Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 401

Is it really right for me to force Zhu Xiaonong to continue being my secretary?

Although Zhu Xiaonong is also willing to be his secretary, when I become his secretary, Zhu Xiaonong also loses what he likes to pursue. Is this a disguised form of depriving others of their right to pursue life?

Lu Xingye only hesitated for a second and suddenly had a new idea.

Zhu Xiaonong is already his secretary, so why does he still have the right to pursue love?

You can only have your own secretary.


Lu Xingye is a very domineering person.

The woman you already possess will never allow another man to touch you, even a hair, otherwise Lu Xingye will go crazy, and he will pull out all his weapons to die with the enemy.

"Do you want to experience the feeling of love?" Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong and asked with a smile.

"Of course I want to experience the feeling of love. I have always dreamed of experiencing the feeling of love, but I feel that there is no hope for me in this life because I have been completely trapped in the hive by you."

"As your personal secretary, I know too many secrets. You will not allow someone who knows so many secrets to go out and find other people."

Zhu Xiaonong looked at Lu Xingye and smiled bitterly.

Although Zhu Xiaonong is usually very arrogant, he has a lot of ghosts in his heart. Yes, he sees everything very clearly, but sometimes he doesn't say it in his heart.

"That's super simple. I can let you experience it now."


"follow me."

Speaking of Lu Xingye, he ignored Zhu Xiaonong's objection.

He instantly lowered his head and bent down, put his hands through Du Xiaolong's waist, and hugged him. Moreover, this hug was not an ordinary hug, but a princess hug, a very intimate hug.

Originally Zhu Xiaonong refused.

But Lu Xingye came too suddenly.

He didn't have time to react.

Before Zhu Xiaonong could even react, he was hugged by Lu Xingye.

Because Zhu Xiaolong was suddenly picked up by someone in the air, he instantly lost the sense of contact with his strength, making him lose all sense of security, so his hands and feet moved around like an octopus, and finally he seemed to have caught something and hugged Lu tightly. starry night.

It seemed that hugging Lu Xingye could bring him a sense of security.

"Why are you holding me? Let me down quickly. I'm telling you, don't mess around. If you mess around, I'll call the police immediately."

Facing Zhu Xiaonong's threats, Lu Xingye was not afraid at all.

What kind of territory is this?

Whose territory is this?

This is Suihuo Technology, and this is Hive.

This is his territory, Lu Xingye.

Don't say anything bad, even if the army comes, they won't be able to capture your base camp.

Lu Xingye's confidence comes from his strong strength.

"Then don't worry, I'm not afraid anyway."


"Zhu Xiaonon, let me tell you, I really have to do something today."

Lu Miye looked at Zhu Xiaonong in the embrace of the world and spoke fiercely.

In fact, he didn't plan to pretend to be Zhu Xiaonong, but he heard Zhu Xiaonong's words. Lu Xingye himself was a little unhappy, so he scared his secretary Zhu Xiaonong.



Zhu Xiaonon shouted for help several times in the air-conditioned corridor, but the hive here belonged to Lu Xingye, so naturally no one responded to Zhu Xiaonon's call for help.

About a moment later,

Zhu Xiaonong finally gave up.

He knew that he was in this hive, and even if he shouted until his throat was broken, no one would save him.

Lu Xingye is really a big devil.

Super devil.

"I hate you."

Zhu Xiaonong could no longer hold back the tears in his eyes, and the words dripped down onto Lu Xingye's shoulders. However, Lu Xingye was still as hard-hearted as usual and was not moved at all.

"If you want to hate me now, go ahead and hate me. I'm afraid you won't hate me when you get there later."

Lu Xingye smiled softly.

woo woo woo woo……

"You bully people."

After saying this, Zhu Xiaonong didn't know what he was thinking of. He stopped crying and then opened his mouth wide and bit Lu Xingye's shoulder suddenly.


Lu Xingye, who was standing and walking, suddenly felt a huge pain in his body, coming from his shoulders and going straight to his forehead.

"Xiao nonong."

"Are you a fucking dog? Don't bite people when you have nothing to do, okay?"

"It really hurts me to death."

Lu Xingye resisted the pain in his shoulders, but he did not dare to use force, because with his body's quality, once he tightened his muscles, Zhu Xiaonong's teeth would definitely break.

"I let you bully me."

"I want to see if you dare to bully me again in the future. If you bully me again, I will bite you. Bite your shoulder."

Zhu Xiaonong seemed to have found something that could suppress Lu Xingye, and his two dimples suddenly appeared. He raised his hands slightly, held his small pink fist, and said with a slight threat.


forget it!

Lu Xingye hesitated for a moment.

As an adult, I don't care about the faults of the villains, so I won't care about the minor peasants. .

After about a few more minutes, Lu Xingye finally took Allen Chu back to his room. This was also the first time that Lu Xingye returned to his room with a woman other than Long Yubing.

Originally, Lu Xingye would not share his room with other women because he was a very principled person. However, after he took the dragon-strengthening potion called Yin Yun Tiao, his body changed.

No, to be more precise, it should be a psychological change.

Dragon nature is inherently licentious.

Lu Xingye felt that in addition to inheriting the powerful fighting power of Shenlong genes, he also inherited the nature of a dragon.

That's why Lu Xingye asked other girls to bring them to his room.

Although Lu Xingye is not ready to do anything to Zhu Xiaonong now. .

But what he didn't know was that he didn't know it.

If he didn't want anything to happen with Zhu Xiaoneng, how could he bring Zhu Xiaonong back to his room?

In fact, in Lu Xingye's subconscious, he hoped that something could happen with Zhu Xiaonong.

After all, dragon nature is inherently lustful.

His character is like this. Even if he is restrained in his heart, his true nature cannot be concealed. .

After returning to his room, Lu Xingye kicked open the door and threw Zhu Xiaonong onto the sofa in his living room.

The sofa is a custom-made soft sofa.


Throwing the people on the sofa will not cause any harm to the people.

Zhu Xiaonon fell behind the sofa.

His hands instantly hugged his chest tightly, and his body curled up into a ball, huddled in one of the corners of the sofa like a kitten. Now he was really scared.

Lu Xingye looked at Lu Xingye with a hint of fear. It was the man in front of him who forcefully carried him back from the office area and carried him back to his room.

It looks very much like the domineering president in the TV series.

But Zhu Xiaonong knew that this was definitely not the domineering president on the TV.

Because although Lu Xingye is domineering, he is by no means the cold domineering president.

But when something happens, Lu Xingye really gets involved.

Zhu Xiaonong couldn't help but started crying on the ground. He really didn't want his first time here to be lost so hastily.

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