Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 432

For example.

Lu Xingye can let Jarvis control the space battleship and teleport his troops to Death Canyon.

Then what!

I am leading my own exploration team and wandering around in Death Canyon.

Delay as much time as possible.

In this way, you can wait for the time to come.

When his private army arrives, he is digging a hole for those Predators.

Then lead them into the pit.

Set an ambush.

Bring the enemy in and complete the encirclement.

This is undoubtedly a very good way to break the situation.

Lu Xingye is not a person who does ink, he just does what he says.

He directly synchronized his ideas to Jarvis and Long Yubing, and they had no objection.

After all, the problem Lu Xingye mentioned is already the best solution at present.

They all agreed to follow Lu Xingye's idea.

"Okay, I hope everyone has no problem, then let's make this decision first."

Lu Xingye smiled faintly now, but he did not reveal his plan.


Using electronic components through quantum encryption technology, he synchronized his ideas to Jarvis and Long Yubing, so that he could avoid the risk of his plan being leaked.


Lu Xingye has never forgotten it.

Behind him were a group of invisible Predator warriors.

Then Lu Xingye will lead your own exploration team and start exploring from normal conditions.

Showed no abnormalities.

Then what!

Then he started...exploring Death Canyon as normal.

It's just that Lu Xingye's exploration route has secretly changed.

He quietly walked around the core area.

Wandering around in unimportant areas.

Lu Xingye's current goal is to delay as much time as possible.

at the same time.

Standing on the space battleship, Jarvis also began to arrange the logistics.

First mobilize all scientists in the entire hive.

Let them expand their knowledge and see if there is any way to crack the Predator's invisibility cloak.

The Predator is mysterious.

And it's such a big threat to them.

The biggest reason is that the Predator has an invisibility cloak.

The Invisibility Cloak makes the Predator completely invisible.

In this way, most of Lu Xingye's troops were useless.

Jarvis thinks...

If he could find a way to break the invisibility cloak in a short time.

Then it can be done directly.

Remove the biggest threat, the Predator.

But to Jarvis's dismay.

All Hive scientists say they don't have the ability to crack the invisibility cloak anytime soon.


When you want to crack something,

First of all, we need to get a sample of that kind of thing, so that we can work better.

But the current situation is like this.

They didn't get a sample of the Predator's Invisibility Cloak.

No relevant technical instructions were obtained.

All scientists can only get one name, that is the invisibility cloak, and it can be completely optically invisible, making it impossible for people to see through it.

Then give nothing else.

What is the principle of invisibility cloak?


What material is the invisibility cloak made of?

have no idea.

What does an invisibility cloak look like?

have no idea.

The current situation is that we don’t know anything.

Make bricks without straw.

This time is too difficult for Hive scientists.

When Jarvis gets angry.

Hive scientists finally have something to believe.

You want me to break the invisibility cloak.

But you have to at least provide me with a sample of the invisibility cloak, otherwise we won't be able to get it at all.

Obviously Jarvis also understands this truth.

Then what……

Jarvis did not embarrass these scientists too much.

After all, the difficulty is too great.

Then what happened started with just one sentence, that's it, he took out some elite troops.

Send these elite troops directly around Death Canyon.

Then they gathered secretly at a certain place.

This is the place he made an appointment with Lu Xingye.

He brought his troops to this place, and then Lu Xingye chose to bring these iron-blooded warriors.

Make a trap to catch them.

Then what!

Jarvis personally led the team.

Those brought down from the space battleship were all biochemical warriors, and there were very few mechanized troops.

Because Bionicle is extremely confusing.

It can be a good way to confuse the person behind the scenes.

Of course, in order to avoid loopholes exploited by the masterminds behind the scenes, Jarvis also placed countless fixed space decorations around Death Canyon.

Since I can't teleport support troops up.

Then the enemy would never even think of sending support troops over.

Meanwhile on the other side.

Lu Xingye started the paddling pattern again.

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