Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 434

Lu Xingye smiled softly at Long Yubing again and looked at him with aggressive eyes.

Long Yubing: "I'm telling you, don't mess around."

Lu Xingye: "I can't say for sure! After all, I already have that irritable factor in my body. No one knows if I will be irritable for you."

342. The last elimination method, Lu Xingye personally developed the invisibility cloak

"That's none of my business."

"For your safety, even if you kill me, I won't leave. I don't want to regret holding your body when the time comes."

Long Yubing looked at Lu Xingye and spoke firmly.

That's the kind of woman she is.

You can be very passionate for your lover, and there is no problem in being a moth attracted to a flame.

He could even die for Lu Xingye.

Long Yubing felt that he was in the face of life and death.

A little love between children is nothing.

Even if she loses her innocence because of this, she will never regret it.


Lu Xingye is the person he likes.

Long Yubing can do anything for the person he likes.

In this way, he was begging for nothing in Lu Xingye's tent.

Of course the two slept separately.

Lu Xing slept on the bed at night.

Long Yubing slept on a stool next to the tent.

The stools are pieced together.

It looks a little rough and hard.

It would definitely be very uncomfortable to sleep on it.

But the most important thing for Long Yubing was to keep vigil and protect Lu Xingye's safety. Lest those iron-blooded warriors come over in the middle of the night and kill him.


Lu Xingye was asleep.

Breathing normally produced a snoring sound.

The loud snoring had seriously affected Long Yubing's vigil. Fortunately, she didn't have to sleep, otherwise she would have been sent away directly.

Long Yubing didn't rest or sleep all day.


Long Yubing is fused with Shenlong genes, so she can be a hundred times more energetic even without sleeping.

Didn't sleep all night.

She didn't feel sleepy either.


A biochemical soldier came in from outside the door, carrying two breakfasts, one of which belonged to Lu Xingye.

The other one belongs to Long Yubing.

Lu Xingye and Long Yubing had breakfast together.

Lu Xingye picked up a fried dough stick and took a bite. Then he picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of green vegetables.

Then he spoke leisurely:

"Long Yubing."

"Did anything happen last night?"

"Have they come?:??"

Lu Xingye was most concerned about this issue last night. He didn't even sleep well.

A stealthy guy like the Predator.

Even if he paid a hundred worries, it would not be too much.

"have no idea."""

"I stayed in the tent all night last night and nothing unusual happened."


"It seems that the air fluctuates quite frequently."

"I guess those Predator warriors should be peeping from the side."

Long Yubing paused.

After thinking about it for a moment,


Speak slowly.

This is what she said based on the actual situation.

"It's really troublesome."

"It's very difficult."

Lu Xingye frowned when he heard this.


Will become invisible.

There were only faint fluctuations in the air.

And no other device can detect it, which is really not good news for him.

The enemy is in darkness and we are in the light.

Leave him completely passive.

"What do you think of Hive Lab? Is there any hope of developing this kind of invisibility cloak in a short time, or finding countermeasures????"

Hearing this, Long Yubing shook his head.

"I consulted the Hive Laboratory, but they were completely incompetent."

"Can't do anything? We spent so much money to feed the hive's scientists? They just said there was nothing they could do? This is such a waste!" Lu Xingye was a little angry for a moment.

Except when Suihuo Technology was first established, the scientists in Hive still had a little bit of motivation to fight. But now it is getting worse and worse. In a large institution, the employees, or in other words, the scientists are gradually becoming corrupt.

Everyone comes on time.

Go back after get off work.

Not at all motivated.

how to say?

This is a bit like a state-owned enterprise.

Everyone in the hive has a feeling of avoiding passing cars.

Lu Xingye felt that he needed to replace a group of employees.

Employees who fish in the hive are like borers in a pile of rice. If they are not removed, they will gradually prey on the building of the hive. Over time, the hive will be completely wiped out by these borers.

Not because the only problem that needs to be solved now is how to stay alive with the scientists inside the hive.


"It's not that the scientists in the hive are incompetent, but it's just that it's too difficult to develop an invisibility cloak." Long and Bing were struck by this, and then they met each other, but he felt that he needed to make it clear to Lu Xingye. thing.

He paused and then spoke slowly.

"Based on what I know."

"We just guessed that it was a Predator, with an invisibility cloak or equipment similar to the invisibility cloak, but we don't know what the opponent's invisibility cloak looks like or what principle it is made by, so you just tell the scientists in the hive to let When they try to crack the invisibility cloak, they naturally have no way to get it."

"If you let them force the invisibility cloak, at least provide the principle of the invisibility cloak or the sample of the invisibility cloak to the scientists in the hive, so that they can fully exert their efforts." Long Yubing said lightly.


At this time, Lu Jinye had a different idea than Long Yubing.

Scientific research is scientific research.

No scientific research is simple.

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