Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 485

It is a very comprehensive tool that can directly attack all things on the Internet and can also defend the Internet.

If the enemy does not have the same level of artificial intelligence,

That is simply a myth of the Internet!


Now this Internet myth has a flaw, or flaw.

That is, this intelligent model cannot be broken.

But this smart model also has shortcomings.

Although Jarvis cannot break this intelligent model, Jarvis can break the power system that controls the quantum computer, causing the quantum computer to overload and explode.


Indirectly destroying quantum computers.

This is the difference between artificial intelligence and intelligent models. Artificial intelligence can use other methods to attack indirectly.

However, smart code can only defend passively.

There is no way to support a compromised power system.

But after thinking about it, Lu Xingye smiled happily again.

Although artificial intelligence can indirectly attack the power system.

But I can also install this smart model on the power system!

To put it simply:

That is, Lu Xingye can upgrade the firewall of all the devices in the hive.

Protect all equipment inside the hive.

in this way.

You will no longer be afraid of attacks from other artificial intelligences.

"good idea."

Lu Xingye smiled faintly, and it could be seen that at this time, he was very happy inside.



“As long as you validate the smart model.”

"Except for this."

"I also need your help to evaluate. What if I install this smart model on all the smart devices in the hive???"

“Will that fully prevent artificial intelligence intrusion???”

362. Restart the quantum laboratory, the three pillars of physics

Lu Xingye's question also made Jarvis stunned for a moment and hesitated for several seconds.

Huge algorithms are constantly calculating in the core of Jarvis. If the calculation is completely replaced by this skill model, what is the probability of being invaded by other hackers or artificial intelligence?

About half a minute later.

After extensive calculations and verification, Jarvis finally arrived at the probability of .

If everything inside the hive is replaced by this kind of intelligent model, the probability of being invaded by other artificial intelligence is basically zero.

"Report to Commander."

"I just made some statistics through the big data model. If all the systems inside our hive are equipped with this kind of firewall, our security level will basically be raised to a higher level."

"Basically it cannot be invaded by other things, including artificial intelligence."

Jarvis's words.

Lu Xingye's eyes instantly lit up.

I love hearing this sentence so much.

This is basically the best news Lu Xingye has heard.

Artificial intelligence firewall is available.

At this time.

Lu Xingye turned his head, looked at Wang Mingming, and said excitedly:

"You did a good job this time."


"Scientist Wang Mingming, now you have made a great contribution."

Lu Xingye stretched out his right hand and patted Wang Mingming's shoulder gently, his expression serious.

This was the first time Lu Xingye praised someone so seriously.

A former scientist?

Although Lu Xingye also praised him.

But Wang was the only one who clearly gave advice.

"Wang Mingming, tell me now! If you want anything while I'm happy, just ask for it. As long as I can, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

In fact, Lu Xingye probably knew what Wang Mingming wanted in his heart, but Lu Xingye just wanted the other party to really put it forward.

Something to reward.

Compared with what you have worked hard for,

Things that are often obtained through one's own efforts are more cherished.

At this time, Wang Mingming heard Lu Xingye's words.

I felt a little excited inside.

Seeing that the wish was about to come true, I became increasingly uneasy.

But some things always have to go together.

Something to say.

"Report to Commander."

“I want the quantum lab to go a step further and get the tilt of hive resources.”

Wang Mingming spoke calmly.

He finally knew how to tell this matter, if Lu Xingye could fulfill his wish.

Wang Mingming was satisfied.

Sure enough.

Lu Xingye secretly thought to himself, this is exactly what he imagined.

Wang Mingming is a man of action.

He has long forgotten about fame and fortune, and only wants to pursue further scientific research.

This is different from a fishing scientist like Zhang Mingming.

"I can promise you this."

"With this contribution, the quantum laboratory can really gain a certain amount of resources."

to be honest.

Lu Xingye was also surprised that the quantum laboratory could make such a contribution.

Originally, he thought that quantum technology had basically come to an end.

If you want to get further with technology.

We can only turn to other areas for discovery.

I never expected that the established quantum laboratory would give me such a big surprise.

Not only are there new inventions.

And it helped me a lot.

"Thank you, Commander."

"Thank you, Commander."

Wang Mingming kept thanking him and almost knelt down to give him a discount.

The quantum laboratory is his life. Now that the quantum laboratory can gain resource tilt again, it is equivalent to gaining the opportunity to develop again.

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