Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 411

In addition, Allen Chu was taking a shower just now, so he is still wet now.

The yukata is very tight.

His son-shaped figure is perfectly outlined, and his body is as convex as it should be, without any fat.

It looks quite tempting.

Lu Xingye's eyes suddenly widened, but he didn't forget Zhu Xiaonong's scream just now, so he quickly asked with concern.

"Zhu Xiaonon, are you okay? Have you been bitten by a poisonous snake???"

However, what Lu Xingye never expected was.

Zhu Xiaonong's expression changed slightly as if he hadn't heard what he said.

Then he quickly walked to Lu Xingye.

A sudden jump.

The whole person hangs on Lu Xingye like an octopus?

"There are snakes."

"Lu Xingye, there is a snake in the bathroom."

Zhu Xiaonong hugged Lu Xingye and spoke with some fear.


Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong and was silent for a moment, with some disappointment on his face.

This little girl!

Didn't you just say there were poisonous snakes?

When I ran out, I was running so fast, how could I wrap myself up so tightly?

The weather is so hot now, why don't you dress cooler?

What a disappointment.


At this time, Lu Xingye saw Zhu Xiaonong's lively appearance and immediately knew that the other person was fine.

331. Change the plan and integrate the Shenlong gene army

"Then wait for me."

Lu Xingye put Zhu Xiaonon down, but Zhu Xiaonon was still a little reluctant.

But Lu Xingye forcefully put him on the ground.

Lu Xingye walked over quickly and walked up to the poisonous snake.



He grabbed forward with his right hand and caught the snake.

Catch that snake.

Then let it go.

He played with it in his hands, then pulled it up, put it under his feet and trampled it to death.

"Just trample it to death."

"in this way."

"He won't poison you."

Lu Xingye picked up the poisonous snake and placed it in front of Zhu Xiaonong.


Lu Xingye frightened Zhu Xiaonong, and the little beauty screamed again.

Probably a moment later.

When Xiao Nong saw clearly that the venomous snake in front of Lu Xingye was already a dead snake.

The fear on his face was reduced a little. .

"How about you seek death? This little snake came to scare me, knowing that I am too afraid of snakes."

Zhu Xiaonong had some anger on his face.

But when he saw the poisonous snake clearly and knew that the poisonous snake would not hurt him again, Zhu Xiaonong felt relieved.


At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.

"Go take a shower quickly."

"I have eliminated the poisonous snake. There is nothing unclean inside anymore. You can take a bath in peace."

Although Zhu Xiaonong was still a little scared.

But after listening to Lu Xingye's comforting voice, the love and fear in her heart became less.

So he patiently waited to worry.

I ran to the bathroom to take a shower.


Lu Xingye returned to his room.

Only the little girl Long Yubing was in the room.

Because Long Yubing has always been his little bodyguard, he is always close to her. I still can't change this habit.

When Lu Xingye ordered the robot to set up the tent, he always set up the master bedroom and auxiliary bedroom.

Lu Xingye lived in the master bedroom.

Long Yubing lives in the second bedroom.

As soon as he entered the room, Long Yubing greeted him. He also held a hot towel in his hand, apparently preparing to give Lu Xingye a massage.


Long Yubing has evolved from a small bodyguard to a masseur.

Now Long Yubing's masseuse skills have surpassed those of the little bodyguard.

Quite literally.

Now Long Yubing's massage techniques are unparalleled in the world, and they are not inferior to the other first-class masseurs.

Therefore, Lu Xingye also enjoyed the massage from the beautiful lady Long Yubing.

Seeing Long Yubing's appearance, Lu Xingye did not refuse and lay directly on the bed in the tent, leaning against him.

Let the other person start Thai back thrusting.

Long Yubing's technique was just right, not too strong, not too weak, just right.

Lu Xingye was so happy that he almost screamed.

If Lu Xingye hadn't screamed out when he saw a little beauty lying on top of him, he would have been embarrassed, and he would have screamed out long ago.

The feeling of Long Yubing's massage on herself was so comfortable.

After the massage, Lu Xingye went into the room to take a shower. After coming out of the shower, he began to study the action plan for tomorrow.

Lu Xingye, Jarvis, Long Yubing, and Zhu Xiaonong were sitting in the conference room discussing the battle plan for tomorrow.

Lu Xingye sat at the main table of the conference table and spoke first.

"I think they can't just sit back and let the man behind the scenes lead them by the nose."

"To put it simply, starting from tomorrow, our rescue plan must change."

Jarvis hesitated before speaking. "We all understand the truth. The question now is how to change our tactics so as not to let the enemy lead us by the nose."

As Jarvis's voice fell, everyone in the conference room was silent for a few seconds, because they had not thought of any particularly good solution so far.

The sound of needle dropping could be heard in the conference room, which became increasingly quiet.

Lu Xingye glanced at everyone in the conference room from time to time.

However, everyone in the conference room immediately lowered their heads under Lu Xingye's gaze, fearing that Lu Xingye would call on them to answer questions.

Another 5 minutes passed.

In the end, it was Zhu Xiaonong who spoke first.

When it comes to war tactics, Zhu Xiaonong is a layman and knows nothing.

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