Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 429

Suddenly Lu Xingye thought of a movie.

【Predator. 】

The protagonist Schwarzenegger finds the body of a pilot whose skin has been stripped off in the jungle.

After some investigation, the organization suddenly discovered that things were not that simple.

They are constantly fighting guerrilla warfare against the enemy.

There was a faint discovery behind. …

It seemed like something was peering behind them.

The situation is becoming more and more confusing.

After going through a lot of hardships, the protagonist finally discovers that the person spying on them is a kind of invisible monster Predator.

The Predator Phantom is a humanoid beast-faced monster with superhuman abilities. Can kill people invisible and has the ability to become invisible.

It turns out that these are a group of alien monsters that specialize in hunting humans. They can become invisible, have a variety of weapons on their bodies, and can use infrared rays to detect the exact location of humans.

The Predator has a huge head, probably with a very high brain capacity, thick hair, and eyes that are similar to human eyes, but the images he sees are very different; his mouth has sharp teeth, four tentacles on the outside, and fangs.

At this time, Lu Xingye had a sudden idea.

Could it be that the monster following him was something like a Predator?

If this is the case, then the odds of winning or losing are uncertain.

The reason why the Predator is strong.

It's because the Predator has a very advanced suit.

The core of the Iron-Blooded suit is the invisibility cloak.

The cloak can achieve complete invisibility through optical distortion and some other temperature detection.

And the Predator has inhuman strength.

Although it may not be comparable to the biochemical warriors who have integrated Shenron's genes, the Predator has an invisibility cloak and can be completely invisible. This is their advantage.

As the saying goes, having a strong advantage can cover up countless shortcomings in oneself.

precisely because of this.

Lu Xingye suddenly felt that he was in danger.

Could this be the case?

The man behind the scenes has discovered the dragnet we have laid, but the man behind the scenes has not made it known, and instead chooses to take advantage of it.

When he comes out as bait.

The man behind the scenes also planned related actions.

That is to send a stealth team similar to the Predator to capture themselves.

But I thought that the man behind the scenes had been successfully deceived.

Never expected it.

The mastermind behind the scenes has chosen to take advantage of the situation.

Instead, the Predator was sent to extend the team to capture him.

The thought of this.

Lu Xingye felt a chill in his heart.

Suddenly there was a chilly feeling.

If this is the case, you are really in danger.

In an instant, Lu Xingye suddenly felt like retreating.

at the same time.

Lu Xingye suddenly spotted Long Yubing who was walking in front of him. I don't know since when, it has come to my side to protect myself.

Seeing Long Yubing's behavior, Lu Xingye felt an even greater sense of crisis.

Lu Xingye suddenly took out his communicator and couldn't care about anything else.

Called Jarvis directly.


"You immediately activate the inverse teleportation device to teleport Long Yubing and I back to the space battleship. This place is no longer safe."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

Although Lu Xingye sometimes loves to take risks, more importantly, he loves his own life more.

If you don't retreat even though you know there is danger ahead, that is not a wise choice.


Once Lu Xingye realized something was wrong, he chose to retreat.

However, what he never expected was...


What Jarvis said.

"I'm sorry, Commander, I have some very unfortunate news to tell you. When I started the particle conveyor just now, it failed to start."

Lu Xingye froze for two seconds and asked in disbelief. : "What do you mean by what you just said?"

At this time, Jiawei's faint voice came from the microphone, feeling very helpless.

"To put it simply."

"Commander, there is interference where you are, and our particle conveyor cannot transmit."

"What?" Lu Xingye's voice suddenly became a little louder.

He couldn't imagine what kind of danger it would bring to himself if he couldn't activate the particle conveyor?

First of all?

If the particle conveyor cannot be activated, then he cannot leave the battlefield and return to the space battleship.

He is always exposed to the invisible man who looks like a Predator.

The danger is simply not guaranteed.


If he can't activate the particle conveyor, then he won't have a steady stream of support.

If there is no support, then he will be an isolated and helpless rescue team in the Kunlun Mountains.

No matter how many enemies came, he would have to carry them all by himself.

The situation is very pessimistic. .

Lu Xingye suddenly panicked when he thought of this. He turned his head and asked Long Yubing.

"Are you sure there are invisible people behind us? How many are there? Do you know?"

Long Yubing shook his head. "I can only feel the abnormal fluctuations in the air behind me, but I don't know anything else."

"Although I'm not sure what's behind us, nine out of ten are the soldiers who were slapped by the devil's hand. They will become invisible, which puts us in a very passive position."

Long Yubing got closer to Lu Xingye.

She was only two steps away from Lu Xingye's position.

This distance is a safe distance. Once something happens to Lu Xingye, she can block him in front of Lu Xingye as quickly as possible.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over again, with some hesitation in his voice.

"I contacted Jarvis just now and asked Jarvis to teleport us back to the space battleship. It turned out that our space has been fixed and the particle teleporter cannot teleport."

Long Yunbing's face became even more ugly after hearing this.

He turned his head and glanced behind him.

The whole body is surrounded by dense bushes, lush and green, and there is no discovery at all.

Suddenly, Long Yubing's eyes were very sharp.

He saw a bush in the distance. A few weeds were squashed.

But there was nothing above the weeds.

If there is nothing above the weeds, then why are the weeds squashed?

Long Yubing immediately discovered the problem.

Then the only possibility is that there is something on that weed.

But this thing is invisible to their naked eyes.

In this case.

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