Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 421

If Lu Xingye's genetic simulation cloning experiment was successful, would that be a slap in the face?

Dong Yuxia suddenly felt her face burning.

At this time, Lu Xingye raised his head and glanced at Dong Yuxia, as if he could see what the little girl was thinking. He quickly explained.

"Actually, senior brother doesn't have anything special in mind."

"I just want to make an appointment with the frog gene pool to see if it's right. You don't have to mind anything."

"Senior brother has no intention of suppressing you."

"No matter what the result of the calculation is, I will tell you on behalf of Suihuo Technology that I will definitely hire you as our senior researcher."

At this point, Lu Xingye's voice paused slightly, and then the faint voice continued.

"The most important thing in science is truth."

"It doesn't matter if we made mistakes. What matters is whether we discovered the truth of the matter."

"Science is inherently a winding road. No one can succeed in one try. We must go through all the obstacles to reach the other side of success."

I am afraid that Dong Yuxia will not be able to bear it because of this blow.

Lu Xingye couldn't help but explain to the other party, or to comfort him.

On the other side, Dong Yuxia's face improved a lot after listening to Lu Xingye's comfort, and she was no longer so pale.

at this time.

Lu Xingye also started another simulation test.

He added the genetic information of the hidden chromosome to the gene library studied by Dong Yuxia, and then continued the simulation experiment.

The simulation results were exactly what he expected.

I saw some live frogs displayed on the computer screen.

That frog can walk, jump, squawk and jump.

To put it simply.

It is through experimental testing that the frog gene pool is complete after adding hidden chromosomal genetic information.

Their SimCity experiment was a huge success.

The simulated frog on the computer has all the functions of a real frog.


Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

After saying that, I felt relieved.

Lu Xingye felt a little proud in his heart. He hadn't tried to attack a genius like this for a long time.

Now that I have dealt a blow to the genius of Dong Yuxia, I instantly feel much relieved.

Very comfortable.


Before Lu Xingye started speaking, Dong Yuxia had already seen the results displayed on the computer.

When she saw the results displayed on the computer, her heart became a little paler.


Soon, Dong Yuxia adapted.

Although I made a major mistake in my research, I still have to go on with my life. After this lesson, Dong Yuxia learned what humility is.

at the same time.

Dong Yuxia looked at Lu Xingye with more and more admiration.

Dong Yuxia never thought about it.

There is such a genius who can see at a glance the major mistakes in his research results of several years.

And he corrected major errors in his research results in an instant.

This is something Dong Yuxia never dared to think about.

This is really rare.

"Director Lu, how did you do it?" Dong Yuxia asked in disbelief.

"Isn't it very simple?" Lu Xingye asked with a smile.

Dong Yuxia's face suddenly became very ugly.

Is it easy?

I seem to see you mocking me, but I can't find any evidence.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came again.

Lu Xingye looked at Dong Yuxia and spoke seriously.

"Actually, if you join our hive, you can also have this ability."

"There are special memory methods and learning methods inside the hive."

"The key is that Sihuo Technology has the most advanced black technology in the world and the most awesome database in the world."

"When you enter the system, your situation will be opened up. By then you will be Yang Yang and you will have this ability."

Speaking of which.

Lu Xingye was obviously a little happy.


Then he talked a lot to Dong Yuxia one after another.

Finally, the interview continued.

However, during the interview process, Lu Yuesai did not find anyone with such potential as Dong Yuxia.

Those who came to the interview later were basically half-empty.

There is basically no strength at all.

Although Lu Xingye later hired several more researchers. But none of the researchers he hired were core researchers.

The few researchers he hired were just symbolic hires.

Once they come to work in the hive, Lu Xingye will arrange for him to be at the outermost edge of Shunhe Technology.

The other party has no access to the core technology of the hive.

But Dong Yuxia is different.

Dong Yuxia is the person Lu Xingye is marrying.



That person was not the official bride of the official media at all, but the person officially hired by Lu Xingye.

Dong Yuxia was destined to enter the Hive laboratory as soon as she entered Tunnel Fire Technology.

What about after using the hive laboratory?

Dong Yuxia is basically Zhao Yinyun's experimental assistant.

Then Dong Yuxia is responsible for building her own biochemical team. In this way, only Zhao Yinyun can release his free time.

Otherwise, Lu Xingye would feel heartbroken when he saw Zhao Yinyun so busy every day.

that's all.

Lu Xingye’s recruitment at Yenching University came to a perfect conclusion.

When Lu Xingye left, he found his former instructor He Chendong.

He Chendong strongly requested Lu Xingye to stay and have a meal with him before leaving.

But Lu Xingye was making hundreds of thousands per minute, and he didn't have time to stay here to eat, so he politely rejected He Chendong.

But when he was about to leave.

Suddenly a very angry man rushed in from the door.

The man is wearing a research suit.

He was still holding some kind of experimental instrument in his hand. When he saw Lu Xingye, he ran in angrily, as if Lu Xingye owed him millions.

"Lu Xingye."

"Isn't it a bit unkind of you to do this? Give me my researcher back."

Academician Xie saw Lu Xingye speak angrily.

Judging from the other party's appearance, he seemed to be rushing forward to fight Lu Xingye in the next second.

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