Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 414


"Immediately transfer all our core members back to the hive. Because if we replace the mechanized troops with 0, the Kunlun Mountains will become less safe."

"Finally, I'm ready to leave."

"It's up to you to take charge here and continue the rescue." l

"Of course, if we declare to the outside world, all our members are still in the Kunlun Mountains and have never left. Only in this way can we numb our enemies."

"Copy that." Jarvis nodded gently, then seemed to think of something, and asked Lu Xingye again.

"Commander, are you going to return to the hive like this? If you don't come to the Kunlun Mountains again, I'm a little worried that the man behind this will see the flaw."

Lu Xingye shook his head. "Don't worry, I've found a perfect solution."

"While we are away, you can find a few biochemical robots to act as us and continue searching in the Kunlun Mountains."

"I don't expect to be able to fool the mastermind for a long time."

"As long as we can deceive the mastermind in a short period of time, it's enough."

"Because we are not leaving forever and will never come back. After the hive's biochemical laboratory produces the enhanced reagent for the Shenlong gene, we will come back with a 1,000-strong biochemical force."

"At this time our safety can also be guaranteed."

After listening to Lu Xingye's thoughtful thoughts.

Jarvis felt ashamed in his heart. At first, he was a little worried about Lu Xingye's safety, but he didn't expect that Lu Xingye had already considered it so thoughtfully.

"Okay Commander, I will do what you want now."


Lu Xingye, Zhu Xiaonong and Zhao Yinyun teleported directly back to the Hive Laboratory.

When Zhu Xiaonon returned to the hive, the first thing he did was take a bath. When he was in the Kunlun Mountains just now, although he also took a bath, a poisonous snake appeared just halfway through the bath.

This forced him to stop taking showers.

For a woman, taking a shower in the middle of the shower is a very uncomfortable thing.

So as soon as he returned to the hive, he couldn't wait to boil water and take a bath.

As for Zhao Yinyun?

Although he also wanted to boil water for a bath. But he also understood that he had a heavy task at hand and he didn't have time to take a shower.


As soon as Zhao Yinyun returned to the hive, he rushed into the biochemical laboratory. He wanted to urgently create the enhanced reagent for the Shenlong gene.

As for our protagonist Lu Xingye.

He was not idle after returning to the hive.

Go directly to the stargazing room.

The stargazing room is his newly established department.

As the name suggests, a stargazing room is a place for observing stars. There are 108 videos of the Sky Eye satellite set inside.

Inside, Lu Xingye could directly observe the quantum remote sensing maps of 108 satellites.

After Lu Xingye returned to the hive, he really couldn't worry about Zhao Dawei's safety. Although he knew that what he was doing was probably in vain, he just couldn't let go of Zhao Dawei.

He felt that if he didn't do something.

Then you will feel guilty inside.

So Lu Xingye came to Tianyan's office.

At this time, except for necessary communication missions, all SkyEye satellites were densely gathered over the Kunlun Mountains.

All SkyEye satellites are at full power.

There are even some SkyEye satellites that have made frequent orbit changes. Change from far earth orbit to low earth orbit.

All this was controlled by Lu Xingye.

He hopes to be able to observe anomalies in the Kunlun Mountains through satellite remote sensing technology.

If he discovers anomalies in the Kunlun Mountains, it would be equivalent to indirectly discovering the existence of the mastermind behind the scenes.

At that time, he can launch an army to directly eliminate the mastermind behind the scenes.

But what disappointed Lu Xingye.

He looked through all the WeChat avatars and still found nothing but forests in the Kunlun Mountains.

The quantum remote sensing technology of the Sky Eye satellite cannot observe the mirror image inside through the dense forest.

This made Lu Xingye very distressed.

"Maybe it's time for these SkyEye satellites to be upgraded."

Lu Xingye looked at the satellite images that yielded nothing, and murmured to the doctor that he had launched these Sky Eye satellites a year ago, and the technology was relatively backward.

If Lu Xingye launches the Sky Eye satellite again with the current Honeycomb technology, the technology of the Sky Eye satellite will definitely be updated for several generations.

Today's SkyEye satellites can already identify forests.

After the Sky Eye satellite recognizes the forest, it will actively send out quanta.

Achieve quantum entanglement.

When the quantum particles pass through the forest, they will transmit some special signals back to the Sky Eye satellite through quantum entanglement, and the Sky Eye satellite will analyze these quantum entangled signals.

This results in a view of the forest floor.

To put it simply.

It is the new generation of Sky Eye satellites that can see the scene inside through the forest.

The more Lu Xingye thought about it, the more he felt it was necessary for him to upgrade the satellite every day.

Because the current Sky Eye satellite is too backward.

Only phenomena on the surface of the planet can be observed, but phenomena below some objects cannot be observed.

For example: forest.

In addition to forests, the old generation of SkyEye satellites cannot observe the phenomenon of the sea.

It can be said.

The current situation in the sea is completely dark for the hive.

Although only one generation of natural satellites can observe phenomena on the surface of the sea, this is not very useful.

What Lu Xingye needed was to observe the scene deep in the sea.

If the Sky Eye satellite is upgraded to one generation, the situation will be different.

The new generation of SkyEye satellites can emit quanta for quantum circumference to observe the scene deep in the sea.

In this way, maybe they can observe the scene inside the gray fog area.

To put it simply.

That's what they sometimes observe about aliens.

From this point alone, Lu Xinyue made up his mind that after the exploration of the Kunlun Mountains was over, he must upgrade all the natural satellites.

He would not hesitate to pay a very high price for it.

Because the satellite is his eye.

It is a harbinger of all dangers.

Extremely advanced satellite technology allows him to avoid many dangers.

In addition to preparing to upgrade satellite technology, Lu Xingye is also preparing to establish a sentinel system on the moon.

Named Moon Hammer.

Moonhammer is a human base on the moon and a sentinel for humanity.

The role of human sentinels is to provide early warning of the presence of aliens.

And conduct round 1 to defend against aliens.

In the vast universe, all alien creatures are the laws of the giant dark jungle. Once two civilizations encounter each other, they will die.

Therefore, Lu Xingye felt that it was necessary to establish a complete early warning system.

This is the origin of the Moon Hammer.

In fact, this idea was not Lu Xingye's whim, but the result of his careful consideration.

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