Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 435

If it is a simple scientific research task, then what else do they need the scientists in the factory to do?

The reason why he keeps so many stars in the hive is to imagine that they help him develop technology that he cannot have.

Or technology.

If you can wait for others to create a sample of anything first, or know the technology before you can crack or manufacture anything, then what kind of scientist is that?

Just call Shanzhai Home.

Copy other people's products.

That is not called scientific research, and they are not called scientists.

Real scientists conduct research slowly, step by step, from 0 to 1. To create their own technology.

There are no samples of each other casually.

You can also quickly develop similar products or cracking methods through your own ideas.

This is the scientist Lu Xingye wants.

Now the scientists in the hive actually told him that if he didn't get the sample of the invisibility cloak.

In other words, the relevant technology cannot quickly create an invisibility cloak.

In other words, methods of cracking and countermeasures.

He's meowing.

How could Lu Xingye not be angry at this?

If Lu Xingye wasn't standing in the Valley of Death now, he would have wanted to go back to the hive and criticize a group of scientists.


"Or I should establish a very complete assessment KPI system."

Suddenly, Lu Xingye seemed to think of something, grinned slightly, and murmured.

The reason why all the scientists in the hive live so comfortably.

One of the reasons is that the welfare inside the hive is good.

Once a scientist enters the hive and takes up a position, the hive will then be responsible for all aspects of the scientist's life, including but not limited to housing, transportation, and family.

Hive will provide free mobile suites for scientists to live in the hive.

and purchase a vehicle.

To put it simply, once you join Hive, Hive will directly provide you with a car and a house, and the money is still very high, allowing you to achieve financial freedom, lack nothing, worry about nothing, and do research with peace of mind.

This system is not very good.

If everything is given to scientists, they will have no motivation to continue struggling.

I work hard in the laboratory every day.

muddle along.

Lu Sheng also felt that it was necessary to abolish the system of providing cars and houses for future recruitment of scientists.

Then what!

He can then sell cars and houses to these scientists at a discount.

But these scientists still need to pay in installments.

In this way, under the pressure of money, these scientists will work hard.

in this way.

He can stimulate the fighting spirit of those scientists to a certain extent,

There is another reason why those scientists are so obsessed with salted fish.

That is because there is a problem with their assessment system.

In the past, Hive had established positions in order to retain these scientists. Once they came in and became full-time employees, they were basically Hive scientists forever.

This is also the root of their corruption.


A perfect KPI assessment system is very necessary.


"Is there a perfect assessment system? The scientists in the hive are too lazy now, and I want to stimulate their enthusiasm."

Lu Xingye turned his head, turned to the communicator, and spoke slowly to Jarvis. The communicator transmits radio signals to Jarvis who is providing distant logistics support.

Jarvis was silent for a moment after hearing this.

Through big data comparison.

Comparing the global database, some excellent companies, including some wolf companies, gave Jarvis great inspiration.


A brand new KPI assessment system is out.

The content of the system is roughly like this.

Adopt the assessment principle of survival of the fittest.

A few scientists are eliminated on time every quarter.

At the same time, some new scientists were also recruited.

To put it simply, it is the last elimination rule.

Weed out junk scientists every quarter and recruit fresh blood scientists.

This theory also has very detailed working principles, but it’s not like he didn’t list them all one by one.

He planned to package these things and send them directly to Lu Xingye's communicator.

You may have read it a few times and felt that the content was reasonable, and then added some details yourself, so that you can actually implement the plan.

After dealing with the things inside the hive, Lu Xingye felt really relieved.

Things inside the hive are no weaker than they are now.

Although the current Predator poses a certain threat, it will not shake the foundation of the hive, but if there is corruption within the hive, that might happen.

If all the internal scientists are unwilling to make progress and engage in fishing operations every day, then the hive will be like a building, and no matter how big it is, it will collapse one day.

After Lu Xingye finished all this.

Then he continued to place stars on Death Canyon.

Now those invisible Predator warriors are constantly peeking around him.

This made him feel a little uneasy.

If you say you want to attack, then attack. Attack early. No matter whether you succeed or fail, don't make others feel annoyed like this.

Lu Xingye was prepared for total failure.

Although the biochemical warriors he created were very powerful, they were still too passive in the face of these invisible predators.

No matter how strong the biochemical warrior is.

But there is no use for it.

Because the Predator is invisible, the presence of the Predator cannot be observed with any equipment.

This has always been the flaw of biochemical soldiers.

Lu Xingye also knew this.

So he was prepared for the worst.

The worst-case scenario is a total defeat of the biochemical soldiers.

He only died in this secret operation.


This is the worst case scenario.

There is also a very high chance that this will not happen.

Even if it had happened, Lu Xingye would not be afraid of anyone, because he had already deployed the ultimate defensive weapon in the hive time.

---Time Machine.

Once something unexpected happens to him, the time machine will restart, and time and space will send him back to the safest historical time.

Let everything start again.

Because of the existence of the time machine, Lu Xingye didn't worry much about accidents.

After eating breakfast, Lu Xingye walked out of the tent.

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