Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 469

Remove its essence.

That's it.

Your own technology can achieve explosive growth.

Lu Xingye especially liked this.

Lu Xingye had just seen the deep space navigation plan. The Voyager satellite had traveled three and a half light years into deep space and discovered a total of three planets with living resources.

There is also a lifeless resource planet.

Lu Xingye's next plan now is to enter that lifeless resource planet.


In other words, it is destructive development.

In fact, Lu Xingye's original plan was not to enter the deep space realm so quickly.

Because some of the technologies of our hive still have some flaws, or are not perfect enough.

Except this.

There is another very important reason.

That is their home planet, and now there are not many resources. Although some conventional non-renewable resources can still be used for hundreds of years.

But some scarce resources are already running low.


Some can no longer be found.

Especially for institutions like Hive, which are at the forefront of the world, they need to use more scarce resources.

Especially with some resources.

They can't be found on their home planet at all.

Some resources that are not commonly used on the home planet are very commonly used resources here in the hive.

So say it!

For the further development of hive.

Lu Xingye must develop into deep space.


Lu Xingye moved his main laboratory to the deep space laboratory.

He presides over deep space research and other related projects.

Phased results have now been achieved.

Three resource-based discoveries, and one uncivilized resource star.

This took him to a whole new level.

Lu Xingye defined the uncivilized resource star as Alien Planet No. 7.

It is tentatively scheduled to deal with the Predator matter.

Just go into Alien 7 for development.

After the first phase of exploration.

There are a lot of scarce resources on Alien Planet No. 7, and there are no other civilizations.

This is certainly a very low-risk planet.

Well worth his exploration.


What Lu Xingye himself couldn't even imagine.

It’s not that there are no alien civilizations on this alien planet, but that the alien civilizations are hidden too deeply.

He hasn't discovered it yet.

Because of this problem, Hive paid a very high price when developing Alien No. 7.

Lu Xingye shook his head.

Shake the thoughts away from your mind.

Because now there is a little beauty waiting for him!

He opened the door first and let the other party come in to see what was going on.

After Lu Xingye entered the password.

Then he pressed his fingerprint, and the door to the deep space laboratory slowly opened.

"Zhu Xiaonon???"

"Why are you here??:"

Seeing the person coming, Lu Xingye narrowed his eyes, feeling a little surprised.

He never imagined that the visitor would be Zhu Xiaonong.

"There is something. I want to confirm it with you."

Zhu Xiaonong looked at Lu Xingye, his eyes a little evasive, and his face was red, like a girl who was still separated and not yet married.


"Then you come in and sit down. But my laboratory here may be a little messy. Please don't mind."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

Then he guided Zhu Xiaonong in with his fingers. In fact, compared to others, his laboratory was already tidy.

Cleaning robots come and clean every day.


He also has the habit of keeping tidy every day.

So... compared to Lu Xingye, his laboratory really couldn't be considered dirty.

"rest assured."

"I wouldn't mind."

"If I see your messy lab, I'll clean it up for you."

Zhu Xiaonong spoke considerately.

But her eyes were always dodging, as if she didn't dare to look at Lu Xingye, and her face was always red.

This scene looks very cute.

For a while.

Lu Xingye was stunned.

Which beauty is this?

She actually looks so good-looking.

Lu Xingye laughed dryly and looked away.

Now he is considering whether to include Zhu Xiaonong into his family army.

What is a family army?

That was what Lu Xingye had agreed upon, and he had decided on the person who would strive to reach the top with him.

Or is it?

People who stand at the top together.

As for what benefits will be given to Lu Xingye’s family?

The first is:

Potion of Immortality.

Lu Xingye will equip every family member with immortality potion. As long as they become Lu Xingye's family, they will no longer have to suffer the torture of life, old age, illness and death.

The second table is:

Shenlong gene.

As long as they become Lu Xingye's family.

Then he can directly obtain a divine dragon gene and obtain all-round physical improvement.

Especially the combat effectiveness.

The third is:

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