Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 428

"I think so too." Lu Xingye smiled slightly.

Now this Death Canyon.

It is a huge canyon area.

Death Canyon is located in the eastern and central part of the Kunlun Mountains. The tall trees inside block out the sky and sunlight all year round.

There is no sunshine all year round.

It is said that there are many ferocious beasts inside.

But Lu Xingye's team is not afraid of the ferocious beasts at all.

They all took Shenlong's genes.

He has the breath of a divine dragon in his body.

Ordinary ferocious beasts wouldn't even dare to approach them, let alone attack them.

Along the way.

Lu Xingye also tried to get close to some ferocious animals, such as tall and powerful tigers and groups of wild wolves.

But the situation was pretty much what he expected. …

Once he got close to these ferocious beasts, the tigers and wild wolves ran away like crazy as if they had seen their natural enemies.

This made Lu Xingye very distressed.


He wanted to catch some ferocious beasts along the way to supplement his nutrition.

Never expected it.

These beasts ran away when they saw them, which frustrated Lu Xingye's original plan.

Lu Xingye took the lead and walked at the front of the exploration team.

He holds two laser sickles in his hands.

Keep opening the way ahead.

Holding a sickle in both hands, he cut all the big trees and some dense grass in front of him, and finally reached the top of the Death Canyon.

It was a very huge canyon.

Looking down from above, it is bottomless and shrouded in fog all year round.

Fairy and graceful.

What a paradise on earth.

Lu Xingye looked up and couldn't help but be stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of him.

They stood above Death Canyon, as if they were standing in a fairyland, with clouds and mist moving beneath their feet.

The fairy spirit is compelling.

A bold idea suddenly came to Lu Xingye's mind.

Ancient Qi practitioners were able to attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into their bodies to practice. Legend has it that there are meditation practices such as refining qi and building foundation elixirs.

So was the spiritual energy of heaven and earth needed by ancient Qi refiners the clouds and mist above Death Canyon?

Lu Xingye wasn't sure.

But when he inhaled the figures above Death Canyon into his body, he felt refreshed, as if his body was full of power.

He felt that there must be some special factors in the clouds and mist above the canyon.

In that case...

Lu Xingye suddenly fell silent.

He suddenly turned his head and spoke calmly to Long Yubing.

"You shoot a few super soldiers to collect some experimental samples from the surrounding clouds, and then when they return to the hive, send these samples to the biochemical laboratory. I want to conduct a comprehensive inspection of these clouds to see what is contained in them. thing."

"Okay." Long Yubing said calmly.

Immediately afterwards.

He asked the super soldiers who had taken the Shenlong gene to collect clouds and mist around Death Canyon and put the clouds and mist into a large oxygen bottle.

After a while.

Lu Xingye waited for Long Yubing to collect the characters before he continued to announce his advance under the Death Canyon.

He was walking on a winding path.

Entering the Death Canyon below from above, it is very winding. There is only one excellent path that can be passed by one person. The mountain is so steep that if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

at this time.

Long Yubing suddenly paused, then continued walking forward as if nothing had happened.

Lu Xingye was keenly aware of Long Yubing's actions.

He suddenly felt that something was wrong.

But he didn't say it either.

If the mastermind behind the scenes has appeared at this time, any abnormality that occurs to him may be noticed by the mastermind behind the scenes.

Then the mastermind will run away.

Lu Xingye would never allow this to happen.

So although he discovered something was wrong with Feng Yubing, he still followed Long Yubing's example and acted as if nothing had happened.

Gently walked to Long Yubing's side.


He asked in a voice that only two people could hear. ":Did you notice anything unusual? I just thought something was wrong with you."

Long Yubing suddenly took a step forward and picked a flower on the ground. Then he spoke calmly.

"This flower is quite beautiful, isn't it???"

Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment when he heard this, a little confused.

But he didn't continue to ask.

Because he knows that there must be a monster when something goes wrong.

Now Long Yubing's reaction further proves that the mastermind behind the scenes may be following him and may appear at any time.

Lu Xingye was immediately on alert.

"Yes, this flower is quite beautiful. I don't know what kind it is." Lu Xingye agreed casually, a little absent-mindedly.

Immediately afterwards.

He saw Long Yubing take out the communicator, seem to input something on the communicator, then put the communicator back with a slight smile.

It's all done very naturally.

Nothing artificial.

Lu Xingye immediately understood what the other party meant, and then he also took out the communicator, lit up the screen and opened it to take a look.

I saw this paragraph appearing on my screen.

"Just now I keenly noticed that there were abnormal air fluctuations behind us."

"But our other monitoring systems found nothing."

"We have life detectors, thermal imaging systems and lens observation systems here, but all of these systems found nothing."

"what does that mean?"

There was a sudden pause in the message sent by Long Yubing. He seemed to be talking to himself, and then continued.

"It means there's something behind us that we can't see."

"Or the things that appear behind us will become invisible."

340. Aliens have blue blood flowing in their bodies.

When Lu Xingye heard this, he was startled. A trace of deep fear flashed in his eyes.

An enemy that becomes invisible?

He really has never seen an enemy that can become invisible.

How to fight now?

Now that their biochemical troops are completely exposed to the enemy's eyes, the enemy will hide their biochemical troops and cannot see the opponent's existence at all, and the opponent's existence cannot be detected by black technology detectors.

That's a fart.

Lu Xingye cursed in his heart.

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