Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 451

The Predator is no longer a fear.

But panic.

The body keeps shaking.

There was even a look of mercy in his eyes.

Damn it.

How ugly is this!

Lu Xingye laughed dryly and covered his mouth silently.

beg for mercy:? ? ?

Is it useful to beg for mercy now? ? ?

If you had known that you would beg for mercy, why would you invade our home star? Since you choose to invade our home star, you must choose to bear the consequences of all this.

Lu Xingye sneered.

Immediately, not only did it not stop quantum cutting, but it increased the power of quantum cutting.

Quantum cutting keeps cutting inward.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

Cutting cracks enlarge with traces visible to the naked eye.

But this kind of cutting is very precise.

Not only is the cutting speed very fast, but the aliens inside are not cut at all.

And just cut the alien shell.

The aliens were quickly cut out.

A crack came out that could accommodate a person entering and exiting.

at this time……

Lu Xingye smiled faintly.

He spoke excitedly to the screen:

"Dear viewers, now that I have cut off the shell of the Predator, you can follow me and see the ugly face of the Predator."

Lu Xingye smiled slightly.

Then control the robotic arm,

Enter the experimental room.

This thing... caused the Predator to howl.

But there is no way around it.

It was absolutely impossible for Lu Xingye to do it himself.


How about dealing with alien monsters like the Predator!

You can never be too careful.

Only use remote robotic arms for experiments.

Anyway, it was impossible for Lu Xingye to do it himself.

As the mechanical arm entered, the Predator howled and said words that Lu Xingye didn't understand.


How could Lu Xingye let him go?

Instead, he accelerated the mechanical arm and came to the front of the Predator.

Then what!

Directly and roughly peel off the shell of the Predator.

In an instant, the ugly appearance of the Predator appeared in front of him.

It was an all-black monster.

The monster looks very ugly.

It was an unsightly monster.

It doesn't look like human aesthetics at all. It's the kind that looks very ugly no matter how you look at it.

Lu Xingye didn't think the other party was good-looking at all.

The same is:

Everyone thinks this way now.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this ugly monster, everyone let out an incomprehensible scream.


"This is so ugly."

"I never thought that aliens could be so ugly. Damn... this is the first time I have seen such an ugly monster."

"It simply refreshed my understanding."

"too ugly."


"I feel like my eyes are polluted. I have never seen anything ugly in my life."

"This is too ugly."

"It's so ugly."


"It's so ugly."

"Polluted my eyes ten 1. +10086..."

As the audience in the live broadcast room was complaining, Lu Xingye had already asked the linguistic experts from Hive Lab to come over.

Linguistics expert…

Linguistic experts do not specifically refer to linguistic experts on the home planet, but refer to linguistic experts who specialize in deep space.

Since its establishment, Hive has established a deep space detection department and a deep space research department.

It contains everything about deep space, including the deep space technology research and development department, the deep space navigation department, the alien research department, and the alien command center.

and now the Alien Language Research Unit.

This time Lu Xingye called all the linguistics research scientists of the Hive, and they deciphered the Predator's language on the spot.


Ever since Lu Xingye took over the Predator, they began to decipher the Predator's language system.

The deciphering work has now been completed to the point of 80%.

That means you can probably understand what the Predator is doing.

The reason why the Predator is being assigned to decipher now is to prepare to advance the deciphering work to 90%.

As long as the alien's language system is successfully deciphered, Lu Xingye will be able to understand the Predator and even communicate directly with the Predator.

With this thing.

It can be said that this is his first contact with alien civilization.

The on-site deciphering work was very successful.

Linguistic scientists soon got to 90 percent deciphering.

The linguistic expert understood the Predator's words directly.

Lu Xingye said directly: "Help me see what the Predator is talking about."

Linguists understand.

Immediately translated the words of the Predator.

"Reply Commander."

"The Predator is begging for mercy, asking you to let him go. He can tell you some alien secrets."

The faint voice of the linguistics expert came over.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye spoke calmly again.

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