Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 474


"I will consider your suggestions comprehensively,"

"If there is no other better plan, I will choose to consider your plan."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

After deciding this matter with Jarvis, he asked Jarvis to leave directly.

He continued to study related decisions inside the hive alone.

Time gained quickly.

About three hours later.

Lu Xingye was about to finish his day's work.

The sirens outside suddenly sounded, and the red lights flashed.

"problem occurs."

Lu Xingye frowned.

The beehive alarm has never sounded before. Now that the beehive alarm sounds for the first time, one can imagine how big the problem is.


"Report, what is the problem???"

Lu Xingye spoke hastily, and then walked out of the laboratory, ready to look outside to see what happened.

The results of it

As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard Jarvis's faint electronic synthesized voice coming from the speaker.


"This alarm sound is not from the hive. With our hive's defense measures, no one can attack."

"This siren came from the space port."

"Because the smart alarm system of the space port is connected to our hive. So once there is a problem at the space port, the alarm of our hive will still sound."

Jarvis explained calmly.

In fact, Jarvis was no longer in the hive at this moment. As soon as he heard the alarm, he used the particle transmission device to teleport to the space port.

Now Jarvis is already conducting command work on the spaceport.

The reason why Lu Xingye could hear Jarvis's voice now.

That's because Jarvis is remotely controlling it.

The sound is transmitted through the Internet.


Lu Xingye also knew this situation.



After Lu Xingye heard this situation.

He frowned momentarily.

The space port is the top priority of his next plan!

How could something go wrong now!

If something goes wrong now, it will have a huge impact on his deep space plan.

"what happened???"

"Give me the details."

Lu Xingye spoke coldly, with a hint of anger in his voice. Nowadays, trouble can happen anywhere, but nothing can happen to the spaceport.

Because the spaceport is his entrance into deep space.

This is related to his alien exploration plan No. 7


If something goes wrong at the spaceport.

Then all these plans will be interrupted.

This was not what Lu Xingye wanted.


He must prevent this attack from happening at all costs.

at this time.

Jarvis's calm voice came over.

"It's not immediately clear what happened."

"That's just the current situation."

"All the drone swarms over the space port are out of control. They attack our units regardless of friend or foe."

Jarvis's voice is heard.

Lu Xingye's heart thumped.


The drone is out of control.

For him, this was both the most fatal thing and the most unlikely thing to happen.

The most deadly reasons are:

Eighty percent of the spaceport is drones.

Drones are basically strategic weapons for spaceports,

If all the drones on the spaceport are out of control, it means that the spaceport is not far from being lost.

And there are a lot of drones.

Carrying a lot of highly lethal weapons.

If these drones were allowed to release highly lethal weapons, I'm afraid the entire spaceport would no longer exist.


Fortunately, these are very lethal weapons.

These issues were taken into consideration at the beginning of the design. When releasing lethal weapons, authorization is required before they can be launched.

Otherwise, all that will be fired will be empty bombs.

There was no chance of an explosion.

With this heavy insurance in place.

Lu Xingye felt a lot more relaxed in his heart, but the danger still existed. Because there are many conventional weapons on the drone, they can be launched directly without authorization.

Eighty percent of drones lose control.

This could be fatal for the spaceport.

Lu Xingye's face suddenly turned ugly, and he kept thinking about who was attacking the space port. :

And it was just when he was preparing to carry out the alien plan.

was attacked.

If it is not premeditated.

He wouldn't believe it no matter what.

"Wait me a moment."

"I'll go to the spaceport right away."

Lu Xingye spoke coldly.

No matter who attacks the spaceport, he will make the other party pay the price.

Such an act of terror.

He would never allow it.

At this time, Jarvis's faint voice came from the microphone.

"No way."

"Commander, you can control it remotely from the hive. I can handle it at the space port."

"And all the drones in the space port are out of control now. If you come to the space port, you may be in some danger."

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