Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 473

The probability of getting tails is zero percent.

It does not match the probability of 50% heads and 50% tails.

To realize this probability.

This can only be achieved when the data sample is large enough.

For example:

Say you flip a coin ten thousand times.

Then the probability of you getting heads is basically the same as the probability of getting tails.

Both are fifty percent.

This is also true for the current use of unmanned spacecraft for exploration.

If the data sample is too small, the 10% probability of the drone returning cannot be achieved.


When Lu Xingye chooses an unmanned spacecraft for alien exploration, he must choose big data samples as much as possible if possible.

in this way,

The possibility of obtaining a return drone becomes increasingly greater.


There is no other way now.

Lu Xingye's hive was in urgent need of development and needed to find some scarce resources. If it is only limited to the home planet, development will stagnate.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with the stagnation of development.

But now!

A big problem has arisen.

There is not just one civilization on the home planet.

In addition to human civilization on the home planet, there is also the mysterious gray fog civilization and the greedy and murderous Predator race.

There is a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

Both civilizations are watching eagerly.

Nowadays, human development cannot be delayed for even a moment.

Because once development stagnates.

Then it will be chased by the other two civilizations.

The war between the three civilizations is not just a fight between the three parties. There is the possibility of making peace, reconciling, giving up... and uniting. I

Encounters between civilizations.

There are only the laws of the dark jungle.

When the two sides meet, either you die or I die.

No other possibility exists.

Except this.

There is an old saying in Kyushu that goes, "Those who are not of my race will have different hearts."

It’s about the untrustworthiness of alien races.

Although when both sides have equal or equal force, they can achieve peaceful coexistence in a short period of time.

But this peaceful coexistence is bound to be short-lived.

Seemingly peaceful on the surface.

In fact, every alien race is thinking about how to destroy humans and then occupy our home planet.

Not my kind.

His heart must be different.


Now Lu Xingye is very hesitant. On one side is the hive, which is short of resources. The development of the hive urgently needs external resources.

On the other side are the threats from two major civilizations.

Humanity is caught in the middle.

If we are not careful, the light of human civilization will be destroyed.

Except this.

And the security of Alien No. 7.

Although it is initially speculated that Alien No. 7 is low-risk, low risk does not mean there is no risk.

If Lu Xingye quickly enters the alien planet.

There is still the possibility of capsizing in the gutter.


Lu Xingye had to be more cautious.

Lu Xingye hesitated for a moment.

He said to Jarvis calmly: "Do you think it is feasible for three hundred unmanned spacecraft to carry out alien exploration???"

"And if we send these unmanned spacecraft to Alien Planet No. 7, how long will it take to return the results? Could you please help us evaluate it."

"With the current situation."

"Our hive cannot wait too long. We must develop the alien planet as soon as possible and obtain new development resources."

"Otherwise...we might have big problems."

357. The drone cluster is out of control and the system is hacked

Upon hearing this, Jarvis made regular assessments based on past data in the Iron Man world.

After various conditions are added and integrated.

A feasible rule was discovered.

If we follow what Lu Xingye said and send an unmanned spacecraft to explore first, then the exploration will take at least half a year, or even longer.

And the success rate is not high.

Probably a moment later.

After comprehensive evaluation, Jarvis came up with an optimal solution.


"I just made a comprehensive assessment based on your situation and came up with an optimal solution."

"I suggest you not conduct unmanned spacecraft exploration."

"Because the success rate is not high, and we don't have time to wait."

"We must carry out the development and exploration of Alien Planet No. 7."

"so what!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether we send an advance force to explore there or not. We can just bring enough force there. Even if there are some anomalies on the alien planet, we can just push back. We won't be afraid of all the hardships."

Jarvis spoke calmly.

After Lu Xingye heard this, he still felt that it made sense. Now that we have decided that Alien No. 7 must be developed, we can just go ahead and develop it.

There is no need to be timid.

Just bring enough force.

No matter what monsters and monsters there are on Alien Planet No. 7, he can push through everything.

This is the strength of Hive.

Little did I know.

It was Lu Xingye's conceited mentality that made him pay a huge price when he first explored the alien planet.

Alien Planet No. 7 is not without intelligent civilization.

Instead, intelligent civilization is hidden underground. In other words, it should be called underground civilization.

Therefore, Lu Xingye has not yet explored it.

So much so that he paid a heavy price later.

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