Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 395

"With you and the discovery of this dragon relic, our biochemical laboratory will definitely be able to reach a higher level."

Faced with Lu Xingye's disgusted look, Xiang Yinyun didn't mind. Instead, he smiled and asked Lu Xingye loudly.

"Commander, where are you now? I'm going to find you right now. I want to participate in the excavation of the Shenlong ruins."

Lu Xingye: "I'm on the spaceship, so you can just teleport back. By the way, Tony, too, you can teleport directly back too. Let's bump heads and return to our home planet."

Tony: "Okay. . . ."

About three minutes later.

Two vague figures appeared in the spaceship.

As a sense of distortion came, the two people gradually became clear. Photons and electrons were converted into biological factors, and two living people appeared in front of Lu Xingye.

These two people are Zhao Yinyun and Tony.

"Welcome back two heroes."

Lu Xingye looked at them and smiled softly, then gave them each a big bear hug.

When he walked over to hug Zhao Yinyun, Zhao Yinyun was a little shy and her face was red, but she did not refuse.

By this time.

Zhao Yinyun's heart has long belonged to Lu Xingye only.

"starry night."

"Have you hugged me enough? Are you still not letting me go?"

Lu Xingye: "No. I can't hold you enough in my life, so how can I hold you enough!"

Zhao Yinyun's face was red: ""You, the dead person, said some earthy love words, which made people a little touched. "


But soon, Zhao Yinyun got out of this shyness. Although he remembered the videos Lu Xingye sent him, he quickly asked.

"Are the videos of the dragon ruins you sent me true?"

Lu Xingye nodded gently: ""I can't lie to anyone, you are really my little fool. "

Zhao Yinyun didn't know why her face turned red again.

Originally, he was a very shy person, but he didn't know why.

Now he has become extremely shy.

It's like I want to finish all my shyness in one day.

"Then take me there quickly, I want to see the dragon ruins."

"Because the birth of Shen Nong is of great help to our Hive Biochemical Laboratory. If I can discover why Shen Long is so powerful, then I can extract the powerful genes of Shen Long. If it is installed in the human body, the human body can Has the power of a dragon."

Lu Xingye smiled: "My little fool, why are you in a hurry? Didn't I tell you clearly on the phone just now? Although I have discovered the relics of this divine dragon. But for the time being, we are not able to explore this divine dragon. Relics. No, to be precise, it’s not that we don’t have the ability to explore the Shenlong Chair, but that we can’t develop the Shennong relics in a short period of time, and we have to wait until we dig out the ground.”

"Dig all the way down to the ground."

"This way we can mine the dragon ruins."

"To put it simply, now you just need to return to our home planet with me."

After Zhao Yinyun heard this, she felt very helpless. But there is no way.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded helplessly.

"Then let's return to the home star hive first."


The spacecraft started the curvature engine, and the spacecraft flew away from the mother star at the speed of light propagation.

In less than half an hour, they returned directly to the Qingtian Spaceport built by the Hive. It is then uploaded from the spaceport back to the hive.

320. The Hive Biochemical Laboratory is about to dissect the dragon

After Lu Xingye came back, he went directly to his room, because there was a beauty waiting for something in his room.

Long Yubing.

Although Long Yubing had always been his bodyguard before.

But since that ambiguous incident happened, Long Yubing now seems to have been tamed and listens to Lu Xingye on everything. He would do whatever Lu Xingye told him to do.

This allowed Lu Xingye to live a happy life ahead of schedule.

In the living room.

In the living room, Lu Xingye sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, watching a movie in a very comfortable position. Sitting next to him was his little bodyguard Long Yubing.

Long Yubing was beside him, peeling the grape skins for him and massaging him at the same time.

Dress sexy and sexy.

Looks like some nefarious business is gathering.

It seems that some men's clubs specialize in such activities.


Tony and Zhao Yinyun were not so relaxed.

As soon as Tony returned to the hive, he began to take charge of the research and development of a new generation of spaceship plans and weapons to fight against the gray fog civilization.

As for Zhao Yinyun!

Zhao Yinyun is the most powerful biochemical scientist inside the hive. As soon as he returned to the hive, he rushed into his laboratory.

Because of this trip to the moon, she also discovered something.

Although he did not find the complete dragon skeleton.


The skeletons of some other ancient creatures were found, as well as some parts of the dragon's skeleton.

To put it simply.

In other words, this trip to the moon would allow him to study it for a long time.

He sent all the skeletons of ancient creatures and part of the dragon skeletons to his laboratory using a particle conveyor.

Then began to use various instruments in the laboratory to automatically detect and extract the genes inside, prepare for genetic recombination and gene library modification, and think about how to integrate these into the human body to develop more powerful biochemical warriors.

Where's Jarvis on the other side!

Seeing that Lu Xingye was back, he quickly put away his smart program.

As the skill program was put away, the beauty anchor in June disappeared instantly, and the live broadcast room instantly turned into a black screen.

The fans who were watching the live broadcast immediately started to cry out in sorrow.

"What's going on? I just watched half of the live broadcast and then disappeared."

"Beautiful anchor in June, beautiful anchor in June, we can stop looking at the moon and let me see how you are!"

"That anchor, you are so beautiful, I still like you,"

"I like you, I like you, I like you."

"Anchor of Aite June, when can you broadcast live again? I will definitely come and watch."

But soon the fans in the live broadcast room discovered that the live broadcast room did not exist at all, and it disappeared in an instant.

Even the nickname June Anchor cannot be found.

Some fans remember the ID number of the anchor and the ID number of the live broadcast room. If they don't believe in evil, they search for the ID number of the live broadcast room and the ID number of the anchor. The result is the same, they can't find this number.

To put it simply.

That is, both the host’s ID number and the ID number of the live broadcast room in June have disappeared.

It's like all this never existed.

But everyone knew that this was definitely not an illusion, because he was not the only one to see the live broadcast, but everyone around the world saw it.

It is even less likely that it is a memory that has been tampered with.

So all the fans on the Internet believed that June Anchor was real. Suddenly, there was a heat wave in the evening, and they were looking for June Anchor.

Crazy online human flesh search for June anchor.

But in the end they were destined to be unable to search.

Because Jarvis, as a super artificial intelligence, is the god in the Internet.

Because Lu Xingye was back, Jarvis was worried that Lu Xingye would find out about his private live broadcast. Jarvis wanted to erase all traces on the Internet.

Just imagine.

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