Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 437

If you don’t understand the principle of the invisibility cloak.

Then there is no way to continue this research.

This is why scientists inside the hive say that this is why research is so difficult.

But some things don’t give up research just because they are difficult. Sometimes it is just because it is difficult that we have to study harder so that we can get real results.

This period of time.

Lu Xingye paddled in Death Canyon every day.

Those who explore the mythical stories of Kyushu in the palm of their hand during the day and keep it secret at night only have the principles and countermeasures of the invisibility cloak.

Lu Xingye basically didn't need to rest.

He only squinted a little at noon.

Working day and night.

Basically it can be said to be 24 hours a day.

About a week passed.

Not to mention, Lu Xingye really researched something.

At least he knows how to make an invisibility cloak, or a general idea.

If you know that someone has a cloak, then there are countermeasures for the invisible cloak, which is equivalent to a mature idea.

As everyone knows.

The biggest drawback of the invisibility cloak right now is that. The person using it causes air fluctuations around them.

If such a machine is developed.

It can detect spatial fluctuations.

That basically gives us the countermeasures to the invisibility cloak.

But there's another problem.

It is not difficult to detect the air flow in the atmosphere, but it is very difficult to distinguish among so many atmospheric air fluctuations which fluctuations are caused by the Predator.

It can even be said to be a hell level difficulty.

This is also easy to understand.

If the air fluctuations were compared to the sound of a playground.

Then the sound made by the Predator is the most inconspicuous sound in the martial arts playground.

See if you can make a tape recorder.

The recorder can record all the sounds in the playground.

But the difficulty lies in how you can distinguish the voice of the Predator among all the sounds recorded by the recorder.

The playground is packed with people, and everyone makes their own voice.

This gets very noisy.

It will even cover up the sounds made by the unlocked warriors.

That's the difficulty.

Lu Xingye's current distress lies in this.

He has developed a very deep air fluctuation detection device, but there is no way to detect the fluctuations of the Predator from the numerous spatial fluctuations.

Lu Xingye conducted countless experiments.

But all failed.

Later he tried to establish a model of natural air fluctuations.

Through big data, all air fluctuations in nature are summarized and sorted out.

Build a big data model.

The air fluctuations detected from the environment are then added to the air fluctuation model for comparison.

If it conforms to the laws of natural air fluctuations, it is normal air fluctuations.

If it does not conform to the natural air fluctuation model, it is caused by the Predator or man-made space fluctuations.

in this way.

The location of the Predator can be detected to a certain extent.

But later through experiments, Lu Xingye found that the accuracy was far from enough.

most of the time.

Air fluctuation detection devices are giving false alarms.

Either abnormal air fluctuations are detected, but they are actually normal, or such abnormal fluctuations are misreported as normal fluctuations.

This made Lu Xingye very distressed.


Because he knew he didn't have much time.

Although the water warriors in the darkness have not yet taken action, they will one day do so.

They couldn't wait forever.

If they paddle in Death Canyon day after day and don't discover anything useful from Death Canyon, then they will definitely take action in advance.

So now Lu Xingye is very irritable.

In addition to paddling outside and acting every day, he basically spends his time in the laboratory every day.

I hope that the invisibility cloak or countermeasures can be developed one day soon.

That night.

Lu Xingye was doing experiments in the laboratory.

In other words, it shouldn’t be called a laboratory.

It should be called a tent.

He just built a crude experimental equipment in the tent.

You can just do experiments in the tent.

Lu Xingye was doing experiments in the tent. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the tent. The knocks were very regular, three long and one short.

This was Lu Xingye's agreed code word for knocking on the door.

He arranged space fluctuation detection devices inside and outside the tent.

If the knock code is not used.

He will treat anyone who knocks on the door as an enemy.

Use powerful weapons to destroy the opponent.

The reason why the defense measures are so strict.

that is because……

These are extraordinary times. There are aliens around who are watching eagerly and peeking at me from time to time.

The most important thing is that aliens can become invisible.

This made Lu Xingye very passive.

So he made the defensive measures so strict as a last resort.

"Please come in." After confirming that the person knocking on the door was his, Lu Xingye put down the experimental work in his hands and spoke calmly.

The person who came in from the door was Long Yubing.

Lu Xingye's personal bodyguard.

Long Yubing was wearing a tight black leather jacket.

The black leather jacket outlines the S-shaped curve of the body.

Because of long-term exercise, Long Yubing's health is very good.

If you know a girl who works out regularly.

Then you know.

That girl has a really great figure.

The more I watch it, the more I want to see it.

The body is also perfect.

The kind that is endlessly memorable.

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