Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 453

It shows that this is also a trap.

An alien prepares to attack the trap in front of Blue Star.


How could an alien betray his own race?

The Predator would not betray his own race even if he died, which made Lu Xingye very frightened.

What kind of alien race is this?

The cohesion can actually reach this level.

Lu Xingye was very scared in his heart.

What he fears most is meeting that kind of race where the whole clan is united as one.

Because... this kind of united race is very difficult to chew.

He remembered that the backward Kyushu was like this, defeating foreigners.

This is a bloody lesson.


Now the alien race invasion is imminent.

The aliens also chose to continue setting traps for themselves.

This is really terrible.

Moreover, the technology of the Predator is very high.

If you think about it this way, then we were in Death Canyon last time. The blue blood shed by the Predator must also be a trap left by the Predator.


Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, why do aliens set traps for him every day?

Traps are a way of playing with the weak defeating the strong.

Traps are generally used when encountering powerful enemies or equal enemies.

Why do the Predators keep setting traps for me lately?

What is the reason? ? ?

You really think highly of me.

Lu Xingye murmured.

Immediately afterwards.

Another question came to his mind.

If the Predator has set traps for himself these times, then why?

And why is it such a coincidence every time?


They accidentally discovered air fluctuations, and the result...

Beat the Predator to the point where his blood is reduced...

Blue blood kept flowing out.

Is this also a deliberately arranged trap?

Arranged in advance?

Or maybe after being discovered, the Predators made improvised efforts and then set up a trap under the command of the headquarters.

Same thing the second time.

It was obviously Lu Xingye who took the initiative and captured ten aliens alive.

Oh shit.

It was obviously Lu Xingye's side who took the initiative.

How did it become a trap for the Predator?

coincide::? ? ? ,

still? ? ?

Anyway, Lu Xingye thought these two things were very strange.


Can't seem to figure it out.

I can’t figure it out…

After thinking for a while, Lu Xingye finally came to a more reliable inference.

That is a habit that the Predator will have.

When killed or captured.

They will actively turn into traps.

This is enough to illustrate the strong internal cohesion of the Predator.

Lu Xingye: "Then do you know anything else?"

At this time, the translation platform translated Lu Xingye's words to the Predator. The Predator quickly shook his head after hearing this, saying he didn't know at all.

At this moment.

Lu Xingye was immediately sure of one point.

That's what this Predator said, and it should be a lie.

Because how can it be possible to only know the battle plan.

Then nothing else is known.

It’s so fake.

It's simply not possible.

At this time, Lu Xingye asked calmly:

"Then what is your purpose of chasing me???"

The Predator shook his head.

Lu Xingye: "Then tell me where your stronghold is? That is where you come from."

"Don't tell me, I shook my head this time too. Because you definitely know about this problem."


If the Predator didn't know where the stronghold was, how did they get here? ? ? ?

There will definitely be a stronghold between them.

It was exactly as Lu Xingye expected.

This time the Predator didn't shake his head after hearing this and motioned to Lu Xingye to bring out a map.

Lu Xingye was not polite to the Predator either.

Just hand over a tablet.

Of course the tablet's network capabilities are faulty.

That is to say:

It is impossible for the Predator to communicate remotely through this tablet.


Although the tablet's network communication function is faulty, this has been hidden by Hive engineers.

The Predator won't find out.

If the Predator communicates via a tablet, the tablet will also display the message "send successfully".

Then this tablet computer will record everything the Predator does.

To put it simply:

The tablet computer has a storage function and will record everything that happened to the Predator.

Fans in the live broadcast room are looking forward to it.

Looking straight ahead.

Fans were still confused after hearing what the Predator said, so they thought the appearance meant that what he said was true. Everyone was very scared. After all, in a month, an army of Predator soldiers would arrive at their mother and attack them. No one knew whether his mother could withstand this wave of attacks.

Therefore, what the Predator said to them made them very panic. If it weren't for the strong spiritual support of Lu Xingye, their hearts would have collapsed long ago.

Now countless fans are really scared and angry all at once.

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