Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 438

The taste is not enough to explain to outsiders.

Lu Xingye widened his eyes, glanced at Long Yubing, and then spoke slowly.

" look really good dressed like this."



"Why did you come in?" Lu Xingye was quite surprised.

Long Yubing walked in and glanced at Lu Xingye.



Slowly sit on the sofa and put your legs together.

Cross your legs.

He turned around, looked at Lu Xingye, and spoke with some urgency:

"Those alien activities are becoming more frequent."

"I felt two abnormal air fluctuations among the biochemical soldier sentries I deployed just now. They should be the Predator guys."

Long Yubing opened his mouth.

"I guess they are impatient."


"It's very possible that if there are no new discoveries in our recent exploration, it's very likely that they will be impatient."

Long Yubing slowly... spoke.

Lu Xingye had expected it.


The Predator will definitely take action.


I don't want to.


Sooner or later there will be such a day.


Although this day will come sooner or later, Lu Xingye can think of ways to postpone this day as late as possible.

in this way.

He will have more time to prepare.

That day!

Lu Xingye went to Death Canyon and walked around for a whole day.

In several magical mountains,

Several caves were dug.

Pretending to be from...

Pretended to find something from inside, and then made some other signs from inside.

Pretend to continue exploring here tomorrow.

He looked like he had gained a lot.

Lu Xingye believed that after this performance, the Predator would calm down for a while.

after all.

He has already made some achievements.

The Predator mistakenly thought he had found the miracle of mythology.

in this way.

They won't attack so fast.

After a while.

Lu Xingye returned to the tent.

Start doing your own experiments.

The pace of experimentation is about to accelerate, and now the enemy has begun to act.

Lu Xingye still started the experimental measures just now.

It's just that he made nature's air fluctuation model more precise and refined. List every natural spatial fluctuation, and summarize the generated rules into a big data model.

Then improve the accuracy of spatial fluctuation detection.

Keep narrowing the scope.

in this way.

Only then can real leading measures be developed.

Probably another two or three days passed.

Amid a huge cheer, Lu Xingye finally developed a real countermeasure.

Or it can be called a super-precision spatial fluctuation detection device.

Abbreviation: spatial fluctuation detection device.

Long Yubing stood in the laboratory and couldn't help but applaud Lu Xingye, her eyes looking forward to it. Although he is just a rough guy, he doesn't understand what scientific research is, nor does he know how difficult it is to create this space fluctuation device.

But he thinks Lu Xingye is pretty awesome.


So many scientists in the hive.

None of them can develop a space wave device.

They even announced the death of the project without even starting research.

It was Lu Xingye who was not afraid of difficulties.

One person stayed in the laboratory for more than 10 days.

Only then did the spatial fluctuation device be researched.

"Commander, you are so awesome."

Long Yubing jumped up happily and circled around Lu Xingye.


She is like a child.


Based on Lu Xingye’s past experiences.

He knew that Long Yubing's reaction had now been restrained.

Long Yubing once encountered something happy before.

Everyone jumped so high with joy.

His legs tightly wrapped around his lower body like an octagonal fish.

This is Long Yubing's true style.

"I'm afraid it's too early for you to be happy now."

"I have developed the spatial fluctuation device a long time ago. However, the probability of false alarms is too high, so it has never been applied in practice."

"I was threatened by the Predator later, and a sudden inspiration came to my mind. I could only modify the space fluctuation device according to a new idea."

"Then what!"

"The progress of this new space fluctuation device has been improved, and the probability of false alarms should be relatively low. In addition to being able to detect areas of abnormal space fluctuations, it can also mark the approximate range of the enemy on the radar."

"in this way."

"It is more convenient for them to implement remote automated strikes."

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