Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 452

"Tell me that alien creature. I can give him a way to live, but the secret he tells me must be valuable. Otherwise, I will make his life worse than death."

The linguistic expert nodded slightly.

Then he translated Lu Xingye's voice.

After hearing this, the Predator let out two strange screams, which seemed to be conveying some message. But Lu Xingye didn't understand, so he looked at the Predator with doubt.

It seems to ask again, what on earth is the Predator talking about.


Linguistics experts specialize in the study of language, otherwise they would not be sure whether they could understand what Lu Xingye said.

Immediately afterwards.

The linguistic expert communicated with the Predator again.

Immediately the translated language was translated again.

"Report to Commander."

"That monster asked me to tell you that once he tells you the alien's secret, you must protect him."

"Because if the Predator tells you that secret, it will be equivalent to directly betraying his own race. At that time, he will be hunted down by all the Predators."

Lu Xingye hesitated for a second: "Tell him. There is no problem in ensuring his safety, but the information must be useful."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

The Predator then asked many questions to the linguistic expert.

Linguistic experts have translated them one by one.

Then what!

Because the translation between the two was too troublesome, linguistic experts simply called the main server in the laboratory and made a series of adjustments.


Then a line of super translation platforms was formed.


To be more precise.

It should be a software.

Third-party translation software.

The software is synchronized in real time.

Can! …

Directly translate the words of the Predator and Lu Xingye to each other simultaneously.

This way, it's a lot more convenient.

Because the middle link of Predator is eliminated.

Lu Xingye waited for a moment, and the alien finally gave in and slowly passed on the secret.


The translation machine also simultaneously transmitted the words of the Predator.

At this moment.

"Report to Commander."

"The aliens said this:"

"The Predator has sent the location of Blue Star back to their home planet. In about a month, the warships from their home star will arrive at Blue Star and then launch a saturation attack on Blue Star."

"Destroy everything on Blue Star."

"Then take over Blue Star and rebuild."

Upon hearing the news, Lu Xingye's heart suddenly thumped.

What he worried about most happened.

The Predator has already sent Blue Star's position back, so Blue Star is in danger.

Facing the coming alien warships, what should we do?

349. The aliens are all following tricks, retreat, retreat…

Lu Xingye: "What are the specific details? Please tell me accurately."

Predator: "I'm just a low-level soldier. I don't know anything about the specific combat plan."

When Lu Xingye heard this, he frowned and said with an ugly expression: "In other know nothing??? People who know nothing usually have grass growing on their graves."

For a while.

The Predator was confused for a moment, not quite understanding what Lu Xingye meant.

Although the simultaneous translation work has now reached 90%.


What now……

Some of Blue Star's local dialects are still not very intelligent when translated through a translator.

The translator cannot translate accurately.


The philology expert next to him knew about this embarrassment.


Without Lu Xingye's instructions, he started the translation and supplementary work directly. Only after the linguistic experts translated it simultaneously did the aliens finally understand.

What's inside...

The Predator shrugged his neck.

His face was full of horror.

That ugly head kept shaking.

Looking very scared.

At the same time, this also proves from one side that this is all the Predator knows.

There was nothing else inside.


Lu Xingye didn't pay much attention to this issue.

It is normal for an alien soldier not to know the specific battle plan.


Everything should be dialectically demonstrated.

It is normal for the alien soldiers not to know the specific battle plan.

But ask the other way around.

An alien soldier knows such an important battle plan.

Is this normal?

This is very abnormal.

Why would an alien soldier know the battle plan?

The alien mothership will come to Blue Star and launch a saturation attack on Blue Star. Is this normal?

Is this something the alien soldiers know? ? ?

This kind of thing is only known to at least the captain level, right? ? ?

Think along these lines.

So you can't believe everything that the little tech soldier in front of you says.

To put it simply:

What the aliens said is not credible.

This made Lu Xingye feel very depressed.

If you look at it this way.

So what!

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