Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 423

"Thank you for your sacrifice for the hive." Lu Xingye felt a little moved in his heart.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly spoke again: "We hive experimenters will use the enhanced reagents first. The enhanced reagents we use must be the complete version and have the strongest strength."

"Then some other biochemical soldiers will just feed them the reduced version of the strengthening reagent."

"Okay, everything will follow the commander's instructions." Zhao Yinyun nodded slightly.


"Then it's not too late now."

"I will immediately ask Jarvis to notify several of our core personnel to come to the biochemical laboratory and take enhanced reagents."

"I have to watch you take the strengthening reagent, so that my heart can feel at ease."

"If anything happens to you while taking the strengthening reagent, I can take care of you at any time."

Lu Xingye hesitated for a moment before speaking, and then dialed Jarvis's number directly.



"Now help me inform Zhu Xiaonong, Tony, Long Yubing... these three senior members of the Hive, and ask them to come to the biochemical laboratory immediately."

337. Successfully fused the Shenlong gene and prepared to lay a dragnet.


"Commander, I will notify the three of them immediately."

Jarvis murmured and hung up the phone on Lu Xingye.

Then he directly called Long Yubing, Tony and Zhu Xiaonong.

At first, the three of them had their own jobs, and they were busy for a while before answering Jarvis's call. Jarvis told them that Commander Lu Xingye was waiting for them in the biochemical laboratory and asked them to go to the biochemical laboratory immediately.

The three of them did not dare to neglect, quickly put down the work at hand, and walked to the biochemical laboratory.

"I don't know why the commander is looking for us so urgently. I was still training the super soldiers in my hand just now," Long Yubing said calmly, with some complaints in his voice.

Tony echoed in a low voice.

"Yes, I was doing an important experiment just now, and I was suddenly called to the biochemical laboratory by the commander. I didn't know what was important."

Zhu Xiaonong walked behind Long Yubing and Tony.

Hearing Tony and Long Yubing's complaints, Zhu Xiaonong frowned slightly.

"Although these two people have higher positions than they actually are, their attitudes are not right. The commander's orders should be implemented immediately instead of complaining to each other here."

Zhu Xiaonong moved his mouth.

She originally wanted to teach them a few words, but when she thought that she was just a small secretary with very little power, she was not qualified to talk to these big guys, so she gave up immediately.

They take the elevator.

Direct access to the Hive Biochemical Laboratory on the 108th floor.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun sitting on the sofa next to the biochemical laboratory, waiting for them.

Tony: "I'm only going back to prison. You are so anxious to call me over. Is there something urgent?"

Although Long Yubing said nothing, he looked at Lu Xingye with doubts.

Lu Xingye didn't mind either.

He turned his head and looked at the three of them with a smile, stretched out his right hand and shouted at them twice, asking them to come over to his side.

"You three, come here quickly, I have something good for you."

Lu Xingye's mouth was filled with a smile.

After hearing this, Allen Chu, Tony and Long Yubing walked up and came to the front of Lu Xingye.

I saw a table in front of Lu Xingye. The table was full of blue bottles, which seemed to be some kind of medicine.

When Long Yubing saw the blue bottle, he suddenly felt an impulse in his heart. He wanted to inject the liquid in the blue bottle.

Long Yubing vaguely remembered the super soldier serum he injected last time.

It's in this blue bottle.

After he was injected with the super soldier serum, his physical fitness increased linearly, and both his speed, attack power and defense ability increased several times.

Long Yubing guessed that the blue bottle in front of him was also the super soldier serum.


It's something more powerful than the Super Soldier Serum.

He was very much looking forward to whether his physical condition would become inhumane if he injected himself with the liquid in the blue bottle in front of him.

"Commander, what's in the blue bottle?" Long Yubing asked calmly.

"You finally found it."

"This is good stuff, and it's one of the reasons why I called you here."

Lu Xingye smiled brightly, then stretched out his right hand to pick up one of the blue bottles on the table and placed it in front of them, explaining:

"This bottle of blue liquid is named strengthening reagent."

"The enhanced reagent contains Shenlong's genes. After research by Zhao Yinyun, our biochemistry doctor from Hive, we can successfully integrate Shenlong's genes into human genes."

"Thus, the human body will undergo a qualitative leap."

"Last time, you all saw the scene where I tore apart the liquid robots and clones with my hands, right?"

"At that time, I had just taken the strengthening reagent. The genes of Shenlong were being integrated into my body, and I couldn't control my body's power for a while."

"That's why I fought a few clones and liquid robots on the training ground."

After hearing what Lu Xingye said, Tony felt a little less interested.

Apparently he wasn't very interested in strengthening reagents.

Tony has a PhD in mechanics.

His area of ​​expertise is mechanized skill troops.

So Tony has never been very optimistic about biochemical technology.

If it were some other mechanized technology, he might be more interested.

And Tony felt like he was an experimental researcher.

In other words, a scientific researcher.

Scientific researchers always stand behind the front-line troops, conduct research silently, and silently contribute with their own wisdom, rather than rushing to the front to fight.


Tony also felt that if he was doing research on the home front, he wouldn't need too much power at all.

As long as someone protects him, that's enough.

On the other side, Zhu Xiaonon's reaction was similar to Tony's, both showing lack of interest.

The reason why Zhu Xiaonong entered the hive was to make money.

As long as he can make money, it's enough. He doesn't care about power.

Moreover... Zhu Xiaonong feels that everyone is born in a peaceful era.

There is no need for too much power at all.

Xia uses force to break the ban.

On the contrary, when some powerful individuals possess great power, they will also cause certain social instability.

Therefore, Zhu Xiaonong is not opposed to obtaining strong power, but he also does not support obtaining strong power.

Only one person is an exception.

That is Long Yubing.

Long Yubing was originally a soldier, and the element of violence flowed in his body.

She admires strength.

Desire for great power.

So when Long Yubing heard that the commander was willing to fuse the powerful dragon gene into his body, she felt even more excited.

"Commander, I can't wait now."

"How can we fuse the genes of Shenlong?"

Long Yubing asked eagerly.

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