Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 420

This kind of modeling calculation, which is difficult to perform outside, is nothing in Lu Xingye's eyes.


The latest research and development technology in the Hive has broken through the limits of the world, and is even hundreds of years ahead of the world in the computer field.

The mainstream computers in the world today are still ordinary silicon crystal silicon chip computers.

This kind of computer has low computing power.

Running speed is extremely slow.

It has long been eliminated from the hive.

Although the hive also used silicon chips at the beginning, since Tony came out of the movie to help Lu Xingye.

The computer technology inside the hive began to undergo tremendous changes.

First, the computer technology of silicon crystal chips is transformed into the computer technology of quantum chips.

Then move from quantum computer technology to photon computer technology, and bioelectrical computer technology.

There are now three types of computer technologies running side by side in the hive.

Quantum computer technology.

Photonic computer technology.

Bioelectrical upgrade technology.

There is no distinction between these three computer technologies, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

But all three computer technologies were decades ahead of the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that every laptop and every small computer in Fengchao is equivalent to the most powerful supercomputer in the world.

Just one laptop is 10 times more powerful than the Jiuzhou Tianhe supercomputer.

Hundreds of times.

so. …

Lu Xingye helped Dong Yuxia conduct cloning gene verification and modeling experiments without resorting to a remote supercomputer cluster.

The computer in Lu Xingye's hand could complete the calculation task.

It's just that the speed is slower.

In order to improve the speed of verification, the verification results should be obtained as soon as possible.

Lu Xingye sent Dong Yuxia's research results back to the Hive Base.

"Sister Dong Yuxia,"

"Come here now and stand behind me. The calculation results will be out soon." Lu Xingye looked at Dong Yuxia with a faint smile.

"So fast???"

Dong Yuxia was a little unbelievable.

In fact, Dong Yuxia has applied for a verification experiment on the Tianhe supercomputer. However, the calculation took too long, so it was not approved by the leadership.

If the Tianhe supercomputer is completely verified, it will take about 2 to 3 days.


The Tianhe supercomputer itself is running many important scientific research projects.

It is impossible for the Tianhe supercomputer to suspend other scientific research tasks to calculate the results of the frog gene bank for itself.

Therefore, Dong Yuxia's calculation experiment ended without success.

"I'm unhappy."

"In order to speed up the research and verification process, I also called the computer cluster at our headquarters. Theoretically, the verification results can be obtained in 3 to 5 seconds."

3~5 seconds?

hiss! ! !

Dong Yuxia breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lu Xingye as if she were looking at a monster.

What kind of company is Suihuo Technology?

Although it is tens of thousands or even 100,000 times faster than the world's most powerful Tianhe supercomputer.

Hundreds of thousands of times faster than the Tianhe supercomputer.

What is this concept?

Dong Yuxia didn't dare to think any more.

this moment.

Dong Yuxia suddenly felt that she had never understood the company Tunhuo Technology. She just heard that Tunhuo Technology was awesome and came to participate in the interview.

Suihuo technology is like a mystery.

The closer you get to Suihuo Technology and the better you understand Suihuo Technology, the less you will find that you understand Tunnel Fire Technology.

This feels like...

You can only ever know the tip of the iceberg of tunnel fire technology.

If you have not joined Suihuo Technology, you will never know the true face of Tunnel Fire Technology.

Just when Dong Yuxia was in shock.

The calculation results of the frog gene bank were already displayed on Lu Xingye's computer.

Completely simulate your own gene pool on the computer.

Then start the simulation from 0~1.

To put it simply.

It's like a cloning experiment.

The computer conducts a simulated experiment of cloning frogs based on the frog gene pool that someone dug out.

If the frog cloning simulation experiment is successful, it will prove that the frog gene pool studied by Dong Yuxia is correct.

on the contrary.

This shows that the frog gene pool studied by Dong Yuxia is wrong.

When Dong Yuxia saw the cloning results clearly displayed on the screen.

His face was full of disbelief.

His face turned pale.

I almost fainted.

"How is it possible? How is it possible..."

"How could my research results be wrong... I've obviously done dozens of tests."

Dong Yuxia murmured a few times,

I still don’t believe that the research results I did are wrong.

But the simulation results on the computer screen told him clearly.

[The frog gene bank simulation experiment failed because of a lack of genetic information, causing the gene sequence to collapse. 】

Dazzling red fonts on the computer screen.

Dong Yuxia had to believe it again.

My research was really wrong.

At this moment, the peerless genius Dong Yuxia's heart was filled with frustration.

At this time, Lu Xingye smiled, and the faint voice came again. "Sister Dong Yuxia."

"Now senior brother has a bold idea."

"That is to add the genetic information of the hidden chromosome that senior brother just mentioned to your gene pool and see if our next simulation experiment will be successful."

336. The enhanced reagent was successfully produced, and a thousand people merged with the Shenlong gene

After hearing Lu Xingye's voice, Dong Yuxia's face instantly turned pale.

Lu Xingye had just proved that his gene pool was wrong.

So in other words.

In other words, the hidden chromosome that Lu Xingye mentioned is very likely to be real.

If you add the genetic information of the hidden chromosome.

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