Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 486

Quantum laboratories enable rediscoveries.

This is for him.

It's like being reborn.

The quantum laboratory is his life. Now that the quantum laboratory has gained new development, it means that he has also gained new development.

"You're welcome, these are all earned through your hard work."

Lu Xingye waved his hand, but some people didn't take it seriously.

He even turned his head to look at Wang Mingming and said calmly:

"Does your smart model have an accurate name? If there is no name, I will help you pick one."

Wang Mingming shook his head.

This intelligent model, although it is said that he has devoted half his life to it.

But he has never been able to find the real use of his model. To put it simply, he has not found a way to apply this model.

Therefore, Wang always thought that his potential energy model was a failure, so he never took it to heart. It was not until the commander issued a notice that he would develop an artificial intelligence firewall that he thought of his intelligent model, which he had devoted half his life to.

Isn't this just the right thing to take advantage of?

The properties of this intelligent model are similar to the basic properties of the artificial intelligence firewall.

As long as this intelligent model of yours is transformed to a certain extent.

That is a living artificial intelligence firewall.

Only then did Wang Mingming see hope.

But this artificial intelligence model, he has never taken it every time. Now he has returned to the level and given himself a two-hour opportunity to understand and regenerate, which is equivalent to giving himself a brand new life.

Wang Mingming decided to give the naming money for his intelligent model to Lu Xingye and let Lu Xingye name the artificial intelligence.

"Reporting to Commander, I don't have this smart model yet."

"Now is the right time for you to name this intelligent model."

Wang Mingming's beginning is full of laughter.

Lu Xingye was not polite either. Regardless of his position or contribution to the hive, as the hive's supreme commander, he had the right to control everything.

Not to mention a naming right, if he wanted to, he could even directly execute everything inside the hive and control the power of life and death.

"Let me think about it carefully."

Wang Mingming covered his temples with both hands, then rubbed them and spoke calmly. I don't know since when, he has become accustomed to the action of rubbing his temples with both hands.

He felt that the action of touching his temples with his hands could release his brain and give him more potential. To put it simply, it made it easier for him to think.

After about 10 seconds, Lu Xingye had already figured out the naming method for this intelligent model.

In fact, this is just a simple naming, there is not much emphasis on it, just simple words with meaning.

Lu Xingye even thought of naming this intelligent model artificial intelligence firewall.

But if this is the case, it seems too low.

That's why Lu Xingye gave up the idea of ​​naming it.

Then I thought about it carefully and finally came up with a new name.

"Why don't we just call it the Black Hole Firewall."

"This intelligent model has always been similar, and the effect of making a big move is like a black hole."

"No matter what attack there is outside, he will just disappear."

"This thing is very much like a black hole."

"This black hole firewall couldn't be more appropriate."

Lu Xingye also hesitated for a while, then spoke directly.

However, as soon as his naming method was proposed, Wang Mingming strongly supported it.

“Black hole firewall???”

"Black hole firewall..."

Wang Mingming murmured twice.

After muttering to himself, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

black hole.

The meaning of black hole in interstellar theory is.

A black hole consists of a singularity in the center where a scalar polynomial constructed from the Riemannian curvature tensor diverges, and the surrounding space-time.

According to general relativity, when a dying star collapses, it will collapse toward the center, where it will become a black hole, swallowing all light and any matter in the nearby region of the universe.

To put it simply, it swallows all visible matter.

Even light can be swallowed.

The characteristics of the current intelligent model are also like this.

A means to attack by swallowing everything.

Makes all attacks ineffective.

This characteristic is similar to that of a black hole.

So the name black hole firewall is well deserved.

Let’s put it another way.

Black hole firewall.

The name black hole sounds very domineering.

At first glance, it is different from mainstream firewalls.

It has its own characteristics without losing its dominance.

This is a good name.


"Educated people are really different."

"Good name."

"I just can't think of such a good name. Being educated is different."

"That's the difference between the commander and us."

Wang Mingming spoke calmly and flattered him.

This flattery made Lu Xingye very happy.

Lu Xingye was secretly happy.

It's been a long time since he heard anyone flatter him, especially from a man of action. He felt that he was very awesome.

"Academician Wang Mingming, I made you laugh."

Lu Xingye laughed innocently.

He immediately turned his head and looked at Wang Mingming: "Excuse me, please give me a copy of the source code."

Wang Mingming nodded slightly: "This is true."

"Show the source code right away."

After Wang Mingming finished speaking, the two assistants next to him entered the key directly.

Unleashing the source code of a quantum supercomputer.

this thing……

Once you see the source code, everything becomes much clearer.

For example, Lu Xingye.

At the beginning, Lu Xingye didn't understand this intelligent model, but as the source code emerged, it became clear.

Lu Xingye understood instantly.

It's like an enlightenment.

Everything became clear.

What kind of smart model is this! ? ?

This is just a reuse of quantum entanglement in quantum mechanics.

It’s nothing more than an application of quantum entanglement.

Scientist Wang Mingming has really developed quantum theory to the ceiling.

Quantum theory.


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