Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 427

At this time, Long Yubing's faint voice came over.

"I don't think so."

Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully, "Why do you say that?"

Long Yubing smiled slightly and said nothing. In other words, he didn't directly answer Lu Xingye's question, but instead asked a question.

"Have you ever carefully reviewed the whole story of Zhao Dawei's kidnapping???"

At this time, Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong both shook their heads.

Lu Xingye has become accustomed to using the artificial intelligence Jarvis. Now he has few problems and thinks proactively on his own.

Or maybe he relies too much on Jarvis, the artificial intelligence.

Then Lu Xingye turned his head and looked at Jarvis.

Jarvis did not disappoint them and said it with a slight nod.

"I stroked it several times."

"Every time I couldn't find any new clues, I would check it out several times. But I didn't find anything."

After listening to Jarvis's voice, Lu Xingye turned his head and looked at Long Yubing again, as if to say: We have searched several times, but found nothing. Is there anything else you want to say?

At this time, Long Yubing smiled faintly and looked at Lu Xingye and Jarvis: "This is the difference between artificial intelligence and humans. I just went through it and found the problem immediately."

Hearing this, Lu Xingye's eyes suddenly brightened up, and he looked at the other party while breathing rapidly.

Lu Xingye was not disappointed, and soon Long Yubing's faint voice came over.

"Everything must be focused on the goal in advance. In our eyes, from the perspective of motivation, we can immediately see the problem."

Having said this, Long Yubing paused slightly before continuing to speak. "The mastermind behind the kidnapping of Zhao Dawei has always been targeting our commander Lu Xingye. If Lu Xingye had not appeared, I guess that the mastermind would definitely not have appeared. If you want the mastermind to appear, you can only Let our commander Lu Xingye serve as bait. In this way, the mastermind behind the scenes will most likely appear."

Jarvis was slightly startled when he heard this.

It seemed that he realized his shortcomings in thinking about the problem, and he understood it instantly like an enlightenment.


If you follow the method of criminal investigation. It is easy to discover the important issues surrounding Zhao Dawei's kidnapping.

"Everything depends on motives. If you think about it according to motives. If Commander Lu Xingye hadn't appeared, it would have been difficult for the mastermind behind the scenes to be fooled."

At this time, Jarvis was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked: "How about we let the commander go outside for a while and fish out the mastermind behind the scenes?"


As soon as Jarvis opened his mouth, he was kicked out by Long Yubing and Zhu Xiaonong.

Long Yubing: "What do you mean? Lu Xingye is our supreme commander, and you actually let him take risks?"

Zhu Xiaonong nodded with deep understanding: "Yes, you also said that you are Lu Xingye's smart assistant. What are your intentions now?"

Hearing this, Jarvis nodded awkwardly. His face was a little flushed, and he glanced at Lu Xingye out of the corner of his eye, obviously a little embarrassed.


Jarvis coughed dryly.

Then that faint voice came over.

"Just now I was only thinking about how to rescue Zhao Dawei and fish out the mastermind, but I didn't think about that much."

"Now I just think that there are indeed many things wrong with my suggestion just now. As the supreme commander of our hive, Lu Xingye has unique rights and interests. If we push the supreme commander Lu Xingye out to be a child."

"Then if something unexpected happens, we will lose more than we gain, so I take back my suggestion just now. Everything still needs to be considered carefully."


If it was martial arts, it attracted Lu Xingye's attention.

He thought carefully.

I feel that what Jarvis said is very feasible.

The target of the man behind the scenes is himself. If he continues to act as bait, the man behind the scenes is very likely to be fooled.

Now everything is ready, all we need is the east wind.

Kunlun Mountains' plan to rescue Zhao Dawei.

There is only one last step left.

He couldn't give up halfway, so Jarvis suggested that this plan must be implemented.

Lu Xingye hesitated for a moment and then spoke calmly. "Petition, I think we can at least give it a try."

"Now since the jet black one has not appeared, let me be the bait to attract the man behind the scenes."

It turned out that before Lu Xingye had finished speaking, he was interrupted by the loud voices of two girls.


Long Yubing and Zhu Xiaonong spoke in unison.

When Lu Xingye heard this, he opened his eyes and turned his head, looking a little confused. The two women must have fallen in love with themselves, and were afraid that they would endanger themselves.

So it is normal to make your own bait in different ways.


Lu Xingye has always been in charge of the Beehive. He is the head of the family, and everything is his.

At this time, Lu Xingye's words that could not be rejected came through.

"I just thought about it."

"Now the plan to study Zhao Dawei is halfway through. We can't give up halfway. Since the enemy's target is me, then I will be the bait. Don't worry, although I will be a child, I will do a good job. own security work,”

"And I also took the Shenlong gene, which has integrated well into my body. Now ordinary robots can no longer stand up to me."


"The enemy definitely doesn't know that our bodies have evolved. So once the enemy judges us based on ordinary people's bodies, they will definitely suffer a big loss."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly and analyzed.

Zhu Xiaonong and Long Yubing also knew that they could not influence Lu Shengye's opinions. After a few words of persuasion, they stopped persuading him.

Just thank them both for making up their minds silently.

We must do our best to protect Lu Xingye's safety.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye discussed with Zhu Xiaonong, Long Yubing and Jarvis how to act as bait.

The final unanimous opinion is.

Lu Xingye led an exploration team to explore the mystery of Death Canyon.

In order to attract the man behind the scenes, he could not lead too many soldiers, but he also could not lead too few soldiers.

This should all appear natural.

Otherwise, if the man behind the scenes sees the flaw, it will be very difficult to deceive the man behind the scenes in the future.

The simple layout is this.

Lu Xingye led an exploration team of about 10 people to explore deep into Death Canyon, leaving some clues along the way for the mastermind behind the scenes to discover.

Long Yubing serves as Lu Xingye's direct bodyguard.

Being together every moment.

Once something unexpected happens, Long Yubing can sacrifice himself when he is forced to use his own body to block the bullet for Lu Xingye.

As for Jarvis and Zhu Xiaonon!

The two of them are responsible for remote support.

Lu Xingye's movements were monitored in real time through satellites in the sky. Once any accident occurred in the land industry, they would immediately use the particle conveyor to transport the super soldiers to the accident site.

Be sure to ensure Lu Xingye's safety.

at this time.

Lu Xingye and Long Yubing are walking on the road of Death Canyon as a team exploring Death Canyon.

"Do you think there is anything mysterious in Death Canyon?"

Lu Xingye suddenly stopped and spoke calmly to Long Yubing.

"There should be." Long Yubing was a little unsure.

"Since ancient times, the Kunlun Mountains have been the place where some emperors worshiped. They are very mysterious, and in modern times, various mysteries have been spread from the Kunlun Mountains. I guess these rumors are not groundless. So it is very possible that the Kunlun Mountains are There’s a mystery there similar to that on the moon.”

For a moment, Long Yubing just thought for a moment and spoke.

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