Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 412

But it was precisely because Zhu Xiaonong didn't understand anything that he saw the clues.

As the saying goes, bystanders know clearly, but those in authority are confused.

"The Kunlun Mountains are so big. If the man behind the scenes is determined to let us find it. Or if the man behind the scenes is determined to hide, even if we start a blanket search, we may not get results in ten and a half months."

"Then we can look at it in a different way."

"Since our idea of ​​​​looking for Zhao Dawei doesn't work, wouldn't it be much easier to change our idea and let the enemy come to us?"

Lu Xingye nodded slightly when listening, feeling

At this time, what Zhu Xiaonong said made sense.

"Keep talking."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly with a cold face, feeling a little calm.

At this time, Zhu Xiaonong's faint voice came again.


"Didn't you just say that? While we are rescuing Zhao Dawei, we will also explore the legends in myths and stories."

"Then we can let down our guard first."


"To be more precise, we have put aside our exploration of Zhao Dawei in advance."

"So we're going to go straight around the corner and explore history and mythology."

"Then we can claim that we have made a major discovery in the mythical story and give up all plans to rescue Zhao Dawei."

Hear this.

Lu Xingye probably understood Zhu Xiaonong's plan.

art of war.

What is real is virtual, and what is virtual is real.

It is difficult to distinguish between virtuality and reality.

The reason why the man behind the scenes is so sure now is because he has been following the other party's steps.

He never stepped out of the frame of the man behind the scenes.

but. …

If you follow what Zhu Xiaonong said, the situation will be completely different.

This is equivalent to him jumping directly out of the frame of the mastermind behind the scenes, and not beyond the six realms in the Three Realms.

Lu Xingye just summarized the main points of what Zhu Xiaonong said.

The first point is to turn to explore mythology.

The second point is to give up rescuing Zhao Dawei.

The third point is to declare to the outside world that major discoveries have been made in mythology.

The fourth point is to release the news to deceive the enemy.

The fifth point is to lay a dragnet in the trap and wait for the enemy to fall into the trap.

If the five key points are implemented.

Lu Xingye felt that it was really possible to attract the man behind the scenes.

Even if it doesn't work, my plan will shift from light to dark.

To put it simply.

We will continue the rescue because Zhao Dawei is a member of the Beehive family and he cannot give up the life of any family member.


This rescue was directly transferred from overt rescue to covert rescue.

From the appearance to the secret.

The initiative has changed.

The initiative became in Lu Xingye's hands.

"Zhu Xiaonon, what you said is very good."

"I'm going to take your suggestion."

"Does anyone have anything else to add?"

at this time.

Lu Xingye turned his head and looked at everyone.

One person is short-term, many people are short-term.

At this time, Jarvis thought for a moment and added.

"I think our troops should be dispersed a little more."

Lu Xingye: ""Spread the troops? "

At this time, Lu Xingye was a little confused.

At this time, Jarvis's calm voice came over.

"Yes, if we implement the plan Zhu Xiaonong said, our military strength cannot be too strong."

"If our troops are too strong, the mastermind behind the scenes will probably be afraid of his own failure and not be fooled."

"So when we implement Zhu Xiaonong's plan, we must show weakness to the enemy appropriately."

After listening to this, Lu Xingye felt that what Jarvis said was very reasonable, but now another question came up.

If most of the troops are taken away, they may not be able to see the mastermind behind it.

Although it is said that he can continuously send soldiers to support him.

But it is difficult for him to guarantee that the enemy does not have this kind of teleportation technology.

In other words.

He himself was not sure whether anyone from the enemy had sent out space fixtures.

If the enemy also develops space fixtures.

Then when the enemy takes action, he will definitely bring a space fixation device.

in this way.

My own group is in danger.

With the troops withdrawn from the mythical ruins again, the support from behind will not be able to support them.

The danger involved must be fatal.

A bad word.

Maybe Lu Xingye himself would be damaged in it.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came again: ""If you test the strength of the troops, how can you ensure the safety of our group? :"

Originally, Lu Xingye thought Jarvis would give him a perfect solution.

Didn't expect what he got.

Jarvis shook his head helplessly.

"There's no way around this."

"If we choose to implement Zhu Xiaonong's plan, it will be a risk in itself. If the risk succeeds, everything will be happy. If the risk fails, we will be sad."

"So it's up to you whether you choose to take risks or not."

Lu Xingye fell into deep silence after hearing this. He also understood the risks involved, but he just couldn't make a decision.

At this time, everyone who was not meeting in the conference room also held their breath.

They stared at Lu Xingye intently, but did not say anything to disturb him.

they know. …

Now that Lu Xingye was in a critical period of making decisions, they had to create a quiet environment for Lu Xingye so that he could think quietly and come up with the most perfect solution.

They are all Lu Xingye's loyal subordinates.

No matter what decision Lu Xingye makes.

They will always support Lu Xingye's decision.

About 10 minutes later.

Lu Xingye finally decided.

"After careful consideration, I agree to implement Zhu Xiaonong's plan."

"It's just that when we implement the plan mentioned by Zhu Xiaolong, we must require every member of our hive to integrate the Shenlong gene."

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