Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 413

The current enhancement reagent of Shenlong Gene is the latest experimental result of Hive, and it is also the strongest enhancement reagent of Hive so far.

Even ordinary people who take the oxidizing reagent and fuse the genes of the dragon will become extremely powerful and invulnerable.

Hand tearing robot.

Catching bullets with one hand is no problem.

If every member of the hive takes the strengthening reagent, it would be equivalent to every soldier in the assistant being a super soldier.

Even stronger than a super soldier.

Take advantage of this information gap.

Lu Xingye can perfectly disguise the battlefield, making the enemy feel that he is very weak.

The people stationed on the battlefield are all ordinary people.

When the time comes, he will even withdraw all the mechanized armies.

Those liquid robots, multifunctional soldiers.


These modern weapons are withdrawn from the periphery of the mythical location.

He will only leave biochemical soldiers on the perimeter.

These biochemical soldiers are mostly combined with the strengthening reagents taken by Shenlong genes.

Everyone is a master of one against a hundred.

But the enemy doesn't know how powerful these biochemical soldiers are.

If the enemy is also skilled in mechanical technology, their main attack force will also be based on robots.

Then the enemy will definitely look down on you.

What do you think this group of biochemical troops is capable of?

All of flesh and blood.

There is no comparison with his own army of robots.

This makes it easy for the enemy to be fooled.

"Commander, do you want to..." At this point, Jarvis made the syllable of the last word very long. He did not say it clearly, but everyone understood what Jarvis wanted to say. .

"Yes, it's what you think." Lu Xingye nodded gently.

At this time, Jarvis's faint voice came again. "Although our hive has research and development dragon genes, do we have so many strengthening reagents?"

That's right,

The commander's plan is right, but the prerequisite for executing this plan is that they must have so many dragon genes.

If there are not so many strengthening reagents, then everything is empty talk.

At this time, Lu Xingye thought about this problem and felt a little worried in his heart. He immediately turned his head and looked at Zhao Yinyun and asked lightly.

"How many strengthening reagents are there in our hive now?"

"Can all the enhanced reagents in our hive be combined to allow us to arm a powerful biochemical army?"

Chao Yinyun was silent for a moment after hearing this, and began to think about Lu Xingye's question. There are quite a lot of Shenlong genes in the Hive Laboratory now.

He can also extract Shenlong's genes in batches.

If you pull up a biochemical army, there will be no problem.

But it’s hard to say.

Because it depends on how large a biochemical army Lu Xingye wants to build.

If it were a small-scale biochemical army, Zhao Yinyun could pat his chest and say that there would be no problem at all.

But if it is a large-scale biochemical army, Zhao Yinyun is not sure.

Because a large-scale biochemical army has at least tens of thousands of biochemical soldiers.

There were only a few Shenlong skeletons they obtained from the moon, and there was no way to create a biochemical army numbering in the tens of thousands.

332. Lu Xingye is preparing to build a lunar sentinel and upgrade the Sky Eye satellite

At this time, Lu Xingye seemed to see Zhao Yinyun's embarrassment.

He quickly explained.

"Do not worry."

"It's enough for me to form a thousand-man Shenlong Gene Biochemical Army."

"There is no need for thousands or tens of thousands of people."

"If that's not enough for you, we can also transport some Shenlong skeletons back from the moon. Make sure to supply them to the biochemical laboratory first before we measure them."

After hearing Lu Xingye's voice, Yin Yun felt a lot more relieved.

Although 1000 bottles of strengthening reagent.

The quantity is quite large.

But it's not so much that even the biochemical laboratory can't bear it. As long as he grits his teeth, he can still produce 1,000 enhanced reagents.

"Then there's no problem on my end."

"Give me half a day and I can make 1,000 strengthening reagents."

Lu Xingye nodded slightly. "good."

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye began to investigate the myths and legends related to the Kunlun Mountains.


"Investigate for me the myths and legends related to the Kunlun Mountains. List the key areas for me, and I will jump out of one location to explore."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly to Jarvis.

After hearing Lu Xingye's order, Jarvis instantly connected to the global Internet and began an investigation around the world.

He focused on the mythological stories and novels of Kyushu.

About a moment later,

He got the investigation results and read them to Lu Xingye one by one.

"In the ancient book "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", there is a record of Kunlun Mountain."

"Kunlun Mountain is indeed a very mysterious place."

"Even in the Ming Dynasty, Liu Bowen said that he cut the dragon's veins. No one knows how many secrets are hidden in the smoke of Kunlun Mountain."

"Kunlun Mountain is even called the "ancestor of dragon veins."

"So there are three places in the Kunlun Mountains that hold a lot of mysteries."

"The most puzzling of all is the Kunlun Mountains in the northeast."

“The Valley of Death in the northeastern part of the Kunlun Mountains has very popular myths and stories from ancient times to the present.”

"In history, there have been many expeditions into the Valley of Death, but they all failed to return. People often see the bodies of many dead people in the Valley of Death, and some people were cut in half directly. It looks very eerie.”

"There is even a legend about the Mantis Man within the Valley of Death. The Mantis Man is two meters tall and holds two big knives in his hands. He cuts everyone he sees and looks a bit like a monster."

"There are also some legends that say that the corpses in the Valley of Death are restored to peace. Every night, the corpses get up like rice dumplings and bite everyone they see."

Jarvis paused here.

After a while.

The faint voice continued to come.

"So whether we study it from historical legends or based on the current situation, the most suitable place for us to explore is the Death Valley in the Kunlun Mountains."

Lu Xingye nodded in agreement. He also considered the famous places around the Kunlun Mountains and felt that the most suitable place to explore was exactly what Jarvis said, which was the Valley of Death in the Kunlun Mountains.

"Jarvis, follow your orders,"

"Commander, please speak. No matter what order you give, I will definitely agree to it. I am your most loyal intelligent assistant and will definitely complete all your orders meticulously." Jarvis stepped on the ground with his right foot. , stood at attention and saluted Lu Xingye with a military salute.

Lu Xingye did not continue to talk nonsense with Jarvis and directly issued the order in his heart.


"Let's round to 0."

"All mechanized troops will be disbanded on site."

"Of course, when we disband the mechanized troops on the spot, it's not a real disbandment. It's about turning all mechanized troops from light to dark."

"From the initial facade investigation to a secret investigation."

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