Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 402

Allen Chu is now somewhat resigned to his fate.

She just hoped that her first time would not be ruined by Lu Xingye.

In other words.

He hoped that Lu Xingye could enjoy his first time and remember his first time well.

Now Zhu Xiaonong is not so entangled.

If a girl is destined to lose her first time, then why should she worry about how she lost it?

However, what Zhu Xiaonon never expected was.

Lu Xingye had no such idea at all.

He brought Zhu Xiaonong to his room, just because he wanted to watch a vigorous love movie with Zhu Xiaonong.

After all, men and women are passionately in love.

Didn’t they all start by watching small movies?

Hasn’t Zhu Xiaonong never experienced the taste of love?

So he wanted to take Zhu Xiaonong to experience the taste of love.

"What kind of movies do you like to watch?"


Lu Xingye turned off the lights, then raised the virtual movie platform, which sounded with the light of VR.

Movie virtual projection appeared.

A virtual projection appeared directly in front of Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong.

This position is just right for the two of them to watch movies. Whether they are sitting and watching movies or lying on the sofa to watch movies, it is a very good visual experience.

"Your dad and I came to your room just to watch a movie with me?"

Zhu Xiaonong raised his head and looked at Lu Xingye in disbelief. He was already prepared to lose something, but he didn't expect that nothing happened at the last moment.

And I still think too much.

Zhu Xiaonong was a little embarrassed for a moment and his face turned red.

"What else?"

"You said you have never experienced the taste of love. I just helped you experience the taste of love."

"What do you think I want to do?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong with a slight smile.

326. Zhao Dawei was kidnapped, and Lu Xingye launched a rescue

"I thought you wanted to... I thought you wanted to..."

At this point, Zhu Xiaonong's face turned red, and he was obviously embarrassed to say any more. As a girl who is a satellite, her skin is very thin, and it is difficult for them to say some shy words.

At this time, Lu Xingye took Zhu Xiaonong's words with a smile.

"You think I want you to do what you want, right?"

Zhu Xiaonong's face turned red. Although he didn't say anything directly, the expression on his face was equivalent to acquiescence.

Zhu Xiaonong was just afraid that Lu Xingye would do something to him.

"Is that you???"

"As you are, I can't be interested in you at all."

"The whole person is like an airport. Except for his somewhat remarkable personality, everything else is unsightly."

Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong and teased him to speak.

Because Lu Xingye understands deeply that if you want to chase a goddess, you can't follow her routine. Any goddess has many suitors, or flower guardians.

They have long been accustomed to other boys kneeling and licking them, so if you use kneeling and licking to pursue a goddess, you will definitely not be able to bring the beauty back.

In TV dramas.

Those supporting male characters kneel down and lick all kinds of warm men. Although the heroine has a slight liking for that kind of supporting character at first, in the end the heroine will still be with that kind of playboy.

Although the playboy and the heroine were at odds with each other in the early stages.

It can even be said that they are happy enemies.

In addition, there were various misunderstandings in the early stage.

But this is where the clever jealousy lies. Although the playboy and the heroine have various misunderstandings, this is not about kneeling down and licking the heroine.

When this misunderstanding is resolved, the heroine will fall in love with this playboy wholeheartedly.

Lu Xingye's method of pursuing Zhu Xiaonong was through pressing and stretching.

To put it simply, it was to suppress Zhu Xiaonong and destroy his self-esteem.

Aren't you a towering goddess?

Then my first move is to knock your goddess down first.

Let you fall from the nine heavens into the mortal world, polluting the tackiness of the earthly world.

If I pursue you like this, it won't be difficult.

"you you……"

Zhu Xiaonong's face turned red when he heard this, and tears kept rolling in his eyes. He has been a Celestial Master since he was a child. No matter where he goes, he is the focus of people. In terms of appearance alone, he is not inferior to any first-line stars. In terms of figure, his figure is also first-rate.

Let’s talk about talent and personality.

Su Xiaonong's talent and character are the same. He has to work in the hall and in the kitchen. It can be said that if any man can marry Zhu Xiaonong as his wife, it will definitely be the blessing he has received for eight lifetimes.

Therefore, Zhu Xiaonong has always lived in a world of praise from others. Except for his parents who were sick and needed money, he has basically never suffered any setbacks in his life.

Now Zhu Xiaonong suddenly heard Lu Xingye say such heartless words, and his heart almost broke.

"Lu Xingye, am I that unbearable? After all, I was at the level of a goddess that everyone envied when I was a student."

Zhu Xiaonong spoke with a slight cry.

Hum hum…


"Actually, in reality you are even more unbearable than what I said. The reason why I didn't say it out loud is just because I didn't want to embarrass you." Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong and smiled softly.


"Lu Xingye, I hate you."

After saying that, Zhu Xiaonong lay on the sofa with his hands, covered his head, and began to cry loudly. Originally, Zhu Xiaonong didn't like to cry, and he rarely cried, or he had never cried before, but at this moment, the tears in his heart were really hit, and the tears flowed down like he was desperate for his life. .

But Lu Xingye remained unmoved.

Now Zhu Xiaonon's supreme heart is being destroyed step by step.

He also wanted to completely destroy Zhu Xiaonong's self-esteem and make him fall from a goddess above nine heavens to a mortal woman, so that he could do whatever he wanted.

"You can cry, just cry."

"Because the girls cry sadly, the happier I am."

"When girls want to cry, I want to laugh."


Lu Xingye ignored Zhu Xiaolong's reaction time, made a face at the other party, and then looked at his face with a smile.

Zhu Xiaonong cried even more sadly now.

He felt that he had really been unlucky for eight lifetimes before he met this evil boss.

I know how to bully myself all day long.

Zhu Xiaonong is very aggrieved now, but because he has no way to contact the outside world in Fengchao, nor can he tell others, so Zhu Xiaonong can only deal with all the grievances in his heart.

About half an hour later, the tears in Zhu Xiaonong's eyes finally dried up.

He stopped crying.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.

"Why don't you keep crying?"

"The more you cry, the happier I am. My favorite thing is to see women cry."

Lu Xingye smiled.

Looking at Allen Chu with his eyes, he opened his mouth, revealing the small white teeth at the door.


"I won't cry, and I won't cry for you."

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