Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 436

I glanced at the beautiful sunshine outside.

Take a sudden breath of fresh air, open your hands, and embrace the blue sky.

The air in Death Canyon is full of spiritual energy.

Let every breath he takes be filled with refreshment.

Lu Xingye walked around the tent and breathed in the fresh air around him. Suddenly I felt that I could no longer sit here and wait for death.

He had to do something to counter the Predator.

Since the scientists in the hive cannot develop humanoid cloaks or countermeasures.

Then he would do it himself.

It had been too long since he had done scientific research, and Lu Xingye had almost forgotten that he was still a mysterious and great scientist.

He presided over many scientific research activities in the Hive.

so what……

Just because the scientists in the hive couldn't develop an invisibility cloak, it didn't mean that he couldn't develop an invisibility cloak either.

If he can ask the invisible cloaked man to come out or create countermeasures, then he can turn passivity into initiative in this contest with the gods warriors.

Although he took out some of the biochemical soldiers from the side.

Let him go deep into the Canyon of Death and give himself experimental equipment.

Because Lu Xingye already knew that the Predator would not take action for the time being.

So he is not nervous at all now.

The Predator hopes that he can explore the Death Valley and discover something from the historical myths of Kyushu.

Lu Xingye was also using the Predator.

He took advantage of the gap between these soldiers who had not yet started their wages to seize the time to develop invisible screens and preventive measures.

Once he successfully developed the invisibility cloak.

That's when Lu Xingye started to fight back.

Lu Xingye had already planned it.

If he develops an invisibility cloak.

Then put on your own biochemical soldier with an invisibility cloak and fight against those Predator warriors for 300 rounds.

Both sides are invisible anyway.

He didn't believe that his biochemical soldiers could not defeat the Predator.

If possible, he hoped to capture a Predator and return it to his laboratory.

Because this alien creature is very helpful to his laboratory.

343. Successfully developed invisibility cloak countermeasures

Lu Xingye has been paddling in Death Canyon these days.

In this way, the support troops from outside successfully walked in.

Lu Xingye's biochemical team expanded again.

It is now a biochemical team of 300 people.

And every member of the team has taken Shenlong's genes.

Everyone's physique is terrifyingly tough.


Several of them took the complete version of the Shenlong gene.

It can basically tear the robot into pieces with your hands.

Very scary.

But this time the biochemical team was of no help to the Predator.

Because the other party is invisible.

No matter how strong his biochemical team is, they can't do anything at all.


Crowds of people can make people brave.

Ben Lu Xingye was still scared, facing this group of invisible predators.

Don't know what to do at all.

And there are very few teams that I bring into Death Canyon.

I simply don't have the ability to do what I want to do.

To put it simply.

That was because Lu Xingye felt insecure.

But now.

Everyone within a radius of ten miles belongs to him.

The sense of security in my heart is overwhelming.


Although the Predator is completely invisible, some instruments cannot detect it at all. But they are all biochemical soldiers who have taken the Shenlong gene.

He has already become a non-human being.

Even those Predators can become invisible.

But if those predators are too close to the biochemical soldiers, these biochemical soldiers will still feel something.

Because no matter how strong the Predator is.

No matter how powerful the invisibility cloak is, it can block all instrument detection.

But this doesn't mean.

The Predator can mask the fluctuations in the surrounding air.

On Blue Star.

In the atmosphere.

All people will exist in the atmosphere.

The movement of the atmosphere follows certain rules, moving forward, moving backward, moving left, moving right...

blown by the wind...

Everything is blown by the wind normally.


If it were natural evolution, there would be certain rules.

Ordinary people can feel it as soon as they feel it.

But if a person appears in the atmosphere and interferes with the fluctuations of the atmosphere, then the air flow will become abnormal.

Ordinary people may not be able to sense it.

But the biochemical soldiers who have taken the Shenlong gene can feel it.

Now Lu Xingye has ordered all the biochemical soldiers to line up at a certain distance.

in this way.

It can prevent those secret predators from sneaking in.


Lu Xingye also got his own experimental equipment.

The experimental equipment is very complete, which is basically equivalent to moving a one-hour laboratory here.

After getting these experimental equipment.

Lu Xingye began to conduct his own research.

First he began to analyze the principles of the invisibility cloak.

Take one step at a time and start researching the invisibility cloak from 0 to 1.

If you need to create an invisibility cloak, or develop countermeasures to the invisibility cloak.

Then the principle of the invisibility cloak must be developed first.

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