Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 406

At this time, I don’t know why Zhu Xiaonong actually appeared behind him.

"Did something happen?"

Zhu Xiaonong looked at Lu Xingye's back with complicated eyes. Originally, he didn't want to come out, but for some reason he was a little worried about the man in front of him, so he couldn't help but follow him out.

"It's not a big deal. It's just that the general manager of the company was captured. I have to rescue the general manager of the company first."

Lu Xingye spoke in a lighthearted manner.

Lu Xingye is such a person.

He always kept his pain and grievances silently in his heart and never shared his inner grievances with others.

Just ask, who is the person closest to you?

Lu Xingye was also unwilling to share his secrets with the other party.

Because Lu Xingye felt that he was a man who stood upright and all the pain of life and death he encountered must be borne by himself.

He doesn't want anyone to help him.

He is like an injured puppy, he likes to lick the wound silently without any help from others.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. When I came out just now, I heard the general manager of your company saying that they have been arrested. It seems that they were arrested in the Kunlun Mountains, right?"

"If my guess is correct, DNA should use a kind of wool to attract you into the Kunlun Mountains, and then make some kind of plan for you."

"Or to put it more simply just now."

"The reason why the enemy captured Zhao Dawei is because of you. If you enter the Kunlun Mountains, you will fall into the enemy's conspiracy."

It's rare that his secretary Zhu Xiaonong has such awareness.

Lu Xingye might as well look at Zhu Xiaolong with admiration.

"That has nothing to do with you. I will take care of this matter. You just need to be my secretary and wait for me to come back."

Lu Xingye shook his head, obviously not wanting to say anything more to the other party.

However, after Zhu Xiaonong heard Lu Xingye's words, his expression changed slightly, and he seemed a little angry.

Although he didn't know where Zhu Xiaonong's anger came from or why he suddenly got angry, he was angry anyway.

Lu Xingye was very puzzled by this.

"What do you mean I don't need to care?"

"Lu Xingye, please speak to me properly."

"I am your officially hired secretary, and I must be responsible for your safety."

"And did you forget what you did to me in the room just now? You hugged my body and did some things between men and women, so you must be responsible for me."

Zhu Xiaonong put his hands on his hips and spoke in a somewhat domineering tone. This is the kind of person he is. When a boy is domineering, he can be very gentle, but when a boy wants to do something wrong, he can be very domineering.


Lu Xingye was silent for a moment after hearing this, not knowing what to say for a while.

do not know why.

After listening to Zhu Xiaonong's words, he always felt that he had done something wrong.

But Lu Xingye just thought about it again and felt that he had done nothing wrong. As a grown man, he blocked all risks and did not let his woman suffer any injustice. Is this also wrong?

Lu Xingye was a little confused.

"Then what do you want?" Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong and said calmly.

Zhu Xiaonong: "What I don't want to do, it should be said to be what you want."

"Lu Xingye, I think you are really selfish. You went to the Kunlun Mountains alone to rescue the general manager of a company. Even if you knew it was a ruse, you still had to jump into the fire pit."

"To put it mildly, you are very affectionate, but your righteousness means nothing more than a piece of paper to the company's employees. If any employee is in danger, you will go to the rescue alone."


"But to put it more seriously, this is not a sign of your irresponsibility."

"You must know that you are now the commander-in-chief of Suihuo Technology, that is, the supreme commander of our technology. The person you need to be responsible for is not just a general manager. You have to be responsible for all employees of countermeasures and technology, so you When considering things, you can’t just consider one aspect, you have to consider the whole situation.”

"If you think about things holistically."

"Do you think it was selfish of you to go into the Kunlun Mountains alone to rescue Zhao Dawei?"

"Lu Xingye, please remember something,"

"You are now the commander-in-chief of the best technology, with the lives of millions of people in your hands, so you can no longer be as willful as before. It is not advisable to take risks alone for a certain employee. It’s also unworthy and irresponsible.”

Zhu Xiaonong saw Lu Xingye's sincere words.

There was a hint of crying in her voice as she spoke, and tears kept rolling in her eyes.

No one knew that the reason Zhu Xiaonong was able to do such abnormal behavior was because he had secretly fallen in love with Lu Xingye.

It's just that Zhu Xiaonong himself may not realize that he has fallen in love with Lu Xingye.

"I understand what you said."

"I have also carefully considered what you said. I feel that I can ensure my own safety, so there is nothing wrong with me going into the Kunlun Mountains to rescue Zhao Dawei."

Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong and spoke calmly.

"Then can you take me with you when you go to the Kunlun Mountains?"

Zhu Xiaonong also knew the character of Lu Xingye, and it was basically impossible to get the other party to give up the rescue, so Xiaolong had a bold idea in his mind to go to the Kunlun Mountains with Lu Xingye.

If Lu Xingye were to go deep into the Kunlun Mountains by himself, there would definitely be some risks.

And if it’s just a boy.

Boys tend to take risks and are not very clear-headed.

So Zhu Xiaonong thought he could go to the Kunlun Mountains with Lu Xingye.

In this way, men and women can work together without getting tired, and the thinking of men and women is complementary to a certain extent. If there is something that Lu Xingye cannot consider, Zhu Xiaonong can help him think about it, so that certain potential risks can be avoided.

"You are a girl, why are you going to the Kunlun Mountains?"

"Isn't this nonsense!"

After listening to Zhu Xiaonong's words, Lu Xingye frowned, obviously unhappy.

"I'm not suitable for making trouble. Why can you go to the Kunlun Mountains to rescue your colleagues, but I can't go to the Kunlun Mountains to help you?"

: ""Please don't underestimate women, okay?"

Zhu Xiaonong raised his eyebrows, not afraid of the angry Lu Xingye at all.


Lu Xingye was confused for a moment.

In fact, he also knew that Zhu Xiaonong was worried about his own safety, so he didn't blame him.

After thinking for a moment, he could only drop one sentence.

"If you want to follow me to the Kunlun Mountains, then you can follow me. If there is any danger then, I will not be responsible. Just remember to take care of yourself."

"I don't need you to take care of me. I hope you don't have to ask me to take care of you when the time comes." After Lu Xingye agreed, he was obviously very happy. His brows relaxed slightly and there was a slight smile on his lips.

Then Zhu Xiaonong seemed to have thought of something, and after circling around Lu Xingye, he suddenly spoke.

"Then wait for me, I'll prepare something, and we'll meet up in about half an hour."

Lu Xingye: "Okay."

After Zhu Xiaonon left, he suddenly turned his head to look at Lu Xingye, with a bit of confusion in his eyes. Even in his artificial intelligence database, he couldn't figure out why Lu Xingye took Zhu Xiaolong with him to the Kunlun Mountains.

"Commander, why did you ask Zhu Xiaonong to take him to the Kunlun Mountains? In my data model, I tried to go to the Kunlun Mountains, but there are many dangers. If you take Zhu Xiaonong, we may not be able to take care of him by then. "

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment and then spoke. "Let the little secretary Zhu Xiaonong do whatever he likes. We must increase the security and protect it when the time comes."

Lu Xingye didn't do much to Jarvis, the artificial intelligence.

As for why he took Allen Chu to the Kunlun Mountains, this issue was very complicated, and he didn't know how to explain it to Jarvis for a moment. .

And Jarvis is an artificial intelligence.

Lu Xingye felt that it was very difficult for him to explain to the other party, so he simply wasn't going to explain to the other party.

About half an hour.

Zhu Xiaonong was finally ready, and he dragged two suitcases behind him.

Lu Xingye also issued the latest order to Jarvis.

Let him mobilize all the most advanced weapons, best soldiers, and robots in the hive and go to the Kunlun Mountains with him.

Especially when he was on the march.

Led a number of space fixtures.

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