Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 487

Statistical Physics.

These three theories are called the three pillars of physics.

Now Hive has basically developed these three physics technologies to the ceiling.

If there are no accidents, it will be difficult to achieve greater breakthroughs.

Lu Xingye drew inspiration from other film technologies.

That's basically it.

If you define the three pillars of physics, or be framed by the three major indices of physics.

Then it will be difficult for physics to develop further.

If you want to achieve a breakthrough, you must neither break nor establish.

Simply abandon the three pillars of physics.

In other words, let the three pillars of physics collapse directly.

Reconstruct new physical laws.

Only in this way can we achieve great breakthroughs.

Except this.

Lu Xingye felt that he must also wake up this guy Wang Mingming.


Lu Xingye was checking the source code of the black hole firewall while talking to Wang Mingming.

At his level. .

There is nothing wrong with multi-threaded communication.


This is just the most basic thing.

"Wang Yangming!!!"

"I have a question that I don't quite understand, and I want to discuss it with you." Lu Xingye was thinking about how to express this question implicitly.

Wang Mingming was startled and replied without thinking: "Commander, you are flattering me. If you don't understand anything or if you have anything to give me, just say it directly."

"As long as I know anything, I'll tell you right away."

at this time.

Lu Xingye also took a rough look at the source code. With his level, he could naturally see that this intelligent model had some minor flaws.

But he didn't say it out loud.

Just ask Jarvis to copy the source code and optimize the source code according to the established plan.


Jarvis is a super artificial intelligence with a very large algorithm.

The intelligent control system inside the hive.

It's all controlled by Jarvis.

It can be said.

Jarvis is the one who knows the hive best.

Lu Xingye was very relieved when he handed over the task to Jarvis.


Jarvis’ computing power has surpassed all supercomputers in the world.

To put it simply.

It's just that Jarvis is fast.

As long as the intelligent model is given to Jarvis, Jarvis will be able to optimize a real black hole firewall in about a minute or two.

as expected.

After Jarvis copied the source code, it took about half a minute to copy the perfect black hole firewall.

"Report to Commander."

"The black hole firewall was successfully developed."

"It worked a lot better than I thought it would."

Jarvis spoke calmly.

"How do you say it?" Lu Xingye shook his head quickly after he finished speaking.

It really doesn’t make much sense to ask this question.

And he doesn't have much time to pay attention to these world problems now.

Now the main thing is to tell him how effective the black hole firewall is, and then just don’t know how to install it.

"How about this."

"Jarvis, please evaluate it for me and tell me what the current black hole firewall is like and whether it is suitable for installation in the entire hive. If it is suitable, you can install it on the entire hive for me. This way we don't have to worry about being manually Intelligence has invaded.”

Lu Xingye also thought about it and spoke calmly.

Immediately afterwards,

Jarvis spoke directly.

"No problem."

"If not, I have the artificial code of the black hole firewall, and I will never be able to break through the black hole firewall. This is really awesome."

"This thing is simply the nemesis of our artificial intelligence."

"No matter who comes, they can't break it."

Jarviston paused and asked again. "My suggestion is to promote the black hole firewall throughout the hive. Or upgrade the firewall of the entire hive."


""Upgrade the firewall for the entire hive? ? ? ""

363. The Predator called and demanded the release of his clan members? ?


"Jarvis, you do the work, I trust you."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

Then he directly asked Jarvis to upgrade the firewall.

And what about himself!

Then he started talking to Wang Mingming directly in the quantum laboratory.

Lu Xingye felt that Wang Mingming was a malleable talent.

Just a little nudge.

The other party can only become the pillar of scientists in the hive.


Lu Xingye hadn't seen such an interesting person for a long time.

He is willing to enlighten the other party.

"How about this."

"Wang Mingming, let's continue the topic just now."

"What do you think of quantum mechanics now??? Do you feel that you have reached the end of quantum theory??"

“Have you seriously considered how to take scientific research in the future???”

Lu Xingye asked bluntly.

When Wang Mingming heard this, his heart suddenly stopped. This thing was really difficult to handle.

What Lu Xingye asked was very sharp.

Ask directly how the quantum laboratory will develop in the future.

This really scared Wang Mingming.

He thought this was Lu Xingye's assessment, and Lu Xingye asked this question just to assess himself.

If the answer is good.

You can get a lot of resources from the hive.

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