or what dynasty it was, they could clearly see what was next to the altar.

Next to the four altars are five dragons.

The head and tail of each dragon are connected together, and they kowtow to each other in the east, worshiping something terrifying.

Although I was shocked when I saw this scene.

What does the discovery of the remains of Shenlong at the bottom of the moon prove?

The discovery of Shennong's remains at the bottom of the moon proves that people have always denied theology, which is not necessarily correct.

Sometimes what science cannot explain can be explained by theology.

For a time, the mentality of the children of Jiuzhou collapsed.

Their values ​​have always been to believe in science, but now that theology has been affirmed again, their values ​​have once again received an unparalleled impact.

"We actually found the remains of a divine dragon at the bottom of the moon. How is this possible?"

"It's just unbelievable."

“Have we always lived in a false world, and the theology we see now is the real world?”

Countless people have fallen into situations where I doubt them.

But with Kyushu

At this time, Jarvis, Lu Xingye's most loyal intelligent assistant, who was restricted by the system and would never betray Lu Xingye, reacted differently.

Research across the coast


The organization watched Lu Xingye's live broadcast, and they were not as shocked as the children of Kyushu.

Some overseas research organizations have calmly accepted the existence of Shenlong with a scientific attitude and dialectical analysis.

On the contrary, there are some open research hosts, such as Tunnel Fire Technology, which sent inquiry letters asking them to publish the results of their exploration on the moon.

But how could Lu Xingye agree with their idea?

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Although Suihuo Technology is now so powerful that no one dares to shine, he has no obligation to help others develop. It is enough to develop himself with peace of mind, protect his family, and not be harmed by others.

This has also been Lu Xingye's character all along.

When it comes to his own people, Lu Xingye can be very protective of his own shortcomings.

If you bite me once, I will bite you back twice; if you hit me with a stick, I will hit you twice with a stick.

Tooth for tooth, blood for blood.

But for outsiders.

Lu Xingye can also be extremely cruel.

If you kill one of me, I will destroy your whole family. If you anger me, I will destroy your family.

Anyway, Lu Xinyue has the character of an ungentleman who refuses to retaliate.

Moreover, if you have a grudge today, you will repay it tomorrow.

If I can kill your whole family today, then I will definitely kill you today, and I will definitely not keep your whole family until tomorrow.

Xixi University Research Institute:

"Thanks to Suihuo Technology for its exploration of the moon and the discovery of the skeleton of ancient creatures. I think the discovery of this ancient creature is of the greatest significance to Kyushu and the world."

"I hereby make a timely suggestion to require biochemical technology to disclose the secret of Shenlong to the world and invite research organizations from all over the world to participate in the research. This is the only direction for world unity."

"Now is the time for openness."

"You can't close the door and focus on development by yourself. This is meaningless."

Buddha University Research Organization:


"I also agree with the research in the field of Suihuo Technology, and the results should be shared with the world. If it doesn't work, Suihuo Technology should also allow other research hosts to carry out research institutes on the moon."

But Lu Xingye, who is currently exploring the remains of Shenlong in the moon cave, still has no idea what happened on the home planet.

All of this is controlled by Jarvis's clone, June Intelligent Code.

But Jarvis is Lu Xingye's most loyal intelligent assistant, and the system limits Jarvis to never betray Lu Xingye.


Faced with questions from research organizations across the coast, Jarvis refused one by one based on the actual situation.

318. Lu Xingye is the biggest winner among the three teams.

Lu Xingye sent out drones to explore again.

In addition to drone exploration, Lu Xingye also developed liquid robots and multi-functional robots to explore into lunar craters.

He even used a particle conveyor to transport these liquid robots directly to the bottom of the moon crater.

But the strange thing is.

Once he teleported these liquid robots to the bottom of the moon crater. His connection with these liquid robots will be cut off, so that he will be completely unable to observe the actions of the liquid robots above.

He can't even remotely control the actions of the liquid robot.

This had a major impact on Lu Xingye's exploration plan.

For a while, he didn't even have any better way to go in and explore.

Of course, during the previous attempt, Lu Xingye also tried it, using a super video clone to teleport under the moon.

However the results obtained.

The results are similar to those obtained by transporting liquid robots.

Once the super soldier clones are teleported to the bottom of the moon crater, he will lose contact with these clones and will not know what is happening above.

Because exploration actually has no results.

And all means of exploration have been tried.

So Lu Xingye didn't have any better solution for a while.

He was going to pack up and return to his home planet.

His return to his home planet does not mean that he gives up exploring the remains of the moon.

Instead, he returned to his home planet to better explore the lunar ruins in the future.

There is no way to explore this mysterious thing with existing scientific and technological means.

Then Lu Xingye guessed that if he wanted to explore the Shenlong Instrument, he could only use some ancient methods, such as physical methods.

The moon crater was dug directly.

Dig a huge basin.

Then build an elevator on the moon crater.

In this way, he can send an exploration team to slowly enter the bottom of the lunar ruins from the elevator.

Although there are some dangers during the exploration, Lu Xingye can handle them well. Because of the elevator, everyone can even enter the lunar ruins hand in hand to explore.

If there was an accident somewhere, he would definitely find it out.

But there is a drawback to this method of exploration.

To put it simply, this method of exploration is a method of trial and error using human life.

The biochemical warriors are continuously dispatched from the lunar surface into the lunar craters through exhaustive methods.

If there is a problem in any aspect, explore methods through continuous adjustments.

Keep filling it with human life.

Find the best solution together.

Originally, Lu Xingye was a little unbearable.

After all, this method is somewhat cruel.

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