Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 405

He immediately walked out of the hive, walking very fast and walking like a tiger. And his face was full of anxiety, as if something big had happened. This made Lu Xingye feel like something was wrong.

"Jarvis, what's going on? Zhao Dawei, whose call did you answer?" Lu Xingye asked anxiously. She had no choice, she had already seen that her employees were about to be kidnapped, could she not be anxious?

As a person from Tunnel Fire Technology, Lu Xingye had always regarded them as his family. Now that he saw something happened to his family, how could he bear it? His heart felt like being cut by a knife, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"Reporting to Commander, in my big data screening, I did not find the source of Zhao Dawei's call." Jarvis shook his head, feeling helpless.

"Then can we directly invade the operator and find out the specific data? As long as there is a call coming in, it must go through the operator. It is impossible for the enemy to call directly into Zhao Dawei's communicator without going through the operator.|"

Lu Xingye seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be strengthening his self-confidence. Anyway, in the end, even he lost confidence in himself and his voice became weaker and weaker.

How could a real enemy make such a stupid mistake? Although according to convention, you have to go through an operator to make a call, but if the enemy has realized the kidnapping plan, will they be stupid enough to keep their clues?

Lu Xingye himself felt a little lacking in confidence. Sure enough, after a while, he heard Jarvis's helpless voice.

"I have thought of your question a long time ago, and I also checked with the operator, but I couldn't find any call records about this one. It's like this call record doesn't exist. If it wasn't captured by the surveillance camera in real time, Jarvis Everyone thought they were hallucinating!"

Jarvis shook his head, a little helpless. In fact, he guessed that it was because the enemy was using special technology to bypass the monitoring system.

This stuff is very scary. Jarvis guessed that the enemy should have satellite technology, or something similar to satellite technology. They could use satellite technology to bypass the operator and directly transmit signals to Zhao Dawei's terminal.

But no matter what the situation is, it shows that the opponent who kidnapped Zhao Dawei is a very powerful opponent. At least the opponent should have satellite technology, or counterfeit base station technology, otherwise it will be absolutely impossible for the enemy to bypass the operation. Shang called Zhao Dawei.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came again.

"Then is there any other way to trace the IP address of this phone? At least let us find some clues!"

Jarvis shook his head: "I don't have any good ideas at the moment."

At this time, Lu Xingye was a little angry, and his voice suddenly became louder: "Don't we have any way? Don't we have any evidence? Can we just watch our family member Zhao Dawei being kidnapped?"

"I have only one way, and that is to track along the way. After all, it is in the surveillance video. The enemy did not deliberately avoid surveillance, and went specifically to places with many people. It seems like..." Jarvis said this, his voice Stopped suddenly.

As if he thought of something, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

At this time, Lu Xingye’s faint voice came again:

"Did you suddenly think of something?"??

After saying this, Lu Xingye seemed to realize something, and suddenly his face became very ugly like Jarvis.

At this time, Lu Xingye calmly accepted Jarvis's words. "It seems like it was intentional, right??"

"The enemy kidnapped Zhao Dawei and then deliberately left clues for us to follow."

Jarvis heard this and nodded slightly:

"Yes. I'm wondering if this is a trap by the enemy, just to trick us. If we continue to track, will we fall into the enemy's trap?"

"If we continue to track, that is what the enemy wants us to do. If we continue to follow the enemy's ideas, we will only fall into the enemy's trap, and we will never be able to escape from this vicious circle."

At this time, Lu Xingye shook his head: "Even if we know there is a trap, we can't do nothing!"

"Zhao Dawei is our family, and we must rescue Zhao Dawei at all costs. Zhao Dawei is not only our classmate, but also the backbone of Suihuo Technology. There are many secrets inside, and Zhao Dawei knows them all."

""so what! Even if Lu Xingye knew that rescuing Zhao Dawei was a conspiracy, they still had to jump into this fire pit. "

""So, the enemy's kidnapping of Zhao Dawei was a conspiracy. Whether we are willing or not, we must jump into the fire pit. "

Jarvis heard this and nodded slightly, he was deeply convinced.

He just likes this about the commander and is very protective of his shortcomings.

No matter who is in trouble in the hive, the commander will try his best to rescue them. This is a good leader worth following.

"Then let's start the investigation from the video first!"

"I will go around the world later to unlock the robot companion. Let the robot companion investigate the surveillance along the way. Once clues are found, kill the enemy directly. Or call the headquarters for support."

"Yeah. Please do it as soon as possible. We still don't know what the enemy will do after kidnapping Zhao Dawei. If the enemy implements torture, he can't guarantee how long Zhao Dawei can last under the enemy's cruelty."

"But no matter what, Zhao Dawei is their family member, and he must rescue the other party as soon as possible,"

Lu Xingye couldn't let his family suffer casually.

The hive is like a big machine. Under Lu Xingye's order, everyone moved instantly, and everyone began to search for surveillance related to Zhao Dawei.

Among them, those scientists are just low-efficiency testers. They formulate big data models, combine them with real-life data, and start to build analysis models. Although scientists are not very efficient, the models they build are very efficient. It feels like you can do twice the result with half the effort in an instant.

Take a simple particle. Without these data models, people can only conduct investigation and monitoring around the world. Not to mention inefficiency, but also a very large workload. In this way, even if the investigation lasts forever, it may not be possible to complete the investigation at a high level.

Looking at it this way, the role of scientists becomes highlighted. Through big data models and supercomputer calculations, a lot of trouble can be saved.

Soon, Lu Xingye got a surprising clue during their investigation, that is, Zhao Dawei was kidnapped into the Kunlun Mountains.

"Jarvis, was the video you checked just now accurate?" Lu Xingye asked a little uncertainly.

What he saw in front of him was a video of a robot companion inspecting Zhao Dawei in front of the Kunlun Mountains.

This is what the conversation in the video looks like.

Robot companion: "Hello, have you seen this man? |" The robot companion took out Zhao Dawei's photo and placed it in front of a fisherman. The current location is in front of the Kunlun Mountains. The man the robot companion asked was the farmer who lived near the Kunlun Mountains. The farmer is an old man. He was still carrying firewood on his shoulders. It looked like the other party had just come out of the mountain.

Farmer: “I’ve seen this man before.”

"Originally I didn't recognize this man, but when we met him he was very unique, so I recorded it clearly."

"When I first saw this man, he was caught by five or six big men and tied together. Those big men were all fully armed and loaded with ammunition. At first, I thought they were specially trained soldiers. So, I didn’t dare to get too close.”

"I follow the principle that one more thing is worse than one less thing. So, I am going to take a detour."

"What I never expected was that when I was about to leave, I was stopped by six big men. They stopped me and then pulled down the kidnapped man's hood. Let me see the man clearly. appearance."

"Then! Then let me, if I encounter someone coming to check on this man, I will speed up the person truthfully."

"This is what happened."

Seeing this, Lu Xingye fell completely silent. Jarvis was not much different from Lu Xingye. The two of them watched the video of the remote robot companion's investigation and fell into deep silence.

About a moment later, Jarvis came over calmly. "Ninety percent of this video is true. I observed the video, and it shouldn't be synthetic. Moreover, I deliberately split a piece of intelligent code, and found no problems on the opposite robot companion. The remote robot companion also There was no sight of hacking.”

"As for the farmer, I also did an in-depth micro-expression analysis, and finally concluded that the farmer didn't look like a liar."

"In other words, it's true."

at this time.

Lu Xingye had a cold face and clenched his fists with both hands. If he wasn't sure just now whether the man behind the scenes did it on purpose, now, he is 100% sure.

The man behind the scenes kidnapped Zhao Dawei, but left clues everywhere. They were afraid that Tunhuo Technology would not be able to find them.

This is definitely a problem, and it is a big problem.

At this time, Jarvis stretched out the mechanical head and said lightly:

"The enemy behind the scenes wants to lead us into the Kunlun Mountains."


"Why did they lead us into the Kunlun Mountains?"

"Is there some conspiracy? Or..."

"I'm a little confused now."

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment after hearing this.

328. Lu Xingye rescues Zhao Dawei, Zhu Xiaonong follows

"Perhaps the enemy has laid a dragnet inside the Kunlun Mountains and is waiting for us to look for Zhao Dawei. When we were looking for Zhang Dawei, the enemy used a killer plan to keep us all in the Kunlun Mountains."

Lu Xingye watched Jarvis speak calmly.

Although he felt that this possibility was slim, it was not impossible.

As the top commander of Tunnel Fire Technology, Lu Xingye must consider every situation.

"Then what should we do now?" Jarvis looked at Lu Xingye and said helplessly.

Under normal circumstances, Jarvis could think of 1,000 and 10,000 solutions.

But now, of course, there is really no good way to face the enemy's conspiracy.

"Then what else can we do? We can only go into the mountains to find Zhao Dawei."

"Jarvis, you have to remember this for me."

"No matter what happens, Zhao Dawei is the closest partner to their teammates, so our hive's philosophy is to rescue his family as soon as possible."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

"Okay Commander,"

"I will immediately gather the team to enter the Kunlun Mountains."

"We must enter the Kunlun Mountains to see what tricks they are playing."

What's going on? He smiled and nodded, then turned and left. After he left, he directly contacted the Hive Weapons Department and the Robot Department of the Senior Soldier Department.

Link all departments within the hive.

Then draw an invincible team.

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