Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 468

It doesn’t matter if you refuse, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t refuse.

A dilemma.

355. Prepare to enter deep space and develop resource stars.

After returning to the hive.

Lu Xingye went directly back to the laboratory, and Zhu Xiaonong also returned to her office.


After Zhu Xiaonong returned to the office.

For a moment, I felt a little uneasy.

I had no intention of starting work at all, and kept thinking about the scene during the day.

The scene where Lu Xingye tyrannically snatched the bride.

"That's right."

"She's my girlfriend."

It was said domineeringly and full of contagion.

In an instant, Zhu Xiaonong's defenses were broken.

This is really manly!

Sitting on the desk, Zhu Xiaonong turned on the computer, looking at the computer with no intention of working.

Originally at this time.

She should plan Lu Xingye's related itinerary and tomorrow's nutritious meal.


Now Zhu Xiaonon couldn't concentrate no matter what.

This is really difficult.

The scene with Lu Xingye was all in his mind.

Zhu Xiaonong held his chin in his hands and thought silently:


Is Lu Xingye also thinking about himself silently?

Does the other party also care about you?

Do you have the same idea as yourself?


so annoying……

Now Zhu Xiaonong doesn't know why, but his heart just can't calm down, and he thinks about Lu Xingye from time to time.


This should be called Sichun.

About half an hour later.

Zhu Xiaonong finally couldn't bear it anymore and walked forward quickly, getting faster and faster.

Look at the direction she's heading.

It turned out to be Lu Xingye's laboratory.

Zhu Xiaonong was going to Lu Xingye's laboratory to see what he was doing.

Ask the other person if he really likes you.

If you like yourself, then why have you never told yourself?

If you don't like yourself, then why did you say that just now?

Zhu Xiaonon's thoughts are uncertain now.

Desperate to know an answer.

Originally, Zhu Xiaonong did not have permission to directly reach the 108th floor of the hive, but a moment later, after applying to Lu Xingye, he obtained temporary permission to enter the 108th floor.


Now Zhu Xiaonong can directly reach the 108th floor of the hive.

After taking the elevator to the 108th floor of the Honeycomb.

Arriving in front of Lu Xingye's laboratory.

Look at the four big characters above the laboratory, Deep Space Laboratory.

Zhu Xiaonon felt a little uneasy in his heart for a moment.

I don't know if I should knock on this door.

When she first came here, she was very courageous and eager to ask Lu Xingye and get an answer for herself.

But when she actually came to the front of the hive.

Suddenly I felt that I didn’t have that much courage.

When the truth really comes.

Maybe I really don’t have the courage to face it.


Zhu Xiaonong had no other thoughts in her mind, she just wanted to know an answer.

After a while.

She rang the doorbell anyway.

This thing... must know a real answer. If you don't know the answer, there is no way to solve it.

Ring ring ring…

As the doorbell rings.

Lu Xingye, who was sitting quietly in the laboratory, suddenly frowned. At this time, who will disturb me?

Although Lu Xingye is not doing experiments now, he is!

He was thinking quietly.

When he is thinking, he still doesn't like to be disturbed by others.

Lu Xingye’s main laboratory before was always a scientific and technological invention laboratory.

but now……

Lu Xingye's main laboratory has changed.

It became a deep space laboratory.

Deep space laboratory... As the name suggests, it is a deep space laboratory, a laboratory that conducts experiments on everything in deep space.

The lab's strategy has changed.

It is no longer about researching and inventing some commercial products


Directly study everything in deep space.

Including but not limited to aliens, alien civilizations, alien stars, deep space technology, deep space navigation... and everything.

The next stage of Lu Xingye's plan is to completely enter deep space.

Looking for aliens.


It would be better if there were no alien civilizations on alien planets.

Because he can occupy aliens unscrupulously.


If there were other civilizations on alien planets, he would be happy and unafraid.

Hive's technology is now enough to handle everything.

Even if you take 10,000 steps back.

Even if the alien civilization is more powerful and the hive cannot defeat it, it doesn't matter.

Lu Xingye should adopt a positive attitude to deal with it.

Because every collision with an alien civilization is an opportunity for growth.

Absorb its essence.

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