Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 489

The universe is based on quantum theory.

Although he has always felt that quantum theory has basically reached a bottleneck stage, he always feels that quantum theory is infinite.

The path of quantum theory can continue.

No matter how difficult it is.

Quantum theory still has a way to go.



But... now some people are telling themselves that quantum theory basically has no way out.

Quantum theory has reached its end.

The impact this had on Wang Mingming can be imagined.


"I don't understand."


You don’t have to understand. # ^_^ #

Lu Xingye laughed dryly: "To put it simply, you have basically reached the ceiling of quantum theory. If you go forward, there is basically no way out. Even if you want to continue to make breakthroughs in the quantum field, it will be very difficult. hard."

“It’s not worth spending a lot of time and money on it.”

"I'm here to suggest to you that there is a brand new field. I wonder if you are interested in learning about it."

Lu Xingye simply made the matter clear.

This kind of thing.

Sometimes, I can’t take care of so much.

When it's time to say it, you should say it directly.

Swish, brush, brush...

After Wang Mingming heard this, his face instantly paled a lot. He was clearly prepared just now, but after hearing Lu Xingye's voice, he was still frightened.

Is quantum theory dead?

Turning to another direction of study? ? ?

This is something Wang Mingming has never thought about.

The quantum realm is his heaven.

The quantum realm is his place.

Heaven and earth are gone?

Want to break new ground? ? ?

Wang Mingming couldn't accept this.

Seeing Wang Mingming's pale face, Lu Xingye laughed dryly.

"How about it???"

"Can't you accept it?"

"If you can't accept it, you can choose to continue developing in the quantum field."

"Do not worry."

"It doesn't matter."

"Just now I promised to give you the resources of the quantum laboratory. I will still give it to you."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

But there was a strong sense of disappointment in his words.

Wang Mingming clearly heard this disappointment and was startled.

He hesitated for a long time.

Finally gritted his teeth and decided.

He decided to give it a try and listen to Lu Xingye's words to see how it went.

after all……

Lu Xingye is the supreme commander in the hive.

Both in terms of knowledge and understanding of the scientific research field, they are much more cutting-edge than me.


"I thought about it carefully just now."

"Any path is fine. As long as it can make a breakthrough in the field of scientific research or help the hive."

Children can be taught.

Lu Xingye laughed dryly.

Originally, he thought that it would be difficult for Wang Mingming to be civilized with such a wooden head.

did not expect.

The other party is actually so open-minded.

As long as you bring it up, the other party will start to try to abandon the quantum realm and enter a new field.

This was something Lu Xingye could never imagine.


This is also a good thing.

As long as the other party can follow their own ideas, that's fine.

Lu Xingye couldn't guarantee that his idea was completely correct, but he could at least guarantee that there wouldn't be too many mistakes in it.

after all? …

There are systematic guidelines.


Lu Xingye has countless science fiction movies as references.

As long as you discern carefully, it's easy to find the right path.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye copied his theory of psychology and some other information to Wang Mingming. He decided to give Wang Mingming a chance if Wang Mingming could understand his research materials.

Let the other party participate in the scientific research work of establishing his new physics system, that is, how to abolish the three pillars of physics and re-establish the system of physics.

After settling all this, Lu Xingye came out of the Quantum Laboratory, and he did not break his promise. The resources he promised to the Quantum Laboratory were all allocated one by one.

Since he came out of the Quantum Laboratory, he ordered Jarvis to give a certain amount of resources to the Quantum Laboratory.

Lu Xingye had just returned to his office when suddenly another unknown call came in. Because his mobile phone had been installed with a black hole firewall, Lu Xingye was not afraid and answered the call directly.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Xinye would not answer unknown calls. After all, there are certain risks in answering unknown calls. In his city, if he answered an unknown call and was attacked by someone who knows how to tell the truth, etc., The loss to him was very great.

Therefore, Lu Xingye generally would not choose to answer calls from other strangers.

But it doesn't matter now, because if the opponent is artificial intelligence.

The black hole firewall is also enough to intercept all the other party's hacking methods.

Lu Xingye directly pressed the answer button. When he answered the call, the magnetic voice came back.


"Which one is it????"

There was silence on the other side of the microphone for a second before the faint voice came over. There was something strange in that faint voice. Lu Xingye thought about it for a long time but could not remember where he had heard such a tone.

"You are Lu Xingye from Beehive, right???"

As the sound of the conversation came over, Lu Xingye listened to it again, and suddenly realized in his heart that he finally knew where he had heard this strange sound.

This is the Predator.

This must be the voice of the Predator.

Lu Xingye was stunned for a few seconds.

Why would the Predator call at this time? ? ?

There are still nine Predator warriors locked up in his laboratory.

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