Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 422


If the other party chooses to fight Lu Xingye, then the other party will definitely die.

Because Lu Xingye has merged with Shenlong's genes, the physiological quality in his body is so powerful that it's a bit scary.

Not only can you tear apart clones with your hands, but you can also fight against liquid robots.

"Who are you? Do we have any misunderstanding?" Lu Xingye argued for a moment, feeling a little confused. He would have to look at this angry old man in the future.

At this time, He Chendong next to Lu Xingye explained.

"Classmate Lu."

"Academician Xie is the most powerful biochemistry academician in the Academy of Sciences. He was the one who originally invited Dong Yuxia. He has always regarded Dong Yuxia as a member of the Academy of Sciences." l

"And regards Dong Yuxia as his disciple."

"Now that the school you just came to has held a job fair and snatched away their students, do you think he will come to you to fight for his life?"

He Chendong laughed dryly, feeling a little helpless.

Originally he wanted to be a peacemaker.

But now even if he wanted to be a peacemaker, he couldn't. Lu Xingye is his strongest schoolmate.

Academician Xie is from the Academy of Sciences and has inextricable ties with Yenching University.

There is even a deep and close cooperation.

Now He Chendong's palms and backs are full of flesh, and he doesn't know who to help even if he wants to.


He Chendong simply refused to help anyone.

He just stood there and watched the situation between the two of them develop, preventing them from fighting.

But what he never expected was.

Lu Xingye didn't argue with Academician Xie at all.

"I'll ask you three questions. If all your conditions are better than mine, and Dong Yuxia is willing, then I don't have to hire Dong Yuxia."

Originally, Academician Xie just came here to lose his temper. He did not think about Director Lu. The playback was to recruit Dong Yuxia.

Because of Dong Yuxia’s excellence, Academician Xie knows best.

"Okay, you ask."

Lu Xingye slowly stretched out three fingers and took one finger back after each question.


"Is the scientific research environment of Tunnel Fire Technology better than that of the Academy of Sciences? Is Suihuo Technology richer than the Academy of Sciences???"


"Is Tunnel Fire Technology's technology more advanced than that of the Academy of Sciences?"


"I just want to ask, which one of your academy of sciences is better than our tunnel fire technology???"

As long as you answer one of the above three questions.

And you can prove that the Academy of Science is better than Suihuo Technology.

Then I will never hire Dong Yuxia.

After Lu Xingye finished speaking, he turned his head and left. He ignored Academician Xie at all, as if Academician Xie was a clown.

Lu Xingye’s saucy operation command,

He Chendong was also stunned.

But he cannot deny that Tunhuo Technology really has the arrogant capital.

Don’t you see:

Has Academician Xie of the Academy of Sciences been left speechless by Lu Xingye now?

Academician Xie stayed at the scene.

Can't even say a word.

The chest is bulging.

Obviously Academician Xie is very uncomfortable now.

What now!

He Chendong is only worried about one thing now. That is whether Academician Xie will have a heart attack caused by Lu Xingyeqi.

Do you want to call 120 in advance?


Academician Xie was just a shareholder of Matsuura, and he calmed down after a while.

Otherwise, He Chendong really doesn't know what to do.

At this time, Dong Yuxia had already said goodbye to all the teachers. He packed his luggage and walked to the Beehive headquarters office.

He wants to enter the hive, a sacred place for scientific research.

Dong Yuxia is full of hope for the future.

He feels that it is the large platform of Tunhuo Technology that can give him the opportunity to show his talents.

at the same time.

Lu Midnight had been busy all day. After he returned to the hive, the first thing he did was to go to the biochemical laboratory to see Zhao Yinyun. What was the status of the enhanced reagent he had created?

When Lu Tianye arrived at the biochemistry laboratory.

He saw Zhao Yinyun sitting on the sofa with a smile on her face. There are many blue reagents placed in front of Zhao Yinyun.

Lu Xingye vaguely remembered.

The strengthening reagent I injected last time was in this blue bottle.

To put it simply.

What was placed in front of Zhao Yinyun was the strengthening reagent.

"Zhao Yinyun, today I have helped you go to Yanjing University to recruit experimental assistants. Then I will help you build an experimental team, so you won't be so tired."


"Did you follow my requirements today? Balance work and rest. Did you have a good rest today???"

After listening to what Lu Xingye said, Zhao Yinyun was moved in her heart. If Lu Xingye asked himself how the strengthening reagent was being produced as soon as he opened his mouth, he would probably be very disappointed in his heart.


My man actually only cares about strengthening reagents and not his own body.

But Lu Xingye didn't do that.

As soon as Lu Xingye entered the door, he was concerned about his body.

In this way, Zhao Yinyun felt very happy.

At least I didn't misjudge the person.

It was worth it to give up everything and follow Lu Xingye to live in the real world.

"I'm fine."

"I have rested as you requested."

"After taking a short break, I got back to work."

"Now I'm lucky enough to live up to my fate."

"I have produced all 1,000 strengthening reagents."

"Together, we can raise a biochemical army of a thousand people at any time."

Zhao Yinyun looked at Lu Xingye and smiled bitterly. But Na's wry smile still had joy on his face.

Now Zhao Dawei, the general manager of Tunhuo Technology, has been kidnapped by unknown persons.

Zhao Yinyun also felt that she had to do something.

He must do something for Zhao Dawei.

So she spent the whole day in the laboratory. In addition to eating, he was making strengthening reagents.


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