Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 433


He worried that he wasn't paddling enough.

Instead, he and Long Yubing started chatting.

"Long Yubing!"

"Now the two of us are completely trapped under Death Canyon. Are you scared?"

"If you're scared."

"You can hold my hand and I promise to make your heart warm."

Long Yubing blushed and felt a pinch in her heart.

"Whoever wants to hold your hand is so shameless."

Lu Xingye touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't continue speaking.

Night has fallen now.

They began to camp where they were.


It's still early now, probably a little after 5pm, and it's still very bright.

Lu Xingye could continue exploring for a while.

But based on the bastard principle, it’s a matter of whether to touch something or not.

Fishing is the highest criterion for his operation.

So Lu Xingye started his fishing mode and directly announced that he would camp where he was.

During this camping trip.

Lu Xingye didn't have any accidents.

The poisonous snake thing didn't happen again.

Lu Xingye set up camp very early.

He lives in this big tent in the middle.

The tent next to it is surrounded by a circle.

Surround Lu Xingye's big tent in the middle.

All the soldiers around were born to protect Lu Xingye.

Protect Lu Xingye properly.

Originally, Lu Xingye thought it was an ordinary night with nothing happening.

What he never expected was that when he was about to go to bed, an accident happened.

Long Yubian got into his tent.

Death is in vain.

Won't leave.


"I asked you to feel a little ashamed."

"This is the boys' tent. Do you have the nerve to sneak in so shamelessly? If you really think the boys' tent is warmer, I can give you this big tent, and then I'll sleep in your small tent."

Lu Xingye was speechless.

Although he really wanted to lie on the same bed with Long Yubing, that didn't mean he liked lying in the same tent with Long Yubing.

After all, there is a difference between getting into bed and getting into a tent.

Lu Xingye thought briefly.

If you can't get into bed, it's more convenient to sleep alone. He always felt weird when there was an extra woman in his room.


Long Yubing had no intention of leaving.

Not only did the other party not want to leave.


Instead, he got closer to Lu Xingye.

"Hey, you don't even understand what I'm talking to you, right?"

Lu Xingye patted Long Yubing's hand gently, with a look of disgust on his face.

At this time, Long Yubing didn't mind at all.

Instead, he turned around and smiled at Lu Xingye.


"Please forgive me for my difficulty in complying with your request."

"Since I am your personal bodyguard, I should protect you personally. This is an extraordinary moment and any accident may happen, so I must protect you every step of the way."

Long Yubing looked at Lu Xingye and smiled softly.

Lu Xingye was a little helpless.

Immediately I seemed to think of something.

Suddenly he turned his head and looked at Long Yubing with a wicked smile.

"Then do you know what will happen if you sleep in the same tent as me?"

"Everyone says that if a boy is with a girl, if the boy doesn't do something, he is a beast."

"But if that boy does something, he will be worse than a beast."

"You said I'm a beast..."

"Is it still a beast, or is it worse than a beast?"

Lu Xingye's words full of evil smile shocked Long Yubing.

He was really a little afraid of Lu Xingye.

If it were before, he would definitely not be afraid of Lu Xingye.

Because in the past, Lu Xingye was just a piece of cake, and he simply turned a blind eye to girls' advances. Even if the girl asked him to do something, Lu Xingye would not do anything.

Lu Xingye used to be emotionally indifferent.

That's it.

Like wood.

He doesn't understand what love is at all.

But things are different now.

Lu Xingye has taken the Shenlong gene, and his body is full of Shenlong personality.

The dragon is obscene.

Now that Lu Xingye said such words, Long Yubing really couldn't guarantee whether something else would happen again.

"Commander, let me tell you, don't mess around. I am your personal bodyguard, not your girlfriend. You must not do anything extraordinary, otherwise I will call the police."

Long Yubing's heart was beating so hard that she couldn't help but take a step back, looking at Lu Xingye warily.

But Long Yubing felt like she was welcoming but refusing.


Little did I know.

This made Lu Xingye want to tease him even more.

After being with Long Yubing for so long, this was the first time he saw Long Yubing looking so cute.

"Then you call the police."

"Let me tell you, the whole world belongs to me now. Even if you call the police, it will be useless. If you say something unpleasant, no one will come to save you even if you scream until your throat is broken."

"Besides, let's take a step back."

"It's not that I took the initiative to find you, but that you came to my tent on your own initiative."

"You brought it to your door yourself."

"Although you have already arrived at my door, if I don't do something, wouldn't I be very sorry for your initiative???"

After saying that.

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