Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 394

Although the soldiers he sent were all biological warriors, they were also living creatures with thoughts and flesh and blood.

Lu Xingye wouldn't be able to bear it if they were allowed to die in front of him.

But Lu Xingye changed his mind.

As a soldier.

As the supreme commander of Suihuo Technology.

Every decision he makes cannot be merciful. As the saying goes, kindness cannot control troops.

Every commander's hands and feet are full of corpses.

Therefore, he doesn't need to feel guilty about anything.

There is God's will in everything, he just needs to do his own thing well.

After figuring this out.

Lu Xingye no longer hesitated, and immediately sent it back from the moon to the spaceship through the particle conveyor.

Lunar exploration execution is now essentially over.

He is also preparing to return to his home planet.

Before returning to his mother, he suddenly remembered that he had one very interesting thing that he had yet to do, which was the bet he had made with Tony and Zhao Yinyun.

The three teams started exploring together on the moon.

See which team has the greatest exploration results on the moon and win.

Now Lu Xingye has directly explored the remains of the divine dragon. To put it simply, he has discovered the source of the divine dragon.

It's just that he has no way to explore this dragon ruins yet.

But this is also included in the results of his exploration.

When he thought of this, Lu Xingye couldn't help but smile, and immediately took out his communication device to make a video call with Zhao Yinyun and Tony.

Although both of them knew that this was an emergency, they kept the call open. As soon as Lu Xingye's communicator dialed, Zhao Yinyun and Tony answered the call.

"Commander, what happened? We are exploring the western part of the moon."

Zhao Yinyun and the two of them spoke in unison.

They are also guarding Lu Xingye now.

Because they are the captain of one of the three teams, he and Lu Xingye are in a competitive relationship.

Although Lu Xingye is his commander, there is no room for friendship among the three teams competing with each other.

Zhao Yinyun and Tony both hope that they can win the three-team competition, so that they can raise their heads in front of the commander.

It can even impress the commander.

But what Lu Xingye said next broke all their illusions.

"How's your exploration going? If you didn't discover the dragon ruins, there would be no need to continue this game."

"Because I discovered the dragon ruins at the bottom of the moon. Although there is no way to explore it, it has been confirmed that the lunar ruins are real."

"To put it simply, I won the three team competitions this time."

But after hearing Lu Xingye’s words, you felt a little fooled by him.

Tony explored several areas and found five or six Shenlong skeletons while searching.

As for the relics of the divine dragon, I didn't even see the hair.

So it was hard for Tony to accept what he said late at night.

"Commander, don't fool me."

"The Shenlong instrument on the moon is so easy to explore. I don't even know if there is a moon on the moon. Stop scaring me with these things."

At this time, Zhao Yinyun's faint voice came again.

She thrust her head in front of the camera so that her entire body appeared on the screen.

"That's right!"

"Commander, you must be planning to use this kind of lie to confuse us, right? Don't worry, we won't be fooled by you. I'm still exploring with all my strength, and we'll get to know you together then."

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.

"Who has time to joke with you?"

"What I said is true. I discovered a very huge dragon relic on the moon."

"If you don't believe it, I can now send you the relevant video of the Shenlong ruins I just observed, so that you can see what the real Shenlong ruins are."

Lu Xingye looked at the screen and smiled, unable to help showing his white teeth.

He was obviously very proud of his victory in the competition.

319. Return to the home star

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xingye directly called up the drone footage and sent it to Zhao Yinyun and Tony respectively.


"This is part of the exploration scene I just photographed. See for yourselves. Remember, please don't be surprised, because this is just the tip of the iceberg that I photographed. There must be more things about Shenlong ruins underground."

Lu Xingye looked at the camera and smiled at Zhao Yinyun and Tony.

"To be honest, Commander, I still don't quite believe you."

"Did you just say that you would send photo evidence?"

"Where are the photos? Why didn't I see them?"

Facing Tony's question, Lu Xingye didn't know how to answer. After hesitating for a moment, he had to spit out one sentence.

"I was worried that you would say my photos were photoshopped, so instead of sending you photos, I sent you a video directly."

"There are more than T in total. Just wait a moment and you should receive it soon."

Lu Xingye looked at Tony and smiled. He was very proud of his mouth. Obviously the victory made him very satisfied.

Actually tell the truth.

The reason why he was able to win.

There is also a certain amount of luck involved. At the beginning, he only found a dragon skeleton, although he could not completely win. But a complete dragon skeleton also gives him a high chance of winning.


The emergence of the Gray Mist Civilization later forced him to abandon his original plan.

He cut his own hair short, and the spacecraft used its antimatter energy cannon to blast through the surface of the moon.

Then by chance, this piece of dragon ruins was discovered.

However, Lu Xingye didn't feel any shame. In many cases, luck was also part of his strength.

Therefore, it is natural for him to win among Zhao Yinyun and Tony.

Tony: "Commander, are you kidding me?"

Lu Xingye smiled: "Who has time to joke with you?"

"You should have received the document I sent you by now."

Tony looked at the screen of his communicator, but there was nothing on it. Just as he was about to laugh at Lu Xingye, he suddenly found that his communicator vibrated.

The communicator will only vibrate when it receives a file or message. According to the current situation, it is more likely to receive a file than a message.

And looking at his determined look late into the night, Tony felt that he would most likely lose.

Because Lu Xingye is the commander.

Under normal circumstances, I would not lie to myself about this.

as expected.

When he clicked on the communicator, he immediately saw a video of more than 2T.

The video started playing with a tap of his right hand. The video described the process before Lu Xingye sent a drone to explore the moon cave. It recorded the footage taken by the drone and the remains of his younger brother Shenlong.

Seeing this, Tony was finally convinced that he had lost.

"Commander, I lost."

Tony was a little downcast as he spoke. It was obvious that he had lost the game just now, which made him feel very bad.

The opposite of Tony.

After Zhao Yinyun watched the video sent by Lu Xingye, she didn't look sad, but looked very happy.

"Oh my God, these are really the remains of a divine dragon."

"Commander, I love you so much."

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